Re: When Unix Stops Being Fun

2004-10-03 Thread bsdfsse
Ironically, I'm switching to FreeBSD because I'm already tired.  My 
bones are aching from years of abuse.  I'm tired of..

..being told what I can and can't do with my computers.  Did you know 
many scanners and photocopiers cannot reproduce money?  Apparently the 
US government has worked with the hardware manufactures to perform this 
feat.  What's next?  Probably not being able to listen to music that I'm 
not certified as owning.  Or being able to rip a DVD I purchased.

..of not being in control of my computer.  The two straws that broke my 
Wincamel's back were SP2 killing my machine (which I eventually solved 
with a BIOS update), and then (less seriously) not being able to set the 
theme of the task bar to the Win 2000 theme.  Now I'm going to run GNOME 
and FVWM2, which I will be in full control of my desktop. No weird crap 

..of skills becoming outdated.  I was a master of the Commodore.  I was 
 a master of AmigaDOS.  I was a master of MS-DOS.  I was a master of 
Win95.  I was a master of Windows NT4.  Then a funny thing happened, I 
realized if I spent the time to learn UNIX, I could run it for the rest 
of life, without having to learn a new OS every time Microsoft needed to 
keep their stock price up.

..of GUI's.  What a marvelous thing to be able to shell in to my own 
computer, from anywhere in the world, from many kind of computers - and 
check my mail, read newsgroups, write programs, etc.

..of having to enter serial numbers  for tons of software I legitimately 
purchased.  The worst is having to type in Microsoft's 44-digit 
activation codes anytime I want to change my HD, say from RAID 0 to RAID 
1.  Normally this involves a call to India.

..of purchasing software.  Why drive to CompUSA and purchase 
WordPerfect, when I go to my ports directory and install OpenOffice? 
Actually I've done both, and going to the directory was a lot cheaper. 
Why buy MS-SQL or Sybase when I can get Interbase, MySQL, or PostreSQL 
for free?

..of stupid software.  Firefox is so much better than IE, it's hard to 
where to begin.  Throw in the Adblock extension, and it's the perfect 
tabbed browsing experience.  IE is a nightmare of fear and chaos, Hey 
someone sent me a cool JPEG to view, OH ITS A VIRUS!

..of Linux distributions with fatal flaws.  I went on a giant search to 
pick the perfect Linux distro, and I ended up selecting FreeBSD.  Every 
single distro had some aspect I didn't like.

..of proprietary formats.  All the emails I lost over the years that 
were in some kind of Outlook format that at the time I was either too 
lazy or too ignorant, to make a back up of.

..of malware. UNIX has been secure since it supported multiple users, 
which was a very long time ago.  Windows has never been, and likely will 
never be, secure.  I bought my brother a Mac, he sometimes calls to see 
if he needs to be concerned about the latest virus making the rounds. 
No., I tell him.

My point is, the knowledge you gain about UNIX is your's forever.  The 
freedom is forever.  The control is forever.

If want to be a sysadmin, you don't have to be master of everything. 
You just need to be on the path - and you are.

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Re: Are there step-by-step VMWare instructions? (giving up)

2004-10-02 Thread bsdfsse
Just saw this.. There is a new kid on the block called. Serenity Virtual
Station, very similar to VMWare, but they have just released a version
specifically for FreeBSD.. This is beta software, (not free), and although
If they supporr FreeBSD, then I will support them.  I tried to purchase 
their stuff for $50, but Iam waiting for a confirmation email.  Tonigh I 
gad 11 beers while tryint to get VMWare to work on FreeBSD.  ANother 
option is highly welcomed.

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Re: Are there step-by-step VMWare instructions? (giving up)

2004-10-02 Thread bsdfsse
 Oct  2 06:28:24 matrix010 kernel: ad0: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (2 
retries left) LBA=171871667
 Oct  2 06:28:24 matrix010 kernel: ad0: WARNING - READ_DMA no 
interrupt but good status

Those are the same errors I am getting!
It's somewhat of a relief to see other people getting the same error, at 
least now we know it isn't me doing something silly.

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VMWare 2 works on FreeBSD 4.10-Stable (except for NIC)

2004-10-02 Thread bsdfsse
I have everything working except for the networking (which is proving to 
be very difficult).

I followed Phusion's guide for VMWare 2 and FreeBSD 4.10 located here:
Previously I had tried 4.10, but I think at that time I was erroneously 
entering vmnet1 in to the NIC config, instead of /dev/vmnet1.  I was 
also getting ATA errors on that particular machine's 200GB drives, which 
is prolly a completely different problem.

My Win 2000 Pro virtual machine can ping itself, but not the host 
machine, or any of my other LAN machines.  Christian emailed me some 
instructions that differ from Phusion's regarding the configuration of 
the /usr/local/etc/vmware/config file.  Christian has these 2 lines 
while Phusion does not (and I tried it both ways):

  vmnet1.Bridged = YES
  vmnet1.BridgedInterface = x10
Phusion does mention the x10 in his instructions for the /etc/rc.firewall.
My IP setting are:
 Linksys Router:
 FreeBSD 4.10-Stable PC
  Static IP:
  DNS Server:
 VMWare /usr/local/etc/vmware/config:
  vmnet1.HostOnlyAddress =
  vmnet1.HostOnlyNetMask =
  (also from Christian's doc)
  vmnet1.Bridged = YES
  vmnet1.BridgedInterface = x10
 Win2000 Pro Virtual PC
  Static IP:
I made the changes to my kernel, /etc/rc.conf, /etc/rc.firewall, and 
/etc/fstab that Phusion indicated.

Any ideas why my Virtual Machine cannot ping either the HostOnly IP or 
the FreeBSD's machine normal IP?  It also cannot ping my Linksys router, 
or any of my other machines.

Inside the VM I have the NIC defined as Custom and /dev/vmnet1.  The 
 HostOnly and Bridged options did not work, as they seemed to be 
leaving off the /dev/ in front of vmnet0 and vmnet1 (as I did too!).

Aside from no networking, Win 2000 Pro seems to be running pretty well 
inside VMWare 2.0.

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Re: VMWare 2 works on FreeBSD 4.10-Stable (SOLVED!)

2004-10-02 Thread bsdfsse
I have mostly everything working now: special thanks to George Hartzell, 
Christian Hiris, Phusion, and Orlando Bassotto.

I will write up my experience after I digest it a little more.
A few of the gotchas were that I originally did not install bridging 
when I installed vmware, and when I did, I was binding it to the wrong 
NIC (I was binding it to Christian's NIC, lol).

For some reason I *had* to select Custom as the VM's ethernet type, 
and use the value of /dev/vmnet1 when I did. Bridged and HostOnly 
did not work.

Also the VM's gateway setting had to be that of my Linksys router, and 
not the Host IP of my FreeBSD machine.

I ended up running VMWare 2.0 on FreeBSD 4.10-Stable.  I will make 
another attempt at VMWare 3.2 and also using FBSD 5.x when I have more 
time (in about 2 months).

I am ecstatic, I get to run FreeBSD now! Woo Hoo!!
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Re: Are there step-by-step VMWare instructions?

2004-10-01 Thread bsdfsse
I'm going to try to install vmware2 instead of vmware3.  I put a call in 
to VMWare to get a 2.0 license.

I tried everything, I think.  I'm new to FreeBSD, so that is kind of 
working against me.

I will now try to dig up how to install vmware2 (I assume I don't have 
to  make quite some many changes).

vmware3 kept causing the DMA Read/Write errors when I turned on the vm 

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Re: Are there step-by-step VMWare instructions?

2004-10-01 Thread bsdfsse
bsdfsse wrote:
I'm going to try to install vmware2 instead of vmware3.  I put a call in 
to VMWare to get a 2.0 license.

I tried everything, I think.  I'm new to FreeBSD, so that is kind of 
working against me.

I will now try to dig up how to install vmware2 (I assume I don't have 
to  make quite some many changes).

vmware3 kept causing the DMA Read/Write errors when I turned on the vm 

I didn't get very far with vmware2:

cpq24# cd /usr/ports/emulators/vmware2
cpq24# make install
===  Building for vmware2-
=== vmmon-only
make -f Makefile.FreeBSD SMP=YES clean  make -f Makefile.FreeBSD SMP=YES
rm -f 
vmmon_smp.ko vmmon_smp.kld memtrack.o phystrack.o task.o vmx86.o 
driver.o hostif.o linux_emu.o vmnet_linux.o @ machine symb.tmp tmp.o
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
@ - /usr/src/sys
machine - /usr/src/sys/i386/include
cc -O -pipe 

warning: 'FreeBSD_Driver_Poll' defined but not used
warning: 'FreeBSD_Driver_Ioctl' defined but not used
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/vmware2/work/vmware-distrib/vmmon-only.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/vmware2/work/vmware-distrib/vmmon-only.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/vmware2/work/vmware-distrib.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/vmware2.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/vmware2.

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Re: pls give me more info about..

2004-10-01 Thread bsdfsse
Pls give me more link for free dowload freebsd 5.2.1.
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Re: Are there step-by-step VMWare instructions? (giving up)

2004-10-01 Thread bsdfsse
I give up on trying to get VMWare 3.2 to work on either FreeBSD 4.x or 
5.x.  Thank you to everyone who tried to help me.  After 5 full days of 
trial and error on 3 machines, I think I can say it needs to be looked 
at by a non-newby.

The only time I got it to run was with a 5.2-Release installation with 
networking disabled (following Christian's docs).  Every other 
configuration resulted in losing access to the hard-drive as soon as I 
hit the VM's Power On button.

I might try again if there is a known working solution, but for now I 
have to do a 6-week project on native Winblows.

I learned a ton, and wouldn't use any other OS on a server.  I hope to 
run it on my desktop soon.

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How do you know how to install ports? (like vmware3)

2004-09-30 Thread bsdfsse
For example, I have been trying to install the vmware3 port - and I find 
all kinds of tidbits all over the web about little things that need to 
be done to get it to work.  The information sometimes covers version 
2.0, sometimes 3.2, and sometimes 4.5. If someone just goes in to 
/usr/ports/emulators/vmware3 and does a make install, how would they 
know what else to do?

I'm new to FreeBSD, maybe I am missing something obvious?
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Re: How do you know how to install ports? (like vmware3)

2004-09-30 Thread bsdfsse
I'm new to FreeBSD, maybe I am missing something obvious?
You probably missed the pkg-message display. In your terminal session, simply 
scroll back a view lines after the install target has been completed or type 
'cat /usr/ports/emulators/vmware3/pkg-message' to view it again.
Indeed, I was missing those messages, and was able to incorporate that 
information once I was aware of it.  If you're not running X, is there a 
way to get the screen to scroll upwards?  When I was running XFCE4, the 
 terminal also did not have scroll bars.

I will be doing a fresh install after I get something to eat.  I will 
start over from scratch.  Currently I have a lot more info, but now my 
FBSD machine simply reboots when I run VMWARE.

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Are there step-by-step VMWare instructions?

2004-09-29 Thread bsdfsse
I am beginning to try and run the vmware3 port on FreeBSD-5.3beta6.
First I upgraded the machine to 5.3-Stable by putting RELENG_5 in my 

Next I went in to /usr/ports/emulators/vmware3 and ran:
  make install
I rebooted and ran vmware  in a command window, and then entered my 
Linux licsense serial number.

One of the first things it asked me, was what network device to bind to 
vmmonet (I think), so I entered fxp0 - which now I wonder if it 
should have been /dev/fxp0.

After completing the install, I rebooted so it would run its start script.
Next I used the wizard to make Win2000 Professional system, and copied 
the Win2000 Pro ISO over to this machine. I configured the vm's cdrom to 
be the Win2000 ISO file, so I could install it.

When the VM machine boot, it couldn't find the mouse, so I selected (I 
think) /dev/mouse and that error went away.  Them it would not go past 
 this error:

   Cannot attach shared memory segment: Invalid argument.
   Failed to initialize SVGA device.
I looked up on Google and found this:
ake sure that you have sysctl
kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed set to 1
So I made the change he suggested, rebooted, and it did get past that error.
When it came up, it complained about not being able to bind vmnet, then 
the machine locked up solid.

Now I made a new virtual machine, and tried to install without 
networking inside the vm, and it the machine 99% locked (the mouse 
sometimes moves).

I can't shell in using putty.exe either.
It would really be nice if there was some step-by-step instructions, it 
would make it easier for people to switch to FreeBSD (like I'm doing). 
I am trying to document things as I go along, so if such doucments do 
not exist, mine can be used by the next guy.

The above link I found is an example of the knowledge being spread 
around, maybe we can collect it in to one spot?

I can post more detailed errors if this document does not exist, I 
thought I would ask first in case it did.


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2004-09-29 Thread bsdfsse
I solved these DMA problems on my server by replacing my ASUS 
motherboard's IDE controller with an Adaptec 1200A RAID controller 
(simply used as a different ATA controller).

Now my workstation is getting a similar error.  The machine is a 2 
year-old Compaq Presario 6024.

What's up with 5.3-Beta6?  Does it not work with regular Maxtor drives?
I've been converting all my machines to FreeBSD, but I keep running in 
to these showstoppers.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Ok, this is bad

2004-09-29 Thread bsdfsse
My computers are trully going haywire.
The subject of this thread was supposed to be:
Ok, this is bad.  WRITE_DMA retrying...WRITE_DMA no interrupt but good 

Thunderbird also deletes messages after I read them, to where I do not 
know.  All I know is, I get to read them once.


bsdfsse wrote:
I solved these DMA problems on my server by replacing my ASUS 
motherboard's IDE controller with an Adaptec 1200A RAID controller 
(simply used as a different ATA controller).

Now my workstation is getting a similar error.  The machine is a 2 
year-old Compaq Presario 6024.

What's up with 5.3-Beta6?  Does it not work with regular Maxtor drives?
I've been converting all my machines to FreeBSD, but I keep running in 
to these showstoppers.

Any suggestions?
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How do I turn off preemption (getting TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA)

2004-09-28 Thread bsdfsse
I am getting TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA messages on my ad2 and ad3 
hard-drives.  I never get them on ad0 or the CD drive.  I did some 
searching, and it sounds like I need to turn of preemption in the 
kernel.  I'm running 5.3-BETA4 on the computer.

I am going to guess this is turned on for the beta-testing.
Any ideas?  I just started running 5.x last night.  %-)
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ad2: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (2 retries left) LBA=5855

2004-09-28 Thread bsdfsse
Well, I think I found the problem.
FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x do not like my new Asus P4SP-MX (Celeron) 
motherboard's IDE controller.

I fixed this by using a leftover Adaptec 1200A Raid controller as an 
alternate IDE controller.  I plugged the 3 HD's in to the 1200A, and I 
no longer get the DMA errors.

I havent' tried the DVD drive, but I expect I will get the DMA errors, 
since it is still connected to the mobo. I installed via FTP, so I 
didn't use the CD's.

There was another problem with using some Compaq RAM chips on the 
Celeron, doing so generates Signal 11's in addition to the DMA errors. I 
guess I will buy some new RAM for the machine, if the functioning 128MB 
isn't enough for it.

I have another machine, a Compaq Presario 6024 (P4 1.8Ghz).  It has 3 
big (Western Digital) drives, and is also running FBSD 5.3-Beta6 - and 
it does *not* get the DMA errors.

My laptop (Toshiba 2805-S301) also runs Beta6 fine.
Only my Asus P4SP-MX mobo has the DMA errors.
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