Re: FreeBSD5.4 - GUI fails

2005-12-12 Thread Lowell Gilbert
arnuld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I will be as brief as i can on explaining my problem:
> 1.) here is my architecture:
> i.)AMD64 -> processor
> ii.)ASUS K8V-MX -> motherboard
> iii.)LG 17'' Studioworks 775N -> monitor
> HorizSyns = 30-70 kHz
> Vertsync  = 50-160 Hz
> Resolution Max. = 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz
> IV.)  i do not know about video-card but when FC-4 istallation uses
> "anaconda" to
>probe the video-card of my system, it shows: vesa driver
> (generic)

Okay, that sounds fine.

> 2.) I have "FreeBSD-5.4 CDs for x86" architecture. regarding this i posted
> the question on FreeBSD mailing-list & many
>  people told me that these same CDs will work on AMD64 because AMD64 is
> backward compatible with 32 bit
>  computing.


> 3.) PROBLEM:
> I tried to install it on my system and got the following results:
>   i.)FreeBSD is installed (i did all ports/packages installation)
> but some packages (total 6) could not be installed,it says "installation
> failed",  they are:
> a.) php
> b.) apache
> c.) 1 more package related to apache
> c.) apache-mod+perl
> d.) bash
> e.) 1 dependency of bash
> all of these raise "error-code 1". except these 6 everything else
> like GNOME, KDE, emacs, xpdf, gv is installed without any problem

I don't believe you're intended to install *everything* on the CDs.
Some of them seem to interfere with each other.  You can always go
back and install them later, so there is no reason to install anything
until you *know* you want it.

The error code 1 doesn't mean anything; it's just the "make" program
reporting that something reported an error to *it*.  You need to look
back a little farther to see the real problem, but in all likelihood,
the problem is just that you installed too many things and they got in
each other's way.  

>   ii.)FreeBSD boots with login prompt: only in shell mode,no GUI at
> all. ( in freeBSd handbook section 2.9.12 i came to
>  know  that X server configuration fascility has been removed
> since 5.3 release, so i go to chapter 5 to configure X
>  myself)
>   iii.)I configure GUI by using: Xorg -configure. It creates a file
> named "" in my current directory which is
>  root's home directory. Next if i try to: Xorg -config
>, my screen goes blank with the message "OUT OF
>  FREQUENCY" & with message something like:
> Frequency:
> HF 75 Hz ( i do know whether it is Hz, KHz or GHz)
> VF 60 Hz
> operating frequency:
> HF 30-70 Hz (again i do not know)
> VF 50-160 Hz
>   iv.)What i do is 1st add the lines "HorizSyns 30-70, VertRefresh
> 50-160" (fom monitor-manual) into monitor section &
>  "Modes "1024x768" into display section of "" &
> then use the same command to configure it. it works
>  and shows a yellowish desktop with 1an X and X moves as i move
> my cursor.

Well, you at least have X running at that point.  You may be able to
optimize it, but deal with one problem at a time.

> v.) Then i use "xdm" command to enter into GUI, of course it enters into
> GUI with prompt
> box names "Welcome to 1"  with login name & password , i enter both
> of then & then i press "enter". screen goes off
>for a second and reappears with same "Welcome 1" box. I enter login
> name and password again and same thing
>happens. i press "ctrl+Alt+backspace" 2 times and go back to shell
> mode.

For xdm and similar login managers, you need a .xsession script.  If
it exits, then the X server resets (so you want a script that doesn't
exit).  [If you don't have an .xsession, then the default script is in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession, which "exec"s xsm, a simple X session
manager.  This means that the session gets reset as soon as xsm exits,
which you can do from an on-screen menu.]

>vi.)   i came to know in section 5.7 that GNOME is disabled by
> default,so i enable it by adding "gdm_enable="YES"
>   into "/etc/rc.conf"  and then reboot my machine, after that i
> again use "xdm" and same thing i explained  in
>  previous step, happens. (but FreeBSD Handbook says "no further
> configuration is required, after enabling GNOME,
> it will work without any problem" BUT i do have a problem)

You are confusing gdm with Gnome.  gdm is the Gnome login screen, but
if you have a .xsession script, that is still what will get used to
set up your X session.  I believe that you need to put "gnome-session"
into your .xsession.

> vii.) I tried another thing ( to use GNOME directly)as explained in
> 'chapter 5" of FreeBSD handbook. i create ".xsession"
>   file rather than ".xinitc" (as freeBSD uses xdm). I put a line
> "/u

FreeBSD5.4 - GUI fails

2005-12-10 Thread arnuld

I will be as brief as i can on explaining my problem:

1.) here is my architecture:

i.)AMD64 -> processor
ii.)ASUS K8V-MX -> motherboard
iii.)LG 17'' Studioworks 775N -> monitor
HorizSyns = 30-70 kHz
Vertsync  = 50-160 Hz
Resolution Max. = 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz

IV.)  i do not know about video-card but when FC-4 istallation uses
"anaconda" to
   probe the video-card of my system, it shows: vesa driver

2.) I have "FreeBSD-5.4 CDs for x86" architecture. regarding this i posted
the question on FreeBSD mailing-list & many
 people told me that these same CDs will work on AMD64 because AMD64 is
backward compatible with 32 bit


I tried to install it on my system and got the following results:

  i.)FreeBSD is installed (i did all ports/packages installation)
but some packages (total 6) could not be installed,it says "installation
failed",  they are:

a.) php
b.) apache
c.) 1 more package related to apache
c.) apache-mod+perl
d.) bash
e.) 1 dependency of bash

all of these raise "error-code 1". except these 6 everything else
like GNOME, KDE, emacs, xpdf, gv is installed without any problem

  ii.)FreeBSD boots with login prompt: only in shell mode,no GUI at
all. ( in freeBSd handbook section 2.9.12 i came to
 know  that X server configuration fascility has been removed
since 5.3 release, so i go to chapter 5 to configure X

  iii.)I configure GUI by using: Xorg -configure. It creates a file
named "" in my current directory which is
 root's home directory. Next if i try to: Xorg -config, my screen goes blank with the message "OUT OF
 FREQUENCY" & with message something like:

HF 75 Hz ( i do know whether it is Hz, KHz or GHz)
VF 60 Hz
operating frequency:
HF 30-70 Hz (again i do not know)
VF 50-160 Hz

  iv.)What i do is 1st add the lines "HorizSyns 30-70, VertRefresh
50-160" (fom monitor-manual) into monitor section &
 "Modes "1024x768" into display section of "" &
then use the same command to configure it. it works
 and shows a yellowish desktop with 1an X and X moves as i move
my cursor.

v.) Then i use "xdm" command to enter into GUI, of course it enters into
GUI with prompt
box names "Welcome to 1"  with login name & password , i enter both
of then & then i press "enter". screen goes off
   for a second and reappears with same "Welcome 1" box. I enter login
name and password again and same thing
   happens. i press "ctrl+Alt+backspace" 2 times and go back to shell

   vi.)   i came to know in section 5.7 that GNOME is disabled by
default,so i enable it by adding "gdm_enable="YES"
  into "/etc/rc.conf"  and then reboot my machine, after that i
again use "xdm" and same thing i explained  in
 previous step, happens. (but FreeBSD Handbook says "no further
configuration is required, after enabling GNOME,
it will work without any problem" BUT i do have a problem)

vii.) I tried another thing ( to use GNOME directly)as explained in
'chapter 5" of FreeBSD handbook. i create ".xsession"
  file rather than ".xinitc" (as freeBSD uses xdm). I put a line
"/usr/X11R6/bin/gnome-session" into it.

then i enter into shell the following command

# % echo "#!/bin/sh" > ~/.xsession"

after pressing enter it says "/bin/sh: event not found". ( i made a check
into /bin directory, "sh" file is present there). anyway i use "startx" and
it takes me to a yellowish desktop with one login shell and 2 xterm shells
(all are like bash shell). but no menu, no icons, no GNOME or real desktop
thing. i enter commands "emacs, ggv, gv etc.) and all of these application
open in GUI mode but it is disgusting. also icons of this desktop are too
small to be seen.

i reboot and the try xdm and same thing "Welcome to 1" as in "step v"
happens but no GNOME. May you please help on this? Please tell me whether
this is a hardware issue or do i need to do some configuration.

thanks in advance.


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