
2005-03-20 Thread Theo de Raadt
Since the original Adaptec guy Doug has blocked his mail, here is the
email address of the next person at Adaptec who is involved in this.

He has also previously indicated that he would be involved in any
decision to provide documentation on the aac RAID management

Marty Turner
Product Manager
Adaptec, Inc.
(919) 287-2045

Sorry Marty, but you are only getting comments from your customers.
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Re: Adaptec

2005-03-20 Thread Theo de Raadt
Well, Tomas,

The issue is that not all FreeBSD users accept a dependency on
binary-only non-free components.

Some of them do care.

Perhaps not you, but some of them do.

 I'm sorry, but aside from the chain of emails subject'd Adaptec AAC
 raid support, what good does this email serve to the
 freebsd-questions@ mailing lists? The only thing this is doing is
 perpetuating the cycle of emails which is simply clogging inboxes.

No, Tomas, you are incorrect.

Yes, thousands of mails are being sent to Adaptec right now, but
these mails are coming from their CUSTOMERS.

Now if I was a company and I was doing something that pissed off
my customers, I would like to know, that's for sure.

So your use of the word clogging is incorrect.

 While some of the discussion may be constructive or useful in the
 other thread, this is not.

No, Tomas, it is entirely useful.

It is due to activism actions like this that the documentation for
many many chipsets was freed up, for years now, chipsets which I am
sure YOU are using on your machine RIGHT NOW.  I have been at this
for 10 years now, and I am sure you have not.  It has been a momentous
struggle, and it is not over yet.

 Try and keep your subjects together so I can archive them more easily
 and not be forced to read over more. If anything, this sort of email
 belongs entirely on your misc lists, not the freebsd lists.

It belongs whereveer there are people who care about being able to
have drivers for their hardware.

Otherwise what you are asking for is simply ... that the developer's
hands be tied.

Flat out, you are wrong.  This affects everyone.

 -Tomas Quintero
 FreeBSD User
 On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 15:10:29 -0700, Theo de Raadt
  Since the original Adaptec guy Doug has blocked his mail, here is the
  email address of the next person at Adaptec who is involved in this.
  He has also previously indicated that he would be involved in any
  decision to provide documentation on the aac RAID management
  Marty Turner
  Product Manager
  Adaptec, Inc.
  (919) 287-2045
  Sorry Marty, but you are only getting comments from your customers.
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[no subject]

2005-03-20 Thread Theo de Raadt
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is another person who can be talked to
about this matter.  He just sent me a long private mail, none of
which really indicates that anything is really happening at
Adaptec about our concerns.
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Adaptec Information I have received

2005-03-20 Thread Theo de Raadt
I have received information from a few sources that indicates that
Adaptec does not have documentation on their management interface
in-house.  They only have a source-code implimentation, for a variety
of models.

So that is perhaps why they are so slow.

That does however speak rather badly.  I have not encountered a
vendor without even internal documentation for their products in
quite a while.

Companies you've probably rarely heard of like Zydas, Atmel, Symbol
have documentation for their wireless chipsets.

The Adaptec SCSI chipset documentation that we dragged out of Adaptec
about 8 years ago or so was 12 books.

I hope this is not true.  Any ex-Adaptec employees want to set the
record straight (and please tell the truth..)
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aac support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt

See a posting from Scott Long of FreeBSD;

Thanks for going to a public forum and saying I am full of crap.

I really appreciate that.  Boy, you sure do want to see all of
our projects do well, don't you.

Apparently you have zero idea of where we are going.

While you are content with shipping binary stuff in your source tree
and in your ports tree, we are not.  We do not ship binaries.  We are
not interested in shipping a binary for some CLI.  We actually do have
the Linux CLI working in emulation, but we will not supply it to our
user community.  I have cancelled that effort by that developer.  We
will not supply something to our user community that they cannot fix
and improve themselves.

We have been talking with Adaptec for 4 months.  They have not
given us management information.

We have been talking to Adaptec for more than a year to get other RAID
controller information, as in, how to even get the mailbox stuff
fixed.  They have not given that to us, either.

Noone thought to talk to you.  You are, I am sure, under a
non-disclosure agreement with Adaptec, and I am sure you would
therefore not give us documentation.  We are quite used to FreeBSD and
Linux people signing NDA's by now.  Yesterday on the phone Doug said
But we did give OpenBSD documentation, we gave them to Scott Long.

Thus, Doug mentioned that *you* had documentation, and thought that
was enough.  Of course it is not.  You do not help us, I told him.
That is not how it works.  And so it stands -- we still have no

Did I get an offer from you for documentation before you went onto a
public site and said I was full of crap?  No, I did not.

And I expect that now that you have said I am full of crap, we still
will get no documentation from you.  Right?

We are working on a driver-independent raid management framework.  One
command (perhaps called raidctl(4), we don't know) that should work on
any controller from any vendor, which would do management, because the
management stuff would be abstracted in a driver-independent way into
each driver.  Yes this is a difficult project.  We have support for
AMI almost working.  We will support some other product, as well, then
we'll see where Adaptec stands.

I do a lot of work on OpenBSD.  I am sure that you do a lot of work on
your stuff in FreeBSD too, so you know what it is to be a very busy
busy person.

When a vendor ignores me and the efforts of 4 other people trying to
get the vendor to listen -- for that long, we have no choice.

Yet, you, Scott, you think that you are therefore able to slag us and
call us wrong, because YOU are in the loop and we are not?  Because
you used to WORK at Adaptec, and we did not?  That somehow makes us
full of crap?

I have been watching the mail going to Doug over the last 24 hours.

I have been counting controllers mentioned in mails and am now up to
over 1,800 Adaptec RAID controllers, with people from very large
commercial operations complaining that they have been switching to
other controllers (or, having now seen Adaptec's failure in this
regard, that they will now actively not buy Adaptec again).

Those controllers will not be supported in OpenBSD 3.7 in May.  If
Adaptec wishes them to be supported in a future release, they had
better come and make amends.  We are sick of supporting the hardware
of vendors who shit on their customers via us.  Maybe they can repair
this horrid situation enough that we will once again support their
controllers by the time OpenBSD 3.8 ships in November.

Quite frankly, you don't understand what we are trying to do, and
Scott, this is just like the binary only Atheros driver that FreeBSD

I like it when all hardware is supported with source code, but just
because our methods for getting there are different than yours, Scott,
that gives you absolutely no right to go posting such a thing as you
did there.

Shame on you.
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Re: aac support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
To make it easier for people to find Scott Long's post to here it is in full:


Direct comment link  From a BSD and former Adaptec person...
 By Scott (IP: - Posted on 2005-03-19 19:02:37

I don't know if it's better to post this here or onto the openbsd-misc
list, but anyways

First, Theo is full of crap. I'll say that again: Theo is full of
crap. I don't think that he's actually interested in making the AAC
cards work. Instead, I think that he's interested in stirring
controversy, petty bullying, and silly 'freedom' tripe.

I worked at Adaptec for almost five years, until last year. I worked
on the FreeBSD (and Linux) AAC driver, and I ported the AAC management
CLI to FreeBSD. It's available right now in the FreeBSD ports tree. I
also added the proper shims to the driver so that the Linux AACCLI
would work under emulation. The fact that I did these things is pretty
well known in the BSD community; several other projects have contacted
me over the years for help and information about AAC. But during the
time the Theo claims that he's cared about AAC, he NEVER ONCE
CONTACTED ME! If he had come to me before I left and asked for help on
making all of this AAC stuff work on OpenBSD, I would have been happy
to help him. Heck, I might have even ported the AACCLI for him on my

Unfortuntely, Theo chose to ignore resources that would have helped
him, and instead chose his normal super-confrontational antics. I have
to commend Doug Richardson (one of the nicest men I've ever worked
with, BTW) for his very appropriate response. If Adaptec provides an
open SDK later this year, good for them, but it certainly is not due
to Theo.

Theo could have had AACCLI support years ago, but chose not to. I hope
he removes the driver from the tree. That would really teach everyone
how mature and 'right' he is.

Scott Long
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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 Theo de Raadt wrote:
 While I understand what you want Theo lets not remove the support for 
 stuff that currently works. I just spent $349 on a Adaptec RAID card 
 for my home server and if the support is removed I will be very upset. 
 The drive is written. Leave it alone. Let it be up to the end user to 
 pick which card they want to buy. You can not go back and undone 
 support for something you have listed!
  Sorry.  Besides not having raid management, the driver is rather buggy.
 You know, over the years that I worked for Adaptec and worked on the
 FreeBSD AAC driver, lots of other people contacted me for help with
 making their AAC driver work with their OS.  Strangely, not once did
 you or anyone else from OpenBSD contact me.

Nate perhaps did.  But why should we know that an NDA-singing FreeBSD
person is our contact, when over the years, even the people at Adaptec
did not tell us so?

 I would have been happy to
 help.  Heck, I might have even ported the management app (AACCLI, not
 a GUI, btw) for you like I did for FreeBSD.  Barring that, I would have
 been happy to show you how to do the linux compat shims for the driver
 so that you could use the Linux AACCLI on OpenBSD.  But no, you never
 contacted me.

We do not want a binary tool.  Neither our developers, nor our users.

We like free software.

 I think your whole rant here is bunk.  You're more concerned about petty
 bullying and showing everyone how important you are.  Your treatment of
 Doug is downright shameful, and I plan to call him and discuss it Monday
 morning.  If Adaptec puts out an SDK later this year then good for them,
 but I highly doubt that it will be as a result of your antics.  You
 could have had good AAC support years ago if you had just bothered to
 look around and use your resources, but instead you chose not to.
 Delete the driver and screw your users over some more.

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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 I'd love to have fully open stuff from all the RAID
 companies too, but I also want the users of FreeBSD to be able to use
 the resources that are out there to their full advantage and not be
 pinned down by my political beliefs on the subject.

Which is why you go onto public posting sites and slag me, instead of
calling you your buddy Doug and saying Hey, these guys have a point,
and you really ought to sell it to Adaptec management, since you are
the guy who can make this change, as you already told Theo and others
four months previously that you were the guy that could.

But no.  Scott Long goes and slags the people who are taking a
different approach.

Scott, you do NOT stand for free software.  You only stand for
whatever works.

At least I am consistant in standing up for Free Software, and it
has been working very well.

I've freed up TONS of chipsets.  What have you freed up lately?  You
work on RAID drivers, lots and lots of them, and you have not freed
up ONE management interface.


I don't know.  Has slagging me in public forums gotten you closer to
opening up a RAID management interface?


It has not.  Was it fun?

ps. When are you replacing the binary Atheros driver you have with the
free one that we have reverse engineered?   One that could be worked
on by lots of people to make it better and better, unlike that .o
file you ship.
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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 It's not a binary driver, it's a 2-clause BSD licensed driver that 
 contains full source.  You said that the OpenBSD driver is unstable,
 so I offered to help.  That has nothing to do with binary apps.
 Deleting it from the OpenBSD tree is always an option, of course.

The driver is free, but the tool is a binary.  The interface tunnel
is coded in the driver, so that the closed binary tool can talk
through to the card.  The messages exchanged are not documented,

Same thing.

You are saying

There are open bits

and I am saying

There are closed bits

This whole thing is about the closed bits, not about the open bits.

Why do you keep apologizing for Adaptec, and attacking our efforts?

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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 It's not a binary driver, it's a 2-clause BSD licensed driver that 
 contains full source.  You said that the OpenBSD driver is unstable,
 so I offered to help.  That has nothing to do with binary apps.


Sources for ports/sysutils/aaccli
Sorry, did not find the sources for ports/sysutils/aaccli

No source!

Let's look closer

DISTNAME=   5400s_fbsd_cli_v10


RESTRICTED= May not be redistributed in binary form
NO_CDROM=   yes

So there is a file somewhere that is a .zip file.  It may not be put
onto the official FreeBSD CDs (so obviously not OpenBSD CDs either)

That's not really free is it.

Let's look closer

% ftp
100% ||   565 KB
Successfully retrieved file.
% unzip
  inflating: TRANS.TBL   
  inflating: aaccli-1.0_0.tgz
% tar xvfz aaccli-1.0_0.tgz
% file bin/aaccli
bin/aaccli: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, for FreeBSD 4.4, 
statically linked, not stripped

That's a binary.  Where is the source?

Why do you keep talking about some Management binary?
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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 Sigh.  Theo, there are lots of ways of interacting with other people: 
 if you go out of your way to antagonize somebody, the result is 
 generally not going to be positive.  I think Scott is mature enough to 
 continue to help other BSD projects-- including OpenBSD-- regardless, 
 but this sort of thing:

No, Scott is the person standing in the way of us and the RAID
vendors by --

1) insulting our (often very successful efforts) to free things --
   in public forums

2) by signing NDA's with vendors so that those vendors who then
   come to believe that we should be signing NDA's too.

3) by not insisting at all that vendors open things at least a
   bit, Scott is not like Bill Paul or others who have opened
   up a lot of hardware, but is a lot more like Sam Leffler who
   has perpetuated this (and today, FreeBSD has one 802.11g/a
   driver -- and it uses binary bits).

  Those controllers will not be supported in OpenBSD 3.7 in May.  If
  Adaptec wishes them to be supported in a future release, they had
  better come and make amends.  We are sick of supporting the hardware
  of vendors who shit on their customers via us.  Maybe they can repair
  this horrid situation enough that we will once again support their
  controllers by the time OpenBSD 3.8 ships in November.
 ...deliberately breaking OpenBSD's support for Adaptec hardware as some 
 sort of ultimatum is a childish and self-destructive action.  I hope 
 the other OpenBSD committers veto any such action as being 
 counterproductive and harmful to your users.

Counter productive?  About 6 years ago we did this with Qlogic because
their firmware images were not free enough to ship in our releases,
and after 6 months of wasting our time and being stalemated, we
informed Qlogic and our user community (as well as YOUR user
community) that we were removing the support for their controllers.  A
few days later the firmware was free.

But now Scott --- one of your leading developers, and a previous Adaptec
employee --- goes public and says that our efforts should not be assisted.

What's in it for him?

 Otherwise, you're likely to discover that most people choose to run an 
 OS which works with the hardware they have, rather than sticking with 

We have no problem.  People run non-free software all the time, such
as Windows or the FreeBSD binary-only aaccli.

It does not fit our principles though.  But Scott feels that is reason
to slag us.
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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 I personally don't care about Adaptec anymore, but I do care about the
 people there.  If LSI or whoever else can provide better support, then
 that's fine with me.  I do however have quite a bit of experience in
 knowing how things work at Adaptec and knowing what compromises can be
 made.  Adaptec isn't one person, it isn't Doug Richardson or any other
 single individual.  They do make a whole lot of stupid mistakes and
 close doors on opportunities, but there is no reason to vilify Doug
 for it.

No, you don't vilify Doubg, but instead, you prefer to vilify me on
public posting sites like

Great, Scott, just great.

You don't know the difference between free software and binary
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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 What part of the FreeBSD AAC driver is closed, emcumbered, or otherwise 

The bits that do management.

Therefore, the bits that let it do what RAID controllers are meant to do.

Can you fully operate an aac(4) card -- 100% of it's abilities, on a
FreeBSD machine, without using a binary only tool downloaded from the
Dell web site?

Are you being obtuse on purpose?

Why don't you admit it.  FreeBSD relies on non-free binary code for
Adaptec raid management.

You can't even put it onto a FreeBSD distribution CD.

Why do you keep discussing the free stuff, and distracting everyone
from the non-free bits?

Is it because you used to work for Adaptec?  Are you paid to distract
people from the non-free code?
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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 I'll heartily agree that there is little reason for any company to
 keep information like this closed.

Yet you are not helping.

 But going around making personal
 attacks on company employees that don't give you the cookie you want
 is pretty shitty too.

Then I guess that Doug Richardson made a pretty big mistake over the
last 6 months by not letting us talk to whoever pulls the strings.  He
said I was talking to the person who could and would change things.

So you are talking out of your ass, Scott.

There is no personal attack happening against Doug Richardson.  We
have simply found the conduit for users to express their grievances.

As they say:  The best customer is the one who complains.

Well I have done the discovery process to find out where the customers
can complain.  To Doug Richardson.  Not to some front line Adaptec
apologist who cannot add up the controllers being mentioned and
realize that 1,800 controllers so far is a hell of a lot of money, and
that now that this is being discussed in public, they had better solve
this.  And how many more people have learned from this and will avoid
Adaptec products?

(perhaps these circles where it is being discusssed is on the fringe,
but people in this fringe circle buy or are involved in the purchases
for a LOT of hardware.  Much like if Cisco fucks up and someone brings
note of it to NANOG.  Then Cisco jumps.  If Adaptec does not jump now,
Adaptec is retarded.)

Scott, do you own Adaptec stock?  I just cannot explain why you would
attack me, and apologize for Adaptec's behaviour.  Are you on drugs?

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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 I'm not stuffing anything down anyone's throats.

You are insulting me on public lists.

You are, thus, also telling your users not to bother your beloved

You're telling them what the binary which you worked on is the best
they are going to get.

 I'm enabling FreeBSD 
 users to use the resources that are available to them.

By attacking my efforts, you are telling them that the aaccli you
worked on is the best they are going to get, and that participating
with what I am doing is foolish.

 That's quite 
 different than cancelling developer work and threatening to remove a
 driver due to a political dispute.

The driver is not shipping because traction must be gained against a
vendor who you are apologizing for.

 Freedom isn't about coercing others
 to believe the same things that I believe.

Freedom is something one fights for.  Freedom is not something that
just happens.

Freedom is something that happens when someone puts their toes out there,
with a stance, an attempt, a struggle.

Freedom is not something that happens when Scott long makes apologies
for Adaptec and slags Theo on public sites ... when Theo decides to
use his project to take action against non-freedom from a vendor.

I am trying to do something to create greater freedom.  You are not
helping with my effort.  Nor are you are not standing on the sidelines.
You're FIGHTING ME.  You are on Adaptec's closed side.

 I personally don't care about Adaptec anymore, but I do care about the
 people there.

More than you care about getting the best freedom for FreeBSD or *BSD,
or about the *other* people in the FreeBSD who might want that effort.

No.  You would rather stand up for the people at Adaptec.

 If LSI or whoever else can provide better support, then
 that's fine with me.  I do however have quite a bit of experience in
 knowing how things work at Adaptec and knowing what compromises can be

Then help me.  Don't slag me.

 Adaptec isn't one person, it isn't Doug Richardson or any other
 single individual.  They do make a whole lot of stupid mistakes and
 close doors on opportunities, but there is no reason to vilify Doug
 for it.

Then help me.

I am not vilifying Doug.  Doug said we should go through him.  Now he's
getting mails from people, because he said we should go THROUGH HIM.
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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 Do you ask for the blueprints to the plane before you get onboard?  Do 
 you demand that Ford or GM give you the source to the fuel ingector 
 computer before you get into a car?  I'm saying that resources are out
 there that will allow OpenBSD users to manage their RAID arrays RIGHT 
 NOW.  No, they don't meet the goals of open source, but they meet the 
 goals of getting the job done.  If not having the source is a problem, 
 then that's your choice and you don't have to use it.  But why deprive
 people of a choice, like Theo wants.  Freedom is about choice.

FreeBSD users...  watch how Scott argues against free software.. and
cc's the person at Adaptec who he says we should not be mailing...

oh boy
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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 I'm done with this thread.  A closed binary managmeent app isn't ideal,
 but it's better than nothing.  I worked on it because I knew the
 compromises I could make at the time and I wanted to give the FreeBSD
 community something for it.  I don't have infinite time and resources
 to fight the noble causes like Theo does, and I think that cooperation
 and comprise are better in the long run than constant conflict.  If
 Theo or anyone else wants help on making the kernel driver better,
 let me know.  If they want to help Adaptec follow through on it's
 stated plan to release suitable tools in the near future, then stop
 antagonizing them and making silly threats.  The shouting and the 
 threats and all the other tripe reflect poorly on everyone, whether
 you choose to see it or not, and _that's_ what I oppose in Theo, not
 his passion for openness.

That's what you oppose?

And then just moments earlier you send a mail (shown below) in which
you SPECIFICALLY cc the people at Adaptec, and you SPECIFICALLY oppose

Scott Long, you do not believe in either openness or freedom.

This is a sad sad day for FreeBSD.

Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 13:50:51 -0700
From: Scott Long [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

Ben Goren wrote:
 On 2005 Mar 19, at 1:08 PM, Scott Long wrote:
 Why is it so important to drag your users into your political fights
 by depriving them of stuff that works now but isn't exactly everything
 that you want?
 Granted, I don't use RAID on any system at the moment, and haven't used 
 Adaptec products in the past. But I would hardly consider having to halt 
 the machine to even check the status of the array ``stuff that works.''
 Would you be happy flying in a plane in perfect mechanical 
 condition...except that all diagnostic gauges (fuel level, oil pressure 
 and temperature, fire detectors, hydraulic pressure, etc.) only worked 
 when the plane was stationary on the ground? Would you go on a 
 transoceanic flight in such a plane?
 All I can say is that I'm damned thankful Adaptec doesn't make aircraft 
 equipment, if this is what they think of as ``stuff that works.''
 And if this *were* aircraft equipment we were talking about, would you 
 still be chiding people for being pinned down by political beliefs on 
 the subject?
 This discussion is doing nothing but proving two things:
 A) Adaptec is suffering from an astounding lack of professionalism; and
ii) Theo's pride of craftsmanship is something sorely lacking in the 
 rest of the computing world.

Do you ask for the blueprints to the plane before you get onboard?  Do 
you demand that Ford or GM give you the source to the fuel ingector 
computer before you get into a car?  I'm saying that resources are out
there that will allow OpenBSD users to manage their RAID arrays RIGHT 
NOW.  No, they don't meet the goals of open source, but they meet the 
goals of getting the job done.  If not having the source is a problem, 
then that's your choice and you don't have to use it.  But why deprive
people of a choice, like Theo wants.  Freedom is about choice.


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Re: Adaptec AAC raid support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
Well spoken, Ben.

Very well spoken.

 On 2005 Mar 19, at 1:21 PM, Scott Long wrote:
  The hardware is tricky
  to get right and there are bugs in different cards and different
  firmware versions that often need to be worked around.  It's all
  documented in my driver, and I'm happy to share my knowledge.
 I used to think good things of Adaptec hardware, and always figured 
 they'd be at the top of any list I ever put together should I need to 
 buy RAID hardware.
 This one paragraph has all but convinced me that I'd be nuts to do so.
 First, we have an ex-employee stating that the stuff is ``tricky'' and 
 full of bugs. Not something I want to trust critical data to.
 Next, that different cards and different firmware versions have bugs 
 that ``often need to be worked around'' also does not inspire 
 confidence. If Adaptec *knows* about these bugs, why is it left to the 
 driver to fix? Why hasn't it been fixed *IN*THE*FIRMWARE*?
 Finally, we learn that these bugs are semi-public knowledge...but that 
 Adaptec is *STILL* refusing to provide the information necessary to 
 work around them. Instead, you have to hope that their ex-employees 
 follow through with offers to share their knowledge.
 Those are three serious strikes. Any one of them would be a probable 
 deal-breaker for me.
 While I'm sure nobody's perfect...surely there are other vendors who 
 produce products which aren't so buggy in the first place, who fix 
 their bugs once they find them, and warn people what to look out for?
 Frankly, if Mr. Long is providing an accurate description of the 
 quality of Adaptec products--and, after all, he used to work there, so 
 he should know--then I'd say that Theo would be nuts *not* to pull 
 support from them. After all, why should OpenBSD get blamed for 
 Adaptec's crap?
 [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which 
 had a name of PGP.sig]

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2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
Adaptec, as a vendor, really cares about you.

That is why their commercial contacts disable their email accounts
when the shit hits the fan.

That is Doug Richardson

Title?  Global Channel Marketing Manager

The guy who said *HE* was the one responsible for changing views within

Buggy hardware, lies about freedom...  lies.

OpenBSD 3.7 ships without Adaptec RAID support.

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Re: aac support

2005-03-19 Thread Theo de Raadt
 There has got to be a better way to work with the vendors in order to 
 get the support we need. It just seem to me that the screw you guys, I 
 am going home stuff just does not work.

Well, there is.

We do it all the time!

We mail a vendor, and then we start a frank dialogue.  I (or some
other developer, maybe even Bill Paul from FreeBSD
(Mr. Ethernet)... anyways, people like that.. ) explain the business
case to the vendor.

They almost always understand, and then give us documentation.

Sometimes they open the documentation wide up!

Sometimes they are willing to give us documentation as long as we do
not distribute it too far, and we are willing to do that.  We normally
share it with, say, 3-4 developers, to ensure that the job gets done
and that there someone can fix it later.  This also ensures that the
documentation stays around in someone's hands even if the company goes
away (like Adaptec might after the FTC gets finished with them?)

I spend a LOT of time explaining the business case.

When vendors do not work with us, they are the odd vendors.  Normally
they are companies with strong USA stock profiles.  I don't know if that
has something to do with it, but I suspect it does.  And normally they
are ones that people, down underground, know produce crap.  This also
ties into how sometimes it is very hard for us to support their hardware.

But, and I must emphasize this, 90% of companies *do* come around.

 The vendors need a business 
 case in order to do things - they are in business to make money and I 
 can agree with that. Maybe we can do some sort of list of companies or 
 OpenBSD people that use or would use the cards - along with number and 
 install base study of the number of sales they would get and give it to 
 them. We should work on some sort of cookie cutter type setup that 
 tracks the interest and $$ with a product that we can compile and be 
 sent to the vendor in order to get support. The data needs to be 
 correct and true and presented in a business case manor. The one-off 
 flock of emails just do not work. I would be happy to help with this 
 and pursue this if there are others that think it is a good idea.

I have thought about doing this, but it is a lot of work.  I think we
all know what needs to be done to make this accurate.  It is a very
big job and it needs one passionate person to run it from start to
end.  It cannot at this time be me, sorry.

 Also is there needs to be a stock form that is send the vendors that 
 covers in detail what we ask for.

I do not think so.  I write each mail to the vendors individually, taking
the situation and the market into account.  I research the market at the
stock level, and I ask people in various parts of the world to help me
form a profile of what chips are showing up there.  If not done carefully,
they will be right to take me for a crank.

 Some that can be vetted by their lawyer that they would be OK with.

When the lawyers get involved, that is when the companies make bad
decisions and lose.  OpenBSD 3.7 will ship with aac off.  Adaptec just
lost.  No matter how they sell it within their own ranks, they just
lost.  Unless they have something to hide, like crap cards with
hundreds of unrepearable bugs and a history of selling crap to
customers after knowing that their product was not meeting the
promises they make.  But what do I know for sure.  I do however
believe they are balancing two choices of reality.

 We need to work with the vendors in 
 a clear, clean business like manner and leave emotion and philosophy 
 out of it.

I do.  It is hard.  I do it every day.  Last week we got Ralink
documentation.  I am working on Realtek for their 802.11g docs now.
And in a few days, if Realtek keeps stalling me, you will hear from me
as to where to send your mails.

And then we can get further at supporting a chipset.

One way or another, at some point we must get *ahead* of Microsoft
at supporting new hardware products on the market.

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