Hi FreeBSD -

I thought someone would probably inspect the files for KDE4 so I would try to install periodically. This morning the error messages were slightly different.

While attempting to install qzeitgeist-0.8.0 my machine almost immediately states that moc 4.8.2 has changed too much for these to be compatible. [During verifying qt-something] Then there is a list of items that are 'not in scope' - for instance monitoradaptor or classOrgGnomeZeitgeistDataSourceRegistryInterface.

A fetch command for qzeitgeist-0.8.0 is not given so I would not know how to fetch a newer version if I knew the newer version. Which is to say are all the fetch commands from the distfiles directory?


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From: "Lynn Steven Killingsworth" <blue.seahorse.syndic...@gmail.com>
To: "freebsd-questions@freebsd.org" <freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>
Subject: Error in latest KDE4 install attempt
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 07:36:20 -0400

Hi FreeBSD -

I have just updated my Ports again this morning and I still have the same
problem installing KDE4.

When verifying libphonon.so in /multimedia/phonon [phonon-4.6.0-1][from
the numbers it appears to be KDE4 4.8.4] my machine does not find library
qzeitgeist.1 so it begins verifying the install of qzeitgeist-0.8.0 .  The
installer then determines that this version of qzeitgeist is not

Since the master site seems to be unavailable much of the time how can I
determine the tar.gz from the version number so that I may have an for
instance //ftp1.freebsd.org/.... to put in the the master site change in
the make fetch command?

Thanks - Steve

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