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2013-08-20 Thread Nomen Nescio
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Re: Why Clang

2012-06-19 Thread Nomen Nescio
 Only facts? Well and good. Do you have any proof GNU is in any way 
 connected to any communist movement?

Yes, see the Gnu Manifesto. Hint: it's named that way for a reason.

 Do you have any facts (NOT living in your head) GPLvX is in any way
 inspired/based on/even remotely connected to/ ANY communist

Yes, see above. Stallman is a self-described atheist Marxist.

 information. So: since you are against GPL means you are communist. 
 Perhaps even stalinist. Period.

No, but that is a good example of a Marxist/Stalinist tactic. Lies, lies,
and more lies. The truth is Stallman is to software what Stalin was to
people. You must do everything according to his will or you will be branded
an enemy of the people. Sick, because in truth Stallman is an enemy of the
people. He's the programming equivalent of a televangelist, making a
religion out of his sick communist ideals and at the expense of honest
people who sell write and sell software. He wants to drive them out of
business but only so he can create more power and fame by making more
groupies. Sick!

 P.S. If needs be I could prove an opposite. And be quite a bit meaner.
 P.P.S. Now PLEASE take any moral/political/religious garbage out of this 
 mailing list to chat, advocacy or any other non-technical forum. 

Morality does have a place in software and everywhere else in life.

 GPL-vs-BSD, Linux-vs-Windows-vs-BSD-vs-whatever else, 
 Christianity-vs-Buddhism and so on does not belong here.

But it is Free BSD so freedom needs to be understood. GPL is wrong, it's
not free and it doesn't belong in FreeBSD.
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Re: Why Clang?

2012-06-18 Thread Nomen Nescio
 clang already compiles the system perfectly well.  I'm using it by
 default for that on my personal machines without problems.  Any
 remaining clang-bugs in the system would be few and far between and
 generally in areas which are quite hard to trigger.
 clang with ports is less well covered.  A lot of ported code is not
 written to the highest quality, nor does it conform to recently (or not
 so recently) published standards.  It's a hard task for any compiler.

I'm sure autotools doesn't help. I ASSume that issue doesn't exist with the
system itself so yeah I would expect gnu's autotools not to get along with
anything but gcc (damn them!) Ports are probably mostly written for Linux
since that is the only operating system that exists as far as they know.

 One point that possibly hasn't been as apparent as it might is that
 FreeBSD adopting clang has had a big effect on clang development, and
 not just the other way round.  We're discovering bugs and getting fixes
 committed upstream pretty effectively.

I'm very grateful for that and I give two thumbs up to FreeBSD for doing so
much to help free us from the Marxist gnu ecosystem. I meant it. I'm
seriously considering ditching my long-time Linux setup for FreeBSD when you
guys make clang the default and build everything with it. I've used FreeBSD
on and off in the past and I'm thinking about switching back.

Thank you, FreeBSD team! Hopefully all the *BSD OS will follow your lead in

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Re: Is this something we (as consumers of FreeBSD) need to be aware of?

2012-06-15 Thread Nomen Nescio
 If you read Fedora's page they were planning to tighten their boot
 sequence to then only boot their approved binary kernels.

Save your old copies of lilo and grub. You're gonna need them if you want to
stay on Intel Mafioso hardware.

 Risk of key revocation later 
   If hardware manufacturer ships new bios or uefi, or user
   upgrades to new UEFI (eg I as a user must upgrade a uefi
   soon as a laptop overheats).  + if MS get away with this
   intrusion, next they'll consider requiring a Call Home

No, this doesn't run on the OS. It runs from UEFI in the BIOS. Internet
connectivity is already part of the UEFI spec. Your box doesn't even to have
to be running. As long as it's plugged in, you're at their beck and call.

Say NO to the WinTel Mafia!
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Re: Possible to run freebsd mips under QEMU???

2012-06-14 Thread Nomen Nescio
Hi is there any update on this? I would like to be able to run FreeBSD MIPS
and I don't have a MIPS box!

You wrote:

 On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:
  The short answer is yes - I've seen this. I've not done it myself
  though, I've just acquired cheap mips hardware.
 I'd currently preference the use of GXemul over the use of QEMU.
 GXemul has a built-in test machine that we support disk, networking
 and SMP on now.  I'll try to take the time to write-up complete
 instructions (I've done it so many times I'd surely leave something
 out if I wrote it up right now) in the next few days, or perhaps
 rwatson will, as I know his lab is using GXemul in that way.  We
 should try to get something on the Wiki for this as soon as possible
 as it's a very easy way to get started with FreeBSD on MIPS, and is
 infinitely-useful for debugging and some kinds of performance testing.
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Re: Is this something we (as consumers of FreeBSD) need to be aware of?

2012-06-10 Thread Nomen Nescio
This is really missing the point. The issue is not open source
vs. proprietary although many people seem to try to steer everything into
that meaningless conflict.

The point is the WinTel Mafia's many years of collusion and screwing over
the customer. Try to buy a commodity PC in any major store and it will come
with Windows, and you have to pay for it. Now the WinTel Mafia got many
companies onboard with their system to lock you out from the box you just
bought. Bad enough it comes with Windows and you had to pay for it, and you
don't even get an install disk. But the WinTel Mafia adds insult to injury
and stops you from installing whatever software you want on it.

What does this have to do with OSS v. proprietary source? Nothing!

It is just about the WinTel Mafia's illegal, abuse trade practices.
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Re: Is this something we (as consumers of FreeBSD) need to be aware of?

2012-06-07 Thread Nomen Nescio
  But my point is that MS doesn't issue the updates, they have to ask the
  BIOS vendors to do so, and then the MB vendors have to take the update,
  and then the users have to install the update. The incentive at each
  level is generally very small. It does create some confusion, but is
  hardly an enforcement mechanism. It would disable older versions of
  FreeBSD on newer hardware, but not much else.

This can be automated. Many mobo manufacturers have software that searches
for new BIOS and flashes it for you. All they have to do is get on board
and make this automatic like Windows Updates. Don't think they haven't
thought this far ahead. I believe some offer this now.

  A previous poster has pointed out that MS can't revoke a certificate
  belonging to RH, but I suppose the could ask the BIOS vendors to treat
  it as revoked. I don't know what the response would be.

MS and Intel are running this. If Verisign is just a trusted 3rd party
(without administrative duties) they can well defer to the Microshaft Mafia
and do as they're told. It wouldn't be the first time. For example, did
everybody already forget the Microshaft Mafias' initiation of the FBI server
raids on the botnet? Many innocent companies and peoples hosting got screwed
during this takeover. But it was all in the name of justice. If we can get
a few Russian hackers then it's well worth damaging your business and
property. We're from Microshaft Mafia and the FBI and we're here to help.

 This is akin to, for example, Sony's race against Homebrewers on the
 good ol' PSP.
 When hackers found a hardware flaw that enabled them to install custom
 firmware, Sony had to release new versions of the consoles with fixed
 The old ones were still exploitable but the new ones weren't.

That is a little different, possibly. For one thing, Sony detected whether
you had the updates they wanted you to install and if you don't have them
installed you can't play on their PlayStation network. For 99.99% of
PlayStation users this is the whole point of buying their console. So if you
don't upgrade all you have is a box for playing local games which most
people don't seem to want to do. 

All the Intel and Microshaft Mafia have to do is a similar thing, and make
your PC or Windows stop working unless you install their updates, or tell
the FBI your PC is possibly infected and part of a Russian botnet etc. and
you won't be allowed on the internet until you upgrade your system to a safe
level to avoid these horrible threats. This idea was floated publicly even
unrelated to so-called secure boot.

Windows activation can check the firmware level and Intel's management BIOS
is connected to the net even when your new PC is shut off (as long as it is
plugged in). If you go along with this they can do whatever you want. You're
submitting to true remote management/control over YOUR hardware and life.

This is the beginning of a lot of bad Big Brother stuff and if people accept
it now they get what they deserve tomorrow.

Say NO to the Intel/Microshaft Mafia. Say NO to Secure boot.

Run MIPS and Alpha hardware if you have to, just DUMP INTEL AND THE
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Re: Is this something we (as consumers of FreeBSD) need to be aware of?

2012-06-07 Thread Nomen Nescio
 Totally off-topic, but I actually used mine to run gameboy and gameboy
 advance emulators ^^'

And I use mine to write PPC code. But Sony's business model wasn't about
software development or doing what you and I are doing. 

  Windows activation can check the firmware level and Intel's management BIOS
  is connected to the net even when your new PC is shut off (as long as it is
  plugged in). If you go along with this they can do whatever you want. You're
  submitting to true remote management/control over YOUR hardware and life.
 Well, I don't know about that... how do you suggest the BIOS gets its IP ?
 The 8-STABLE box that acts as my router is not going to serve one over
 DHCP or BOOTP any time soon.

You seem to be focusing on the .01% cases. The UEFI was specifically
designed to allow TCP/IP from the BIOS with the machine powered off, well
before secure boot was on the table. Just because you can firewall it off
doesn't mean everybody else understands the issues or knows how, because
they don't. For all we know Intel or Microshaft have plenty of DHCP servers
ready for this.

 As for sniffing the network to guess the router + DNS servers, that one
 might be a bit far-fetched.

It's not going to be like Skype and do NAT traversals by itself and find
it's way out of your box. It's just that if you leave your computer plugged
in like everybody in the world does, the BIOS will be able to do whatever
they program it to do, including downloading and flashing BIOS updates and
whatever malware the dreaded Chinese hackers and Russian botnets
create. Microshaft is pretty stupid because every time they create something
secure the Russians or Chinese hack it in a day. I'll be surprised if they
don't crack Verisigns keys and create exploits and this will be a better
attack vector than they ever had because now they can flash your BIOS. All
they could do before was replace your boot sector.

 Seriously you need to stop with the wintel, microshaft, mafia and
 all the stuff.


 However, there are literally thousands of people reading this list and
 just because they do not share your ideals doesn't necessarily make them
 advocates of this so-called mafia, or blind sheep.

Aside from the one ostrich I spanked I don't think they are either.

 Finally, I can't come up with a scenario where my CEO is going to okay
 alpha boxes for our regular web servers and such.
 Our x86 servers run just fine and are roughly 12.000% cheaper.

Yeah but nobody cares about that because they're not talking about doing
this to server boxes. It's home PCs where people are usually not well
informed and are usually defenseless. Try to stay focused on the discussion.

 I can hardly see Dell shipping x86 servers with locked-in Windows
 installs, that just won't do for their business.

Right, so this doesn't apply. Why do you keep bringing it up? Even if it did
apply, who cares? It's not your problem. The target is commodity WinTel
crapware boxes.

 I have to admit I'd love to see it though, I've always wanted us to try
 Cisco or IBM's blade servers in lieu of Dell's.

Intel is bad not just because of UEFI and secure boot. They're bad because
they have conspired many times over the years with Microshaft to create a
monopoly. Everybody should object to that.

Say NO to the WinTel Mafia! (had to add that ;-))
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Re: Is this something we (as consumers of FreeBSD) need to be aware of?

2012-06-06 Thread Nomen Nescio
Alejandro Imass wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Dave U. Random wrote:
  Polytropon wrote:
  On Wed, 06 Jun 2012 11:47:11 +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
   Having to pay Verisign instead of Microsoft makes no difference: the
   point is why should I have to pay anything to a third party in order to
   run whatever OS I want on a piece of hardware I own?
  It's time to dump the Intel/Microshaft mafia forever. FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
  NetBSD, and even Linux have ports to many platforms. Why stay on Intel? It's
  an overgrown ugly mess.
  We need to stop buying Intel mafiaware with preinstalled Microshaft 
  and run a free (or in the case of Linux apparently free) OS on free
 But this is more to do with the BIOS than with Intel as such.

Intel and Microshaft conspired together and now they get to decide what BIOS
they sell you. They figured out a way to make it harder for non-Winblows OS
to be installed on most commodity shitboxes made after this goes into effect. 

 Wasn't there a FreeBIOS, later LinuxBIOS, now coreboot I believe..? 

I can tell from your question it was a smashing success. Everybody uses
it. Somebody's heard of it?

 So replacing the BIOS entirely wouldn't suffice to override all this

Probably but very few people can flash their own BIOS. Hell, they can't even
install a copy of Windows bought off the shelf...What if the BIOS has
protection against reflashing? Otherwise it won't be secure...

Just because smart people can work around something doesn't make it right.

Say NO to the Intel and Microshaft mafia, say NO to secure boot that

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Re: Suggestion

2012-03-09 Thread Nomen Nescio
 Who in their right mind would EVER want to run this crap?

You answered your own question. My guess? People who are too cheap to buy
Windows and too stupid to figure out how to find a free copy of XP or Win 7
on the net and do the activation or find a password. That's a pretty small
user space.

 I'm not using ReactOS, and I'm not sure if this was a Troll post, or a
 crackhead, but who here REALLY misses a Start Menu?

(nobody in the room raises his hand) I'll take some of what our pal Bruno is
freebasing though. There's a crackwhore I've been meaning to bang.

 I had heard of ReactOS, but I never looked into it much, but after
 reading this I had to check out what it was. After seeing that it's
 basically a GnuWindows crap hole,

Pardon my proofreading but I think you probably should have written
crap-hole or craphole here. Nevertheless you expressed the idea quite
well. ;-)

To all the thought-provoking responses thus far I will add my own:

You idiots were not only stupid enough to waste your lives copying the
functionality of the most broken binary blob in the world and you GPL'd what
you came up with?! That really says it about adding insult to

I'll run bootlegged copies of XP before I touch your crap-hole with a ten
foot shovel LOL.

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Re: Suggestion

2012-03-08 Thread Nomen Nescio
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888 Y88b. .d88PY88b  d88P888   888  T88b  
 Y8P  YP 8   T88b 

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Re: [OT] but concerns all of us [put down your coffee before reading]

2011-11-17 Thread Nomen Nescio
 If these rootless people get control of what goes through the root servers
Thanks, I spewed coffee out of my nose when I read this.
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