Re: copying milllions of small files and millions of dirs

2013-08-15 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:13:25AM -0700, aurfalien wrote:
> Is there a faster way to copy files over NFS?

I would use find+cpio. This handles hard links, permissions, and in case 
of later runs, will not copy files if they already exist on the 

# cd /source/dir
# find . | cpio -pvdm /destination/dir

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Re: relay through gmail

2008-02-28 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
"Vu The Cuong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>First declare your [EMAIL PROTECTED] account as an additional
>>account in the Gmail interface.
> How do I declare my [EMAIL PROTECTED] account as an additional
> account in the Gmail interface.

You have not searched in the interface before asking this, have you ?

Settings -> Account -> "Add another email address".

> I think it is not able to create in Gmail with different domain
> something like etc

Yes, it can. Just check the headers of my original reply (not this
one) if you do not believe me.

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Re: relay through gmail

2008-02-28 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
cuongvt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So I want to change so that when recipients received my mails and
> open them, the mail address in "from" of theses mails is
> Is there a way to do that?

First declare your [EMAIL PROTECTED] account as an additional
account in the Gmail interface.

Second, configure postfix to send mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
through gmail smtp server.

In /etc/postfix/

smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_relay
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_relay_auth




[EMAIL PROTECTED]userA:password_of_userA_on_gmail

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FreeBSD NFS server not responding to TCP SYN packets from Linux/SunOS clients

2005-10-04 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI

Our FreeBSD 4.10 NFS server has some problems serving files by NFS on
TCP (no problem with UDP) when the Linux (2.6) or Solaris (5.9)
clients shut down in an unclean manner (power failure). 

When the clients try to mount the shares from the server after an
unclean shutdown, the mount process hang during several minutes (delay
is varying), then succeeds.

I used ethereal on a Linux client, just after an unclean shutdown, and
it looks like the client is sending SYN packets to the 2049 port of
the server, but the server does not respond to this ; the client
retries a few seconds later, and the server still does not acknoledge
it ; and it continues several times, until succeeding.

Here is a trace ; the frames showing the problem are 33-36, when the
client request a SYN to the 2049 port.

No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol Info
 16 0.001774MOUNTV3 MNT 
Call (Reply In 17)
 17 0.001983MOUNTV3 MNT 
Reply (Call In 16)
 18 0.002013TCP  909 > 
805 [ACK] Seq=105 Ack=73 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294748848 TSER=1226883802
 19 0.002233TCP  911 > 
sunrpc [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=4294748848 TSER=0 WS=2
 20 0.002418TCP  sunrpc > 
911 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=57344 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=0 TSV=1226883802 
 21 0.002447TCP  911 > 
sunrpc [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294748848 TSER=1226883802
 22 0.002579Portmap  V2 
GETPORT Call (Reply In 23)
 23 0.002782Portmap  V2 
GETPORT Reply (Call In 22)
 24 0.002807TCP  911 > 
sunrpc [ACK] Seq=61 Ack=33 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294748849 TSER=1226883802
 25 0.002941TCP  911 > 
sunrpc [FIN, ACK] Seq=61 Ack=33 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294748849 TSER=1226883802
 26 0.003042TCP  sunrpc > 
911 [ACK] Seq=33 Ack=62 Win=57920 Len=0 TSV=1226883803 TSER=4294748849
 27 0.003057TCP  sunrpc > 
911 [FIN, ACK] Seq=33 Ack=62 Win=57920 Len=0 TSV=1226883803 TSER=4294748849
 28 0.003105TCP  911 > 
sunrpc [ACK] Seq=62 Ack=34 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294748849 TSER=1226883803
 29 0.003264TCP  909 > 
805 [FIN, ACK] Seq=105 Ack=73 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294748849 TSER=1226883802
 30 0.003417TCP  805 > 
909 [ACK] Seq=73 Ack=106 Win=57920 Len=0 TSV=1226883803 TSER=4294748849
 31 0.003433TCP  805 > 
909 [FIN, ACK] Seq=73 Ack=106 Win=57920 Len=0 TSV=1226883803 TSER=4294748849
 32 0.003480TCP  909 > 
805 [ACK] Seq=106 Ack=74 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294748849 TSER=1226883803
 33 0.003881TCP  798 > 
2049 [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=4294748850 TSER=0 WS=2
 34 3.004094TCP  798 > 
2049 [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=23360 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=4294751850 TSER=0 WS=2
 35 9.003506TCP  798 > 
2049 [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=23360 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=4294757850 TSER=0 WS=2
 36 21.001319   TCP  798 > 
2049 [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=23360 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=4294769850 TSER=0 WS=2

Is there something I can set on the server (sysctl variable perhaps),
to make it accept the SYN packets from the clients ?

As an counter-example, here is a trace when the same Linux client,
after an unclean shutdown, tries to mount a previously (before the
powerfailure) NFS mounted share from a SunOS 5.9 server. The SYN
packet is acknowledged by the server (frames 36-37), so the client
does not hang mounting the share.

No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol Info
 17 0.002257   MOUNTV3 
MNT Call (Reply In 19)
 18 0.002391   TCP  
32785 > 911 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=93 Win=49140 Len=0 TSV=613133117 TSER=4294753259
 19 0.006256   MOUNTV3 
MNT Reply (Call In 17)
 20 0.006280   TCP  911 
> 32785 [ACK] Seq=93 Ack=77 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294753263 TSER=613133117
 21 0.006514   TCP  913 
> sunrpc [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=4294753264 TSER=0 WS=2
 22 0.006670   TCP  
sunrpc > 913 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=49232 Len=0 TSV=613133117 
TSER=4294753264 MSS=1460 WS=0
 23 0.006700   TCP  913 
> sunrpc [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=4294753264 TSER=613133117
 24 0.006838   Portmap  V2 
GETPORT Call (Reply In 26)
 25 0.007020   TCP  
sunrpc > 913 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=61 Win=49172 Len=0 TSV=613133117 TSER=4294753264
 26 0.007452   Portmap  V2 

Re: quotas on 5.3

2004-11-19 Thread Nicolas Kowalski
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, dave wrote:
   I set the check_quota option to no in rc.conf because on boot i did not
want the long delay in startup that quota checks cause.
Is this my issue?
I think so.
About the "long" startup delay, as an example, I have a server (Dell 
2850) which spends less than 2 minutes to check 3 * 73GB SCSI disks. I 
realyy find this acceptable, as this server will not be shutdown 

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Re: quotas on 5.3

2004-11-19 Thread Nicolas Kowalski
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004, dave wrote:
   Got a question on quotas. I've enabled them on /usr and /var filesystems
by adding the userquota option to their options in fstab. This is after i
recompiled my kernel with the QUOTA option in it and rebooted. I then added:
Why did you set this last option to "NO" ?
According to /etc/rc, the quotacheck utility (which creates and updates 
the quota files) will be run only if check_quotas is set to "YES".

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Re: bge network driver not loaded on a HP (Compaq) Proliant DL380G3

2003-03-26 Thread Nicolas Kowalski
David Landgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am in the process of installing FreeBSD 4.7 on an HP Proliant DL380
> G3. At the moment I am blocked by the fact that the kernel does not
> recognise the network card (or rather, does not load the bge driver).

I faced the same problem with a ML370 G3. My ugly workaround was to
plug in this machine another - well recognized - network card. I used
an Intel EtherExpressPro10/100 (fxp) for this.

On 4.8-RC the bge driver works well.



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NFS Problem with SunOS client

2002-10-16 Thread Nicolas Kowalski


I am facing some strangeness from SunOS/sparc clients, mounting users
home directories on a FreeBSD 4.6 server. The client is unable to
mount the remote directory. 

On the server "pave", a tcpdump with the host "geny" gives :
18:19:30.110221 geny.0 > 0 null (DF)
18:19:30.110403 geny.0 > 0 null (DF)
18:19:33.480054 geny.0 > 0 null (DF)
18:19:40.230062 geny.0 > 0 null (DF)
18:19:53.730234 arp who-has (Broadcast) tell geny
18:19:53.730252 arp reply is-at pave
18:19:53.730750 geny.0 > 0 null (DF)
18:20:20.730172 geny.0 > 0 null (DF)

The SunOS client hangs, waiting for the FreeBSD server :

Oct 16 18:18:28 geny nfs: [ID 664466 kern.notice] NFS fsinfo failed for server pave: 
error 5 (RPC: Timed out)
Oct 16 18:18:28 geny automountd[202]: [ID 834250 daemon.error] Mount of 
pave:/export/home/user on /home/user: Connection timed out
Oct 16 18:19:28 geny nfs: [ID 664466 kern.notice] NFS fsinfo failed for server pave: 
error 5 (RPC: Timed out)
Oct 16 18:19:28 geny automountd[202]: [ID 834250 daemon.error] Mount of 
pave:/export/home/user on /home/user: Connection timed out
Oct 16 18:20:30 geny nfs: [ID 664466 kern.notice] NFS fsinfo failed for server pave: 
error 5 (RPC: Timed out)
Oct 16 18:20:30 geny automountd[202]: [ID 834250 daemon.error] Mount of 
pave:/export/home/user on /home/user: Connection timed out

Running snoop on the client gives :

geny -> pave PORTMAP C GETPORT prog=13 (NFS) vers=3 proto=UDP
pave -> geny PORTMAP R GETPORT port=2049
geny -> pave NFS C NULL3
pave -> geny NFS R NULL3 
geny -> pave PORTMAP C GETPORT prog=15 (MOUNT) vers=3 proto=UDP
pave -> geny PORTMAP R GETPORT port=1010
geny -> pave MOUNT3 C Null
pave -> geny MOUNT3 R Null 
geny -> pave MOUNT3 C Mount /export/home/user
pave -> geny MOUNT3 R Mount OK FH=F757 Auth=unix
geny -> pave PORTMAP C GETPORT prog=13 (NFS) vers=3 proto=TCP
pave -> geny PORTMAP R GETPORT port=2049
geny -> pave TCP D=2049 S=1023 Syn Seq=159820072 Len=0 Win=24820 
geny -> pave TCP D=2049 S=1023 Syn Seq=159820072 Len=0 Win=24820 
geny -> pave TCP D=2049 S=1023 Syn Seq=159820072 Len=0 Win=24820 

Any idea to lockout situation ?



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