
        Without anyone being in/on/around/near an NFS client at 8p tonite,
all of a sudden it stopped playing nice with the NFS server... 

rc.conf :


        The mount is NAME:/usr/local/tboh /usr/local/tboh nfs rw 0 0 .
I'm getting :

[udp] NAME:/usr/local/tboh: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable 
to send

        I thought maybe it didn't like the name since DNS isn't up, and
statd/lockd isn't up.... I tried to make it NAME:/usr/local/tboh 
/usr/local/tboh nfs rw 2 2
but it doesn't like that. So I then changed it to IP:/usr/local/tboh 
/usr/local/tboh nfs rw 0 0

        and still getting the [udp] NAME:/usr/local/tboh: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: 
Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to send

        I checked google, and I don't know where to go on this...

                Thanks, Tuc
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