Which Development Environment/Tools For FreeBSD + PostgreSQL Service?

2004-09-29 Thread tom_oak
Hello All,

We are a company looking for a good development environment/tool(s) for a service-type 
application. The OS is FreeBSD and the database will be PostgreSQL. The first emphasis 
is placed on reliability, with secondary emphasis on performance. Third in importance 
would be the richness of the language/features and avoidance of plumbing code.
- Is this the right place to be asking about development tools? Since this involves 
FreeBSD, we thought it might be appropriate.
- We do not need any GUI. The programs will either run from the shell, or as services.

- C/C++ comes to mind, but which flavour of compiler/debugger/third party 
add-ons/editor? An advantage here is the fact that this language is well established 
which should improve reliability to some extent (if we are careful with pointers). A 
disadvantage would be the extensive use of pointers, the cryptic and unreadable look 
of the code and the fact that C/C++ is getting a bit long in the tooth.

- We are considering the Borland tools (JBuilder/Kylix) since we are familiar with 
Borland tools and like their database connectivity, rich components and elegant 
looking code (less plumbing). But on the other hand, we don't need any GUI, and we had 
some problems in the past with reliability. Do you have any thoughts on this?

- We would prefer not to use ODBC/JDBC, and instead interface directly to the 
database. We had some bad experience in the past regarding reliability and 
performance. We can either use the library provided by Postgres or write our own 
wrappers to make things more readable.

- We would prefer not to use an interpreted language such as Python, Java, and Perl 
etc for performance reasons. We know that Java can be compiled, but is it a good 
solution without using JDBC? How about reliability?

Are there any particularly elegant solutions you have experience with? Thank you for 
your help.


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Which vendor for FreeBSD Rack-Dense Co-Lo Servers?

2004-09-02 Thread tom_oak
Hello all,

We are an Australian company looking to buy some rack-dense hardware for a FreeBSD 
implementation at a colocation facility.

So far we have got some quotes from Dell for:

* Some PowerEdge 1850 servers
* PowerEdge 2850
* PowerVault 220S direct attach storage

Are there any issues with getting the PERC4 RAID to work with FreeBSD with external 
storage (the PowerVault 220S)? Are there driver issues with their DAT72 tape drive 
(that comes with the PowerEdge 2850)?

I had a look at FreeBSD Systems' web site, but they are probably not a feasible option 
(because we need on-site support in Australia).

Which vendor would you recommend out of the big 3 (HP, IBM, Dell)?

Are there any other vendors that come to mind which might be better? Reliability is 
the major factor guiding us. Thank you for your help.


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