Re: Any package for surveys?

2011-01-28 Thread elbbit
On 28/01/11 16:26, Robert Bonomi wrote:

Robert, I appreciate you taking the time to reply.  I am not the only
one who is interested in this argument.

>>>>>>> elbbit wrote:
>>>>>>>> I held off writing back because I have just launched a new website 
>>>>>>>> at:
>>>>>>>> Wait!  Don't go!  This isn't spam!   Please!  Just listen!
>>>>>>> Yes, it looks very spammy to me
>>>>>> I sent similar emails to other lists and was promptly scalded for 
>>>>>> being so uncouth.  I thank those who encourage me to stop spamming 
>>>>>> for teaching me humility.  However, I think the importance of global 
>>>>>> self awareness is too important to worry about whether or not we 
>>>>>> like to know about the problems.  This is the equivalent of a 
>>>>>> hit-and-run, in my opinion.  I am here to stay, I am not going 
>>>>>> anywhere and the world will become self-aware in my presence.  It is 
>>>>>> why I have been born.
>>>>> You are a delusion dipshit, and a bad liar.
>>>>> If you feel so righteous about your cause, why did you hijack another 
>>>>> thread without changing the subject?
>>>> With all the respect that is due to you, and all others who frequent 
>>>> these mailing lists, I feel the topic of global voting is too 
>>>> important to worry about whether or not my particular message fits 
>>>> into a defined category.
>>> And you think it's OK to *STEAL* other people's resources to get
>>> "your" message out, apparently.
>> Hmm.  Stealing.  Taking without consent.  Consent from whom?  The network 
>> operator?  According to the Debian website: "There are many world-open 
>> mailing lists, meaning anyone can read everything that is posted, and 
>> participate in the discussions. Everyone is encouraged..." - Under the 
>> heading Introduction:
> Yes, *STEALING*.  When you 'hijack' the resources the mailing-list owner/
> operator has provided _for_a_specific_purpose_, for somethin *unrelated*
> to that purpose, you _are_ stealing.

I would like to invite the mail list administrator to participate in
this discussion (if desired) and clarify for all whether this argument
is "OK."  If it is not "OK," I request some clarification.

>>> Doing what you did is *expressly* against The AUP of your hosting 
>>> services provider, Webfusion, Ltd.
>>> <>
>> Yes.  Words.  Somehow, it is commonly accepted that just because 
>> something is written in words that it is "right."  My emails challenge 
>> that.
> You _agreed_, _contractually_, to abide by those 'words' when you signed
> up for services with that provider.  They 'took your word' that you were
> telling the truth.  Do not be surprised if you find that they choose not
> to do any further business with you when they find out you -lied- to them.

In fact, I did not agree to that.  The agreement is between me and
another company who I obtain the service from.  Obviously, the company
you mention are the ones who provide the actual service, and the brand I
used is clearly a middle-man.  If they are in violation, I do not know
about it.  Still, this is irrelevant as it has nothing to do with my
ability to post to these lists.

>>> That said, you've _made_ your rules, and now *you8 get to live by them.
>> I do not understand this statement.  Please clarify.
You didn't clarify.

>>> Russian brides, pharmaceutcals, watches, lottery winnings, money 
>>> sharing, and whatever else people decide is 'too important' for
>>> _you_ not to be informed of.
>> You see, the people who raise awareness of their product or service are 
>> after one thing - to increase the number which is displayed on their ATM 
>> machine.  I do not want money.  I do not promote a service or product. In 
>> fact, I promote an IDEA - the notion that we can abandon money 
>> altogether.
> So What?  If you believe you can decide what is 'appropriate' for for _my_
> mail box, others can do the same for *yours*.
No, that's not what I am saying.  Everyone has the right to control what
appears in their mail box.  Only by raising awareness of the possibility
that a world without money can exist will it ever come to fruition, and
by speaking 

Re: Spam Rules, per argument (Re: Any package for surveys?)

2011-01-28 Thread elbbit
On 28/01/11 16:07, Gary Gatten wrote:
Oh dear.

> OMFG... how much longer are "we" going to keep commenting on this 
> worthless thread?
Hmm.  Worthless... without value... an entity lacking substance.  Hmm.
This thread was started by me.  Now let me see, yes, I still have my
arms and legs.  Which must logically mean I have substance.  And I have
spent my time since birth learning about the world around me and
embracing it.  From all the information I have learnt about life and
other people, I believe I have substance.  And, as a result, my
creations (my emails) are born from that substance.  I forgive you.

> And now the debian list too?  That's great...
I think you underestimate the size of the problem I am highlighting:
forgetting money.

> Dear Hijacker:  You are the superior one, all others are inferior.
You are incorrect.  I am the same as everyone else, just as you are.

> You are right, all others are wrong.
Try not to see things as a case of right or wrong.  Instead, try to
realise the truth: people spend their time differently.  Your brain is
only as reliable as the information you have fed into it, and based on
that information, you make decisions.

> Please go away.
You may succeed in silencing me as an individual, but you will not
silence the growing Zeitgeist movement which is happening all around us.

> Perhaps preach your "wisdom" to a more receptive audience,
I think some people on these lists are questioning this thread, maybe
even doing their own Google searches to learn for themselves.  These are
the people who will embrace the new world without money, whilst others
who close their minds and only accept the old will be left behind.  Just
as the horse gave way to the motor car, so will money be left behind.

> such as your stuffed toy animals.
I don't own any, though my woman has a few.  It's a girl thing I think.

> You know, the ones you keep in your Mommies basement where you live?
I live in my own house, I eat my own food and I am very happy with my
life.  Making assumptions is not a reliable way to make decisions and
learn new information.

> Thank you for enlightening all of us with your superior wisdom.
I am not superior.  I have spent my time differently.

> Have a great life.
I already have a great life, and together, we could make it even better.

> "This email is intended to be reviewed by only the intended recipient
> and may contain information that is privileged and/or confidential.
> If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
> any review, use, dissemination, disclosure or copying of this email
> and its attachments, if any, is strictly prohibited.  If you have 
> received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender
> by return email and delete this email from your system."
 ^^^ How can I delete your words from the internal memory in my brain,
once I have read them?



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Re: Spam Rules, per argument (Re: Any package for surveys?)

2011-01-28 Thread elbbit
On 28/01/11 16:15, Robert Bonomi wrote:
>> From  Fri Jan 28 08:59:21 2011
>>> On 28/01/11 12:28, Robert Bonomi wrote:
>>>> see: <>
>>> Rule #0: Spam is theft.
>> Mail servers are offering a service.  If you don't want to receive >>
spam stop offering the service.
>>> Angel's Commentary: Spammers believe it's okay to steal a little >>>
bit from each person on the Internet at once.
>> Stealing... taking without consent... hey, you offered to deliver
>> some mail for me.
> LIE.
What?  Now you are saying that you didn't offer to send the mail for me?
 You just received THIS email so you are STILL offering the service of
reception to me.

> The mailing list operator offered to deliver mail for a SPECIFIC
> PURPOSE.  You _disregarded_ that purpose.
Please identify the purpose if it is not "discussion."  We are
discussing "spam," are we not?

>>> Rule #1: Spammers lie.
>> Assumptive.  Just like when you lose something you assume it may be
>> gone for ever, but wait, no, there it is, you left it in your
>> pocket.  Assumptions can be wrong as well as right.
> Your  are a spammer.
Assumptive.  I could label you back, but I am able to control my emotions.

> you lied. see above.  Q.E.D.
I'm not going to repeat something which has already been done.  This is
the equivalent of making a journey from my office to the mail box twice
just to deliver a single envelope.

> The rest of your 'analysis' simply proves Shar's Commentary.
Who is Shar?  And what did they comment?  A reference please.  I tried a
Google search for this, but it is too vague.

> Enjoy the fruits of your labors.
I don't "work" like you do.  I live in a world without money, without
rules and restrictions, without deadlines and targets.  I don't labour
anything - I leisure everything.



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Spam Rules, per argument (Re: Any package for surveys?)

2011-01-28 Thread elbbit
> Mountain Ash
> CF45 3YL
> ^^^ Don't you see  we share this planet.  Let's work together to
> make it a better place :-)
>> email:   <>
>> Domain name: TIBBLE.NET
>> Registrant: Simon Tibble 74 Park Street Penrhiwceiber Mountain Ash, 
>> Rhondda Cynon Taff CF45 3YL GB 07767650385Fax: 07767650385
>> Registration Service Provider: 08712309525


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Re: Any package for surveys?

2011-01-28 Thread elbbit
On 28/01/11 12:28, Robert Bonomi wrote:

Thank you for taking the time to reply Robert.  I value your opinion.

>>>>> elbbit wrote:
>>>>>> I held off writing back because I have just launched a new 
>>>>>> website at:
>>>>>> Wait!  Don't go!  This isn't spam!   Please!  Just listen!
>>>>> Yes, it looks very spammy to me
>>>> I sent similar emails to other lists and was promptly scalded 
>>>> for being so uncouth.  I thank those who encourage me to stop 
>>>> spamming for teaching me humility.  However, I think the 
>>>> importance of global self awareness is too important to worry 
>>>> about whether or not we like to know about the problems.  This 
>>>> is the equivalent of a hit-and-run, in my opinion.  I am here 
>>>> to stay, I am not going anywhere and the world will become 
>>>> self-aware in my presence.  It is why I have been born.
>>> You are a delusion dipshit, and a bad liar.
>>> If you feel so righteous about your cause, why did you hijack 
>>> another thread without changing the subject?
>> With all the respect that is due to you, and all others who 
>> frequent these mailing lists, I feel the topic of global voting is 
>> too important to worry about whether or not my particular message 
>> fits into a defined category.
> And you think it's OK to *STEAL* other people's resources to get 
> "your" message out, apparently.
Hmm.  Stealing.  Taking without consent.  Consent from whom?  The
network operator?  According to the Debian website:
"There are many world-open mailing lists, meaning anyone can read
everything that is posted, and participate in the discussions. Everyone
is encouraged..." - Under the heading Introduction:

Hmm.  I assumed the service was being offered to me.  If I am wrong, I
would like more people to confirm if Robert is right.

> The people who run the mailing lists _pay_ for that equipment and
Pay... with money... which is a made up idea...

> network connectivity, and provide it to others for a specific use. this case, communication... which we are doing :-)

> You _are_ a thief, and as already stated "a bad liar, and a 
> delusional dipshit."
My opinion is that according to the instruction provided to it, your
computer did all it can to send me your information.  I did not steal
it.  You gave it to me.  You offered, you know - where you make a motion
towards me?

> Doing what you did is *expressly* against The AUP of your hosting 
> services provider, Webfusion, Ltd. 
> <>
Yes.  Words.  Somehow, it is commonly accepted that just because
something is written in words that it is "right."  My emails challenge that.

> That said, you've _made_ your rules, and now *you8 get to live by 
> them.
I do not understand this statement.  Please clarify.

> Since _you_ believe it is "OK" to inflict your 'important' message on
> those you do not know, and who have _not_ consented to hear it, you
> =cannot= object if the 'world' decides to do the same to _you_ and
> your mailbox.
I agree, with everything that is me.  But does this also not apply to
you, also?  I think you have made an error by joining a "world-open
mailing list" if you are unable to tolerate other people's words.

> Russian brides, pharmaceutcals, watches, lottery winnings, money 
> sharing, and whatever else people decide is 'too important' for
> _you_ not to be informed of.
You see, the people who raise awareness of their product or service are
after one thing - to increase the number which is displayed on their ATM
machine.  I do not want money.  I do not promote a service or product.
In fact, I promote an IDEA - the notion that we can abandon money

> Annoying people who *run* mail-servers is a _really_ stupid thing to 
> do.
Unfortunately, any one who is part of the growing movement realises that
ridicule, torture or even certain death are requirements of changing the
world.  John F. Kennedy, one of your own president's, paid dearly simply
for saying some words.  I say some words, and you too, want to kill me.
 I forgive you for being so misguided.

> But, then, you're a spammer.
Try not to think of me as someone different.  I am someone the same.  I
have two arms, two legs, two eyes, I breathe air, I eat food, I use the
toilet, I have sex - I do all the normal thing you do too.  You and I
are not as different you think.  The only major difference between us
all is how we spend our time.  Hence, I do not think of 

Re: Any package for surveys?

2011-01-27 Thread elbbit
On 27/01/11 19:23, Jarrod Slick wrote:

Thank you for taking the time to reply Jarrod.  I appreciate your argument.

> On 1/27/11 12:08 PM, elbbit wrote:
>> I am not going anywhere and the world will become self-aware in my
>> presence.  It is why I have been born.
> You sound like a sociopath.
You sound like you are just putting me in a box marked "crazy people"
without inquiring how I came to this conclusion.  Your mind is closed.
Only by asking questions will you learn anything new.  Sure, I have
answers, and so does Google.  You can ask either or not at all.

>> I am on the outside of the matrix.  You have no idea how great it
>> is out here.  Unplug, and free your mind, just like Neo does in the
>> famous movie.  Only, try to understand, the real fiction we deal
>> with is money and those who make it.  They use it to control you.
>> Do your own research.  Don't believe the crazy man - because I am
>> crazy...or am I?
> Nevermind, you actually just sound like a normal 14 year old with 
> Hollywood inspired delusions of grandeur.
It is widely accepted that Hollywood is based on real life, as a
starting reference point in any fiction, and then distorted to a point.
 A screen writer then fills in the gaps with dramatization and dialogue.
 If my perception of the creativity industry is flawed, please educate me.

> Hope your website works out for you and ends social injustice.
I forgive you.  I accept the ridicule and sarcasm, because I have
already accepted in advance, that it is the price I must pay in order
free humanity from the control of a few powerful men, and give the power
to the people themselves.

If you are unable to see (in advance) how global voting is going to
change the world, I think you need to get up from that keyboard and go
ponder about the possibilities whilst staring out of a window.



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Re: Any package for surveys?

2011-01-27 Thread elbbit
On 27/01/11 17:04, Bill Moran ...

Thank you for taking the time to reply Bill.  I am glad you challenge
me.  Someone needs to!

> In response to elbbit :
>> On 27/01/11 14:41, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
>>> Hi Simon,
>> Thanks for taking the time to reply Andrew.
>>> elbbit wrote:
>>>> I held off writing back because I have just launched a new
>>>> website at:
>>>> Wait!  Don't go!  This isn't spam!   Please!  Just listen!
>>> Yes, it looks very spammy to me
>> I sent similar emails to other lists and was promptly scalded for
>> being so uncouth.  I thank those who encourage me to stop spamming
>> for teaching me humility.  However, I think the importance of
>> global self awareness is too important to worry about whether or
>> not we like to know about the problems.  This is the equivalent of
>> a hit-and-run, in my opinion.  I am here to stay, I am not going
>> anywhere and the world will become self-aware in my presence.  It
>> is why I have been born.
> You are a delusion dipshit, and a bad liar.
I forgive you.

> If you feel so righteous about your cause, why did you hijack another
> thread without changing the subject?
With all the respect that is due to you, and all others who frequent
these mailing lists, I feel the topic of global voting is too important
to worry about whether or not my particular message fits into a defined
category.  The survey thread I chose to reply to is the closest match I
could find that was both recent and relevant to OUR cause.  By "our" I
mean all people in the world, not just those involved with me.

To highlight some facts here:
a) original poster asked about conducting a survey
b) original poster wants to gather the opinion using the internet
c) I am conducting a survey of all people on all views, sorted by most
active vote/talk thread
d) my survey is being conducted on the internet

> It's because you don't really care if anyone on the list reads it,
Naturally, when you understand the significance of everyone being able
to vote, and then being able to change their vote at any time, and being
able to vote on anything - completely unrestricted, unmoderated,
clear-cut decision.  Take a second to imagine in your mind, and call it
fiction if you will, that it is wholly possible that all people can vote
in this way.  Now, seeing as we are dealing with fiction, and made up
ideas, you must remember that money is a made up idea.  Someone thought
it up.  Let's continue...

> you just want the message to be in the multitude of web archives that
> archive this mailing list so you'll have more links back to your page
> so search engines are more likely to rank you highly.  I expect
> you've got some scheme in mind that eventually involves making 
> yourself money once you've got enough traffic.
I am not hostile.  I care.  I love.  Yes, you read me right.  I have
nothing but love for you all, and whilst you might think I am going to
fail without the use of money - I think you will find that there is a
growing trend where people are starting to question why we have all
believed in money.  Money is the religion of today, if you open your
eyes to see it for yourself.  I am not here to make money.  I am here to
see what the world decides for itself.

> I sent a complaint to your ISP about the spamming.  If enough other 
> people do the same, you'll find your site shut down eventually.  I 
> wish you poor luck and misery.
I forgive you [again] for thinking that I am hostile.  I am not hurting
anybody.  No blood is being spilt because I am "asking for your
opinion."  Go ahead and annoy the ISP if you want, but if they shut
Tibble down it will just appear somewhere else, maybe even being written
by someone new.

I am on the outside of the matrix.  You have no idea how great it is out
here.  Unplug, and free your mind, just like Neo does in the famous
movie.  Only, try to understand, the real fiction we deal with is money
and those who make it.  They use it to control you.  Do your own
research.  Don't believe the crazy man - because I am crazy...or am I?



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Re: Any package for surveys?

2011-01-27 Thread elbbit
On 27/01/11 14:41, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> Hi Simon,
Thanks for taking the time to reply Andrew.

> elbbit wrote:
>> I held off writing back because I have just launched a new website at:
>> Wait!  Don't go!  This isn't spam!   Please!  Just listen!
> Yes, it looks very spammy to me
I sent similar emails to other lists and was promptly scalded for being
so uncouth.  I thank those who encourage me to stop spamming for
teaching me humility.  However, I think the importance of global self
awareness is too important to worry about whether or not we like to know
about the problems.  This is the equivalent of a hit-and-run, in my
opinion.  I am here to stay, I am not going anywhere and the world will
become self-aware in my presence.  It is why I have been born.

>> For anyone who is half in the know about the goings on in the world, and
>> are aware of Project Venus or the Zeitgeist Movement, you will
>> understand that there is a growing concern over many global issues:
>> - over-population of the planet
>> - resources might run out (as a result of too many people)
>> - money is a form of slavery
>> - the choices available to us are set by corporations/governments, not
>> by us the people
>> ... the list goes on.
> The problem with many "leading" questions [as per your site] is that you
> can't agree / disagree with the question properly as there are grey
> areas.  You might somewhat agree with each argument, so you are unable
> to choose b/w either given answer in a simple y/n situation.  There are
> often at least three answers to a question, "your" answer, an "opposing"
> answer and the "correct" answer; however that trivializes the fact that
> multiple answers could be equally correct for different people with or
> without further argument -- but if you define the question to rigidly,
> you can't give fair license to get the answer that is truly relevant for
> the responder.
My argument to this is a physics one.  Nothing is static.  There is no
grey area.  This so called "in between" black and white is a myth which
is perpetuated to stop us from deciding.  Let me analogise:  everything
in real matter is in a state of change.  In a car which has cruise
control, the internal computer either adds braking force or increases
the airflow in the combustion process to allow acceleration.  The
speedometer might "perceptively" appear to be "stuck" at the specified
speed, but in fact, even at the microscopic level, you are either
speeding up or slowing down.

Using this as a guide, and from all the understandings I have gleaned
from texts about psychology & human relations, technology & science,
history and predictions: I deduce that everything is definitive.  Just
like the binary bit, your answer can only ever be 1 or 0.  You are alive
or dead.  You either breathe in or out.  Your brain either receives
information or it does not.  Your computer has electricity fed to it or
not.  There is no middle ground and any variance on the polar choice
will be avoided at all costs.

> I think back to the good old Eliza program, back in my late primary
> school days in the era of the TRS-80 and Apple ][e computers.  The
> program asks a simple question, then depending on your response, it will
> ask further questions along the way to get to an artificial point of
> "knowing" the answer.  
Aah, the old Turing test chestnut.  Artificial intelligence *will*
happen, but not in the way we have previously thought it.

> Inevitably, many forum polls have the same problem.  Limit the available
> choices and you can't get appropriate or meaningful results.  There are
> always other options that aren't seen in the poll.
Just like I can switch my transistor half on?



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Re: Any package for surveys?

2011-01-26 Thread elbbit
On 25/01/11 10:11, Daniel Andersson wrote:
> Is there a package for doing surveys? Preferably a web solution.
> Any suggestions?

Sorry for coming late to the thread with this one.

I held off writing back because I have just launched a new website at:

Wait!  Don't go!  This isn't spam!   Please!  Just listen!

For anyone who is half in the know about the goings on in the world, and
are aware of Project Venus or the Zeitgeist Movement, you will
understand that there is a growing concern over many global issues:
- over-population of the planet
- resources might run out (as a result of too many people)
- money is a form of slavery
- the choices available to us are set by corporations/governments, not
by us the people
... the list goes on.

I'm not here to preach one form of belief system or another.  I do not
enter into argument with those who want to push their beliefs.  You may
believe in God.  I may not.  Whatever.  What I want to know is... what
does EVERYONE think about stuff?  I mean, why are no global surveys
being cast.

Up steps me.  My name is Simon Tibble, and I am here to take your vote
please.  Come join me at my site and give your view about all and every,
and learn more about what other people think.  The sooner the global
consensus is reached... the better our world will become.

Yes, I really do believe I can change the world.  Are you with me?  Or
do you want to ridicule me?

Go to my site.  Go now.  Give up a little bit of your very precious time
- and I thank all in advance who help contribute - because I need you -
we need each other - to develop as a whole we need to think as a whole.

I post here first rather than elsewhere because I believe computer
experts like ourselves are at the forefront of development.  Through the
application of science comes wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

For those who have a head for big words, you may want to read more about
the idea at:

There is one more thing you should know about the site.  Once you decide
your vote, it does not end there.  You can change your mind at any time
on any matter, and any one can make a new vote.  So, you see, the
organic flow of energy in nature can relate to information... because as
more people come online at and register their vote, the more
we gain an understanding of how everyone is feeling.  We learn what we
want as a whole and we will obviously adapt according to our majority

Accept that this moment is inevitable.  Some call this the technological
singularity, others call it the awakening.  Whatever you call it, you
are either part of planet earth or you are not, and if you know what is
right, you will realise this is bigger than Facebook or Google will ever be.

Please forward this message to everyone, even if you know full well they
probably won't read or understand it.  This message must travel the
matrix in order to flourish.

Simon Tibble


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