
I just need some pointers towards installing FreeBSD 4.11 on a Dell 
PowerEdge 2800 with 4GB RAM, Dual CPU, with 1TB disk storage on RAID 5.

I have a production system that I am not willing to upgrade beyond 4.11
at all as it is rock solid as it is.;)
Currently it's running on HP ML 350 but I have acquired this Dell which
I'd like to migrate it to.
I have read some posts about PAE in the kernel so as to recognize my 4GB

Basically, I have tested the install using a 4.10 CD, but this was meant
to only do a mininal install before I do a few things here and there 
that would make it run as expected. I am fairly conversant with those

The problem right now is that it tells me it did not find my disk ;)

I could be missing a few things that are must-know, so pointers, please.



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