
I try to install FreeBSD 6.3 64 bits in a Fedora VMware Workstation 6.0..2.
I have done the install by choosing ALL + no extra packages (but bash).

Xorg is 1.4.0
I can have a working X with vesa drivers.

When running ./vmware-config-tools.pl, I get the following:

Stopping VMware Tools services in the virtual machine:
   Guest operating system daemon:                                      done
   Guest memory manager:                                               done

Detected X.org version 0.0.0.

No drivers for X.org version: 0.0.0.

Do you want to change the display size that X starts with? (yes/no) [no]
Starting VMware Tools services in the virtual machine:
   Switching to guest configuration:                                   done
   Guest memory manager:                                               done
   Guest operating system daemon:                                      done

The configuration of VMware Tools 6.0.2 build-59824 for FreeBSD for this
running kernel completed successfully.

You must restart your X session before any mouse or graphics changes take

You can now run VMware Tools by invoking the following command:
"/usr/local/bin/vmware-toolbox" during an X server session.


--the VMware team


It replaced the vesa driver in xorg.conf as it should do, but X wouldn't
start anymore because the vmware module does not exist.
I was expecting to see some compilation going on here to build the necessary
stuff, but as it doesn't detect Xorg, it doesn't build the appropriate
module (I guess)

Anyone encountered this problem?
Any help greatly appreciated.

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