I have a new freebsd6.1-stable install

I've almost got it configured the way I want it.

Except Ive got a couple of problems and dont see what to do about it.

requirements I cant figure out how to do are:

specific setup issues are I have two nics and one is named red, and the other green, as you can imagine the red one is out to the internet, and the green one is the internal net.

green ip =

red ip = DHCP

1. I need a dhcp server on the green net that can update the dns server automatically when a dhcp lease is accepted.

2. The freebsd server needs to be able to be a dns server for the green net and forward other requests to the nameserver obtained from the DHCP setup.

3. the dns server needs to be setup to look to itself for name resolution first so that it can resolve names of internal clients as well as external ones.

4. Id like to be able to assign the same ip address from the dhcp pool to the same host for testing purposes when building new servers.

I find that configuring the dhcp server to assign the same lease via hostname works better than configuring temporary hostnames.

WHAT I've done so far...

I already know how to configure dnsmasq to do both the dns and dhcp part of my requirements and that is currently setup and running. except that the server is not looking to itself for name resolution first.

Ive used dnsmasq before and in this setup it requires that the dhcp client that runs on the red interface NOT create a new /etc/resolv.conf but instead create that file in some other defined location like /etc/dhcp/resolv.conf

dnsmasq can then be configured to look to the other resolv.conf for domains which are not local, and the server looks to dnsmasq for its own name resolution because I've hardcoded its own static internal ip in /etc/resolv.conf

using the default dhclient, I can not configure it to NOT replace the /etc/resolv,conf and instead replace some other file. (actually I could get by with just NOT replacing /etc/resolv.conf and I can hardcode the other one, but dhclient just doesnt seem to have this feature.) yes I read the man page!

I cant not seem to get any dhcp server Ive used (isc-dhcp-server, and dnsmasq build-in) to properly read the hostname and send the same ip address each time.

seems that one of my freebsd clients does not report its hostname to the dhcp server in the way I expect.

assume a fqdn of myhost.myinternaldomain.net

windows boxes and some unix boxes report to the dhcp server a hostname of "myhost", but my dhcp server couldnt match to a client hostname of "myhost" and serve out the IP I requested. I altered the dhcp server to expect a hostname of the full fqdn, but it didnt match on that either.

so what "hostname" does dhclient report when its trying to get an ip address.

For security reasons I dont want to use bind. so I looked at using tinydns and dnscache, that sort of worked, but again I couldn't make the dhcp server update the DNS database.

dnsmasq works because it is its own dhcp server. so the name server portion automatically reads the dhcp leases database when answering queries.

Has anyone else been able to set this up with these requirements?

Im stuck taking this server to the "next level" all my internet sharing and such works now, so it isnt a major issue, but I'd to fix it just the same ( if for no other reason than a learning process)

Thanks for suggestions

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