On 12/08/12 00:05, Tomek CEDRO wrote:
On 12/07/12 23:11, Chuck Burns wrote:
On 12/7/2012 3:50 PM, CeDeROM wrote:

I have tried to chceck for badblocks on my / but I did not find badblocks program on LiveCD and there is no option to install it. This is very useful
utility, please add it as part of LiveCD

Also there is a problem with DHCP based workstations using LiveCD -
although interface gets configured it is impossible to update
/etc/resolv.conf (by dhclient and by hand) and so this workstation pretty
useless for IPv4 (is it more usable on IPv6?). Please update

Thank you

dd if=/dev/zer of=/dev/ada0

^^^ There's your "badblocks" program. Any hard drive made in the last decade have been self-remapping.. Attempting to write to a bad block will cause the hard drive to remap an unused sector into it's place, until the drive runs out of said "unused" backup sectors, and at that time, will begin simply begin just "losing" storage space... IE the number of total sectors on the drive will begin to shrink.


Badblocks is outdated for more than 17 years I guess
The dd mentioned above will let the firmware remap all bad sectors until there are no spare sectors left (and wipe anything on disk as a bonus ;then you can begin to think about replacing your harddrive.

As for DHCP, it works for me when booting from a netinstall for instance or going to fixit. Tomek, please try to describe more accurately what you are doing and try to accomplish

As I get ffs_valloc kernel panic on my / I want to check for badblocks but
cannot do that from the system itself so I need another FreeBSD instance to
run badblocks on unmounted /. There are no badblocks on LiveCD and I cannot
simply download it with pkg_add -r. Installing another system just to test
existing one seems silly. It would be nice to finally have swiss army knife
on generic LiveCD FreeBSD install, not using linux windows hirens etc :-)

I have just started dd if=root of=root from LiveCD, Ill let you know if
that worked :-)

I will be surprised what that will do for you

I have lloked at the picture and all I can come up wih is either bad hardware or a very strange software/system configuration.

Good luck
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