        I'm having a bit of an issue getting mod_auth_pam2 from the ports
collection working with the apache2 port.

        I've installed the module, uncommented the config lines in httpd.conf,
and set up a .htaccess file in the virtual server's top-level data directory...

AuthType Basic
require valid-user
AuthPAM_Enabled On
AuthPAM_FallThrough Off

        I also set up /etc/pam.d/httpd....

auth            required debug
account         required debug

        The only logging I seem to be able to get is via the apache error
log, where I see:

[Wed Sep 21 15:53:13 2005] [error] [client] PAM: user 'XXXXXXXX' - 
not authenticated: authentication error

for each login attempt. I'm not seeing anything at all in messages,
auth.log, etc, so I'm not even sure if apache is doing the right things.

Everything else is pretty much at install configuration. Any suggestions on
things I may want to change (e.g. syslog.conf) to start to peel the edges up
on the black box, and get a look at whats going on inside?

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