Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-14 Thread Simon
On Thu, 14 Jun 2012 09:04:26 +0100, Paul Macdonald wrote:

>On 13/06/2012 19:34, Simon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3-p3 and installed MySQL 5.0.95 from ports.
>> It runs fine until it dies silently. Does anyone run a heavy loaded MySQL
>> under such setup? how can I troubleshoot this?
>> I could never compile a stable MySQL server from the ports and always
>> relied on MySQL community server binaries but there is no binary for
>> latest 5.0.xx
>> Thank you!
>> Simon
>Its not clear if you upgraded mysql or just did a vanilla fresh install, 
>but assuming the former,

>i take it you ran the mysql_upgrade script post upgrade?


No, I did not run the mysql_upgrade because this was a minor upgrade.

I was running 5.0.88 Community Server binary install built by mysql developers
rock solid for long time. Then I decided to upgrade to latest 5.0.x but there is
no such build for FreeBSD by the MySQL developers. So I decided to give the
ports version a shot. I compiled and installed databases/mysql50-server
with BUILD_STATIC The latest mysql50-server under FBSD 8.3 is 5.0.95
BTW, I'm doing this on FreeBSD 8.3-p3 AMD64

PS I just had it die on a different machine that is less loaded and uses less


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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-14 Thread Paul Macdonald

On 13/06/2012 19:34, Simon wrote:


I upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3-p3 and installed MySQL 5.0.95 from ports.

It runs fine until it dies silently. Does anyone run a heavy loaded MySQL
under such setup? how can I troubleshoot this?

I could never compile a stable MySQL server from the ports and always
relied on MySQL community server binaries but there is no binary for
latest 5.0.xx

Thank you!

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Its not clear if you upgraded mysql or just did a vanilla fresh install, 
but assuming the former,

i take it you ran the mysql_upgrade script post upgrade?


Paul Macdonald
Web and video hosting
t: 0131 5548070
m: 07970339546

Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Michael Powell
Simon wrote:

Hint: Please learn to not top post. It makes it more difficult to arrange 
answers coherently.

> Possible but extremely unlikely, I always had issues whenever I tried to
> build MySQL server myself. The hardware where this is running has been
> very stable. I don't have any issues whatsoever making world, etc...
> There is no segfault which is what usually happens when you have memory
> issues. And why would MySQL community server run stable if it was somehow
> my hardware? Bottom line, if this was hardware issue, the server would
> have paniced long ago.
> I wish I could get some input from someone running MySQL server with 300+
> queries a second and what MySQL version/build they are running.
> -Simon
> On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 11:36:48 -0700, Chuck Swiger wrote:
>>On Jun 13, 2012, at 11:34 AM, Simon wrote:
>>> I upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3-p3 and installed MySQL 5.0.95 from ports.
>>> It runs fine until it dies silently. Does anyone run a heavy loaded
>>> MySQL under such setup? how can I troubleshoot this?
>>> I could never compile a stable MySQL server from the ports and always
>>> relied on MySQL community server binaries but there is no binary for
>>> latest 5.0.xx
>>This sounds like marginal hardware which is failing under load.  Make
>>sure you can run something like memtest86 or prime95 overnight without

I don't know about 300+ queries per second, but I have been running MySQL 
since version 3.x.x, and so on, without much difficulty. It has been very 
stable for me for many years.

Hardware related problems can be a cause of general flakiness one person can 
see while many, many others do not experience. Can be things such as old, 
weak, under rated power supply that has poor regulation and excessive ripple 
under load. This can actually resemble RAM problems at times, because with 
things like memtest there will be failures. It can be other things as well, 
such as a disk controller running a driver that has a bug. Rather than 
ramble through myriad possibilities, a general rule I've noticed over many 
years of dealing with computers: Hardware is often involved when the problem 
is very random, while when you can reproduce a specific error condition 
repeatedly by executing a set of commands or instructions in particular and 
specific order it is software related.

I also question why you would want to run such an old version. Particularly 
I am aware that versions 5.0.50 and 5.0.51 contain several serious bugs. I 
run the latest version of the 5.1.xx branch, with an eye to moving towards 
5.5.xx very soon. 

I have always compiled from the ports system. I have also tuned my.cnf 
according to the examples and the documentation recommendations. One of the 
first things you should look at is what about the compilation process on your 
machine is producing your flaky, crashy binaries. Using a GCC from ports?, 
CLANG?, remove any so-called 'optimizations' from your make.conf, etc. In 
the make config for building MySQL do _not_ select the 'build optimized 
binaries' choice (which sets -O3 optimization) and see if that makes a 
difference. I have used the -O3 in my builds for many years and never had a 

Circle outwards in looking at OS tuning. An example would be vmstat -i, 
looking for a piece of hardware with a run away interrupt storm. Other 
things like IPC, SYSVSHM, Semaphores, and other such structure pools looking 
for resource starvation.

If hardware proves not to be central to the problem, see if you can arrange 
a way to _not_ load it so heavily. If it runs at a lower load without 
crashing it might indicate you need some tuning. I would look at the 
hardware very hard. I would look at how you are building the compilation. I 
would also _not_ use this version, but rather at least 5.1.x and preferably 
(especially if this is a new start up) look at trying the latest in the 
5.5.xx series. The 5.5.xx is supposed to offer better performance, and maybe 
with your 300+ per second query rate maybe you should focus on the version 
with the best performance.

Bottom line: Many thousands of people and companies have run MySQL for many 
years and had it work just fine. Your particular situation is an aberration 
of some form.


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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Peter Vereshagin

2012/06/13 14:43:29 -0400 Simon  => To Chuck Swiger :
S> There is no segfault which is what usually happens when you have memory

then there is the daemon's log...

Peter Vereshagin  ( pgp: A0E26627 
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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Julian H. Stacey
Hi Simon

> Thanks Julian. The reason for freebsd-questions is because when I looked
> thru isp, database, and performance, and few others, they had one or two
> threads a month with barely much input.

Yup, isp@ is quiet, some other lists too, doesn't necessarily mean
there'snot good people listening, though I suspect total sub. # on
isp@ might be low.

> I figured I would reach more people
> on this list.

Certainly lots, but some specialist lists have good people
listening, & less troll noise than lately on questions@.

> The reason why I didn't use freebsd-hackers is because I thought
> perhaps this was somewhat trivial, like I was overlooking something, but I
> guess not. Next time I'll just use that list instead. I think it would be my 
> best bet.

Welcome to hackers@ & the rest :-)

PS The one list I periodicaly notice is not quite there,
& or a handbook entry either I think, is something
for all of us who periodically suspect a machine is maybe a bit
sick, & want to give it a damn good thrashing to test it.  Well,
complex issue, & "how long is a piece of string ?" but
there's performance@ & ports@ for ideas & tools etc.  Good luck.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Julian H. Stacey
> Those only using questions@ _Please_ realise there are other lists.
> Read the remits of the other lists & subscribe &/or post those lists
> that match your topic.

PS All credit & thanks to a few highly skilled & informed people 
on questions@ who regularly contribute good advice helping newcomers. 

Just that many Was-once-a-beginner should start to think:
  "I've been using FreeBSD a while now, I'm no longer just a newbie
   to cluelessly use just questions@, I should look at what other
   FreeBSD lists there are."

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Mark Felder

Can you repeat this issue with MariaDB?
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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Simon
>Yes you too are using the wrong list.
>The questions@ list was created to catch FreeBSD newbies, 
>somewhere to point /etc/motd at.
>   ( It's evolved to also deal with _some_ more complex issues
>   'cos some on questions@ failed to move on, & post more
>   complex non beginner issues to the maybe 50+ or more
>   specialist lists. )

>Examples for this topic might include:

>Just 2 clicks from
>Sad how many people don't look, & dump all on questions@,
>breaking the whole point of having 50+ different themed FreeBSD lists.

>Those only using questions@ _Please_ realise there are other lists.
>Read the remits of the other lists & subscribe &/or post those lists
>that match your topic.


Thanks Julian. The reason for freebsd-questions is because when I looked
thru isp, database, and performance, and few others, they had one or two
threads a month with barely much input. I figured I would reach more people
on this list. The reason why I didn't use freebsd-hackers is because I thought
perhaps this was somewhat trivial, like I was overlooking something, but I
guess not. Next time I'll just use that list instead. I think it would be my 
best bet.


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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Chuck Swiger
On Jun 13, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Simon wrote:
>>> I wish I could get some input from someone running MySQL server with 300+
>>> queries a second and what MySQL version/build they are running.
>> By all means-- while I'm quite familiar with busy databases, folks aren't 
>> running
>> MySQL for that kind of TPS load.
> Why not? it is designed precisely for this.

That depends on workload.

Table-level or page-level locking is fine for read-only or read-mostly;
it wasn't until InnoDB storage that MySQL had row-level locking, which is
kinda important when you *aren't* read-mostly.

> Like I said, whenever I used MySQL
> project community server built binaries, I never had it crash.

But the process from these "community server built binaries" went away, right?

> Right now I'm thinking:
> 1. the port build of 5.0.95 does something incorrectly.
> 2. it's running out of memory (FreeBSD's kernel still does not report out of 
> memory
> errors for processes if it kills them; there is no way to know if kernel 
> killed a process
> due to memory limit, it does not log this)
> 3. it's hitting some kind of 5.0.95 bug

The program termination ought to log something, at least if you enable logging 
have a monitor in place which can see mysqld's error status; even mysqld_safe 
ought to
take --log-error flag

> Maybe I'm contacting wrong mailling list, I can't seem to get ahold of 
> ISP/hosting guys
> on this list. Truly amazing that for a server OS, there is so little input 
> for something like
> MySQL server. Perhaps everyone else is still using text files, does 10TPS, or 
> runs
> linux, don't know what to make of it :\

That's likely to be a valid point; freebsd-ports would be appropriate for 
the build problems with mysql port.  freebsd-isp has a different population 
towards hosting provider issues etc that you've mentioned.

However, I can assure you that some folks here on freebsd-questions
do deal with more than 10TPS.  :-)


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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Julian H. Stacey
> Maybe I'm contacting wrong mailling list, I can't seem to get ahold of 
> ISP/hosting guys
> on this list. Truly amazing that for a server OS, there is so little input 
> for something like
> MySQL server. Perhaps everyone else is still using text files, does 10TPS, or 
> runs
> linux, don't know what to make of it :\
> -Simon

Yes you too are using the wrong list.
The questions@ list was created to catch FreeBSD newbies, 
somewhere to point /etc/motd at.
( It's evolved to also deal with _some_ more complex issues
'cos some on questions@ failed to move on, & post more
complex non beginner issues to the maybe 50+ or more
specialist lists. )

Examples for this topic might include:

Just 2 clicks from
Sad how many people don't look, & dump all on questions@,
breaking the whole point of having 50+ different themed FreeBSD lists.

Those only using questions@ _Please_ realise there are other lists.
Read the remits of the other lists & subscribe &/or post those lists
that match your topic.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Chuck Swiger
On Jun 13, 2012, at 11:34 AM, Simon wrote:
> I upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3-p3 and installed MySQL 5.0.95 from ports.
> It runs fine until it dies silently. Does anyone run a heavy loaded MySQL
> under such setup? how can I troubleshoot this?
> I could never compile a stable MySQL server from the ports and always
> relied on MySQL community server binaries but there is no binary for
> latest 5.0.xx

This sounds like marginal hardware which is failing under load.  Make
sure you can run something like memtest86 or prime95 overnight without


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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread doug

On Wed, 13 Jun 2012, Simon wrote:

I wish I could get some input from someone running MySQL server with 300+
queries a second and what MySQL version/build they are running.

By all means-- while I'm quite familiar with busy databases, folks aren't 
MySQL for that kind of TPS load.

Why not? it is designed precisely for this. Like I said, whenever I used MySQL
project community server built binaries, I never had it crash.

Right now I'm thinking:

1. the port build of 5.0.95 does something incorrectly.
2. it's running out of memory (FreeBSD's kernel still does not report out of 
errors for processes if it kills them; there is no way to know if kernel killed 
a process
due to memory limit, it does not log this)
3. it's hitting some kind of 5.0.95 bug

Maybe I'm contacting wrong mailling list, I can't seem to get ahold of 
ISP/hosting guys
on this list. Truly amazing that for a server OS, there is so little input for 
something like
MySQL server. Perhaps everyone else is still using text files, does 10TPS, or 
linux, don't know what to make of it :\

try - when I was an utter newbie they were quite helpful 
and tolerant.

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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Simon
>> I wish I could get some input from someone running MySQL server with 300+
>> queries a second and what MySQL version/build they are running.

>By all means-- while I'm quite familiar with busy databases, folks aren't 
>MySQL for that kind of TPS load.

Why not? it is designed precisely for this. Like I said, whenever I used MySQL
project community server built binaries, I never had it crash.

Right now I'm thinking:

1. the port build of 5.0.95 does something incorrectly.
2. it's running out of memory (FreeBSD's kernel still does not report out of 
errors for processes if it kills them; there is no way to know if kernel killed 
a process
due to memory limit, it does not log this)
3. it's hitting some kind of 5.0.95 bug

Maybe I'm contacting wrong mailling list, I can't seem to get ahold of 
ISP/hosting guys
on this list. Truly amazing that for a server OS, there is so little input for 
something like
MySQL server. Perhaps everyone else is still using text files, does 10TPS, or 
linux, don't know what to make of it :\


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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Chuck Swiger
On Jun 13, 2012, at 11:43 AM, Simon wrote:
> Possible but extremely unlikely, I always had issues whenever I tried to build
> MySQL server myself.

That by itself is interesting.

> The hardware where this is running has been very
> stable. I don't have any issues whatsoever making world, etc...

A make world is a decent stress test, but it doesn't take long enough on
modern hardware to reliably uncover problems.

> There is no segfault which is what usually happens when you have memory
> issues. And why would MySQL community server run stable if it was somehow
> my hardware? Bottom line, if this was hardware issue, the server would have
> paniced long ago.
> I wish I could get some input from someone running MySQL server with 300+
> queries a second and what MySQL version/build they are running.

By all means-- while I'm quite familiar with busy databases, folks aren't 
MySQL for that kind of TPS load.


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Re: FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Simon

Possible but extremely unlikely, I always had issues whenever I tried to build
MySQL server myself. The hardware where this is running has been very
stable. I don't have any issues whatsoever making world, etc...

There is no segfault which is what usually happens when you have memory
issues. And why would MySQL community server run stable if it was somehow
my hardware? Bottom line, if this was hardware issue, the server would have
paniced long ago.

I wish I could get some input from someone running MySQL server with 300+
queries a second and what MySQL version/build they are running.


On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 11:36:48 -0700, Chuck Swiger wrote:

>On Jun 13, 2012, at 11:34 AM, Simon wrote:
>> I upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3-p3 and installed MySQL 5.0.95 from ports.
>> It runs fine until it dies silently. Does anyone run a heavy loaded MySQL
>> under such setup? how can I troubleshoot this?
>> I could never compile a stable MySQL server from the ports and always
>> relied on MySQL community server binaries but there is no binary for
>> latest 5.0.xx

>This sounds like marginal hardware which is failing under load.  Make
>sure you can run something like memtest86 or prime95 overnight without


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FreeBSD 8.3 + MySQL 5.0.95

2012-06-13 Thread Simon

I upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3-p3 and installed MySQL 5.0.95 from ports.

It runs fine until it dies silently. Does anyone run a heavy loaded MySQL
under such setup? how can I troubleshoot this?

I could never compile a stable MySQL server from the ports and always
relied on MySQL community server binaries but there is no binary for
latest 5.0.xx

Thank you!

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