[no subject]

2003-10-19 Thread esayer1
Do AMD Duron processors fall under the AMD64 release category, because on
your website it only says that AMD Opteron and Athlon prcoessors are the
AMD64 architecture.

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[no subject]

2003-10-07 Thread esayer1
Is the AMD iso image miniinst.iso the equivalent of the first disk in an
i386 install.  If not is there anything else i need besides the second disk?

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2003-09-22 Thread esayer1
I have a question about Miny ITX processors (http://www.mini-itx.com for
more info) EPIA processors.  The release for it isn't at the FTP site,
unless it is compadible with some other processor type.  Thanks.

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[no subject]

2003-07-12 Thread esayer1
I have a question about sysinstall.  If i have 3 SCSI drives un-RAIDED and
one IDE drive how will sysinstall give me an option of which drive to
install on.  Will there just be 4 unused partitions in the Fdisk partition
editor?  If so could i install FreeBSD on one of the drives and then RAID
them all together with Vinum and expect all the hardrives to share the files
(exept the IDE which will be used for something esle) or would i have to
reconfigure the mount points?  If i were to reinstall FreeBSD what steps
would i have to take to make sure the RAID is still there?  And also how
does RAIDING through Vinum work?  And also, are Travan type tape drives
compadible with FreeBSD?  Thanks in advance.

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2003-07-09 Thread esayer1
I have a question about RAID software.  Is there such a thing, and if so is
there a ported RAID package that is compadible with SCSI?

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[no subject]

2003-07-09 Thread esayer1
FreeBSD Question Answerer-
First of all thank you for your help and time.  I have a question about
running a Samba server where the server is a FreeBSD machine and the client
is a Macintosh ibook running max os X. The client would have a wireless PC
card connection that runs through the same bridge as the server.   Can the
client and the server share files and devices with this setup?  I was also
wondering about how Samba was configured, is it through the /etc/exports
file or is it done differently?  Also is Samba in the ports packages tree?
Also does Samba allow computers to share devices?  Could i have a server
with a DVD-ROM, and watch DVDs on a client?  Also how are shared files
stored on a Samba network, does the server store them all and they are all
accessible to the clients, or does the machine where the file was made store
it and it's accessible to all the clients?  Also i was going to RAID
together three SCSI harddrives in the server and also have one seperate IDE
harddrive.  The three SCSIs will store FreeBSD and be the storage for the
Samba server, and the IDE will run DOS.  Will the FreeBSD boot manager
recognize DOS even though it is on another harddrive, or will i have to boot
to it manually through the BIOS? Thanks and e-mail me back.

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Samba between Mac and BSD

2003-07-08 Thread esayer1
FreeBSD Question Answerer-
First of all thank you for your help and time.  I have a question about
running a Samba server where the server is a FreeBSD machine and the client
is a Macintosh ibook running max os X. The client would have a wireless PC
card connection that runs through the same bridge as the server.   Can the
client and the server share files and devices with this setup?  I was also
wondering about how Samba was configured, is it through the /etc/exports
file or is it done differently?  Also is Samba in the ports packages tree?
Also does Samba allow computers to share devices?  Could i have a server
with a DVD-ROM, and watch DVDs on a client?  Also how are shared files
stored on a Samba network, does the server store them all and they are all
accessible to the clients, or does the machine where the file was made store
it and it's accessible to all the clients?  Also i was going to RAID
together three SCSI harddrives in the server and also have one seperate IDE
harddrive.  The three SCSIs will store FreeBSD and be the storage for the
Samba server, and the IDE will run DOS.  Will the FreeBSD boot manager
recognize DOS even though it is on another harddrive, or will i have to boot
to it manually through the BIOS? Thanks and e-mail me back.

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[no subject]

2003-07-03 Thread esayer1

I have a question related to the case on my computer.  I have a Aspire
X-Sonic shown at the link below.  I was wondering if it would be possible to
replace all the 5.25" CD-ROM size plastic pieces with one piece that would
conceal all the drives behind it.  The piece would be openable and all the
drives would be behind it, almost like putting in a CD-ROM drive and leaving
the plastic piece on, except i would be putting in all the drives and
leaving one big plastic piece on.  Another picture is also at the second
link of a Dell PC with somewhat of what i am looking for.  So the front
would look relatively the same but the drives that are there in the picture
would be replaced with some type of a door like mechanism.  I would do this
for the Floppy slots too, providing that it is possible.  Do the make drive
doors like that, or would it be a custom job.  If it does have to be a
custom job, how do you reccommend going about it?  E-mail me back.

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[no subject]

2003-06-29 Thread esayer1
If i buy a UATA133 Bare Hard Drive, do i have to buy a disk controller.  If
i have to and i buy a PCI one does in connect to the hard drive via jumpers
or does the mother board just connect it to the hard drive.  Also is there
any compadibility issues with certain hard drives as far as SCSI and IDE go,
like which type of disk controller you have to use.  And if i have to buy
one which protocol do you reccommend, and what is a good compadible
controller for FreeBSD?E-mail me back

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[no subject]

2003-06-22 Thread esayer1

I downloaded a .zip version of an SSH-Telnet client called PuTTy off the
internet.  I have unziped it to another dir on /home, but when i try to open
the actual client called putty.exe it gives me a message like "Can't find
program putty.exe"  What does this mean and how do i fix it? E-mail me back.

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[no subject]

2003-06-16 Thread esayer1

I have a Firewall and i want to open port 22 for SSH for two different IP
adresses and it won't let me do this.  I need these two computers to be SSH
clients but i don't know how to make it work with the Firewall.  Also where
can i get a non-zip version of PuTTy for FreeBSD.

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[no subject]

2003-06-16 Thread esayer1

What ports do i need to open in my firewall to run SSH?

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