Hi All,
I have stuck with a problem with usb devices.
In case of FreeBSD 4.8, whenever a new USB device is attached to the 
system, no device node is dynamically being created within the dev file 
This is in contrast to the behavior there with FreeBSD 5.0 where a new 
device node is being  created on attaching a new USB device, Fox 
example when first USB device is attached then /dev/ugen0 node is created 
dynamically in dev file system. when 2nd device is added then /dev/ugen1 
and so on .....ugen2, ugen3.......
On the other hand with freeBSD 4.8 there exist some static device node 
/dev/ugen0, /dev/ugen0.x where x =1-16 within the /dev file system.
My application uses libusb for interacting with the usb 
devices...libusb on freeBSD 4.8 tries to find /debv/ugen0, /dev/ugen1 and so 
on....hence couldn't able to detect more then one device.
It would really be great if someone can help me in resolving the issue 
Any idea why this changes in the behavior with  FreeBSD 4.8 and FreeBSD 
My device is the one which supports control transfers only thus i understand that for 
a second device i need to use /dev/ugen1 and so on.
Does that mean, i need to explictly make a node /dev/ugen1 and /dev/ugen2 and so on 
for  every newly added USB device using MAKEDEV script. 
Please advise me , if there exist some better way of handling the situation. Is there 
some sort of modification that i can make to libusb to handle the situation.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards

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