I have an old dual-P3 server with an internal SCSI backplane. I also have an external firewire drive attached to it as cheap, 'disposable' storage. It all works swimmingly apart from one thing: When the system boots, it loads the kernel from the SCSI drive OK, then at some stage it changes it's idea of what da0 is from the first SCSI drive to the firewire one, and then fails to boot since there's no da0s1a on the firewire drive. Unplugging the firewire drive and rebooting works, but means it can't be done unattended, obviously.

Is there any way to stop or change this behaviour? I couldn't see anything in the sbp(4) manpage...

I'm running FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE, in case it's relevant.

Thanks for any pointers.

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