Have you tried using -W on netstat?  "In certain displays, avoid
truncating addresses even if this causes some fields to overflow."  I
tested it on my own IPv6 server after establishing a connection and
reproduced your behavior with the truncated IPv6 addresses; however,
once I added the -W flag, it displayed the entire address.

Unfortunately, I do not see a similar flag available for the who
command...maybe a patch is in order?

Mike Sweetser | Systems Administrator

Adhost Internet
140 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 360, Seattle, Washington 98109 USA
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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael K.
Smith - Adhost
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 1:37 PM
To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
Subject: IPv6 Display - Multiple Applications

Hello All:

I'm curious if there is any timeline for the correct display of IPv6
addresses in various displays.  In particular, I'm interested in being
able to see a full address in 'who' and 'netstat' so I can track
connections to the server.  Presently, the display shows:

mksmith          ttyp0    Oct 16 13:26 (2001:468:1420:f:)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ netstat -a
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address
tcp6       0     52  www6.ssh               2001:468:1420:f:.52619

The full address includes another 64 bits or the whole host portion.  Is
this a bug, something in progress, or by design?



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