Dear list,

i am currently deciding on hardware for a server at home which will manage
my email (Mailtoaster), website, dns, dhcp and samba. It will replace 2
boxes. The load is currently average 0.4 on a Dual Pentium 3 800mhz (thats
the old mailserver - FreeBSD 5.4) and the other is just a windows 2003
file/ad/dns server. So no need for a lot of muscle.

I don't want to buy the bleeding edge and not the most expensive stuff. I
want reliable equipment which also doesnt generate a lot of heat and
noise. (Picky, i know ;-) )

At the moment I have come up with the following:
* Asus M2N with nVidia NForce 430 chipset
* AMD Athlon 64 X2 EE 3800+
* 2 Gigabyte of memory (DDR2 800mhz)
* Adaptec 390320D SCSI for systemdisks (3 x U320 15k drives (got these
spare - better use them)
* 4 x 500GB SATA 2 drives from Western Digital (Raid 5)

I got the following questions;

Question 1: is the SATA2 Raid 5 setup supported for the Nvidia 430
chipset? In my searches in basically all lists of Freebsd it seems there
were "issues" reported?

Question 2: Is the Hostraid functionality of the Adaptec card supported by
FreeBSD? For windows boxes additional software is required, will it be
supported out of the box by FreeBSD?

Question 3: Nvidia Nforce5 is this supported by FreeBSD 6.2 and will I be
able to build a RAID 5 set and use this in FreeBSD? I have seen emails in
lists which show issues.

Of course any suggestions regarding hardware is also appreciated.

Many thanks for allowing me to use your bandwidth!


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