Re: Re[2]: can not start SVNserve

2008-12-14 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 12:58:55 +0100 (CET), Wojciech Puchar wrote:
  su: Sorry
  kes# pw user mod svn -s /bin/bash
  kes# pw user show svn
  svn:*:1005:1005::0:0:SVN user:/nonexistent:/bin/bash
  kes# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/svnserve start
  Starting svnserve.
  su: Sorry
 try to change directory to existent

(1) What's /bin/bash? Check existing shell.

(2) As you said: Check existing directory.

(3) Regarding su, check for wheel group inclusion.

From Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: Re[2]: can not start SVNserve

2008-12-14 Thread David Weintraub
So, just to clarify...

On one machine:

$ su svn

Will change you to the svn user while on another machine:

$ su svn

Will output:

su: Sorry

The problem would be the configuration of the two machines and not a
Subversion issue. You may want to try the BSD list about why you have
these two different behaviors on your machines. I would also look at
the manpage of the su command to see if there is something that
could be affecting the behavior of the su command.

Take a look at the su command in the startup script. It probably
looks something like:

su svn -c $path_to_svnserve/svnserve -r $SVN_REPOS -d

See if you can execute this command on the command line. Also try
putting set +xv and set -xv around the command inside the shell
script. This puts the shell into verbose and debug mode, so it will
echo all the commands it is executing before executing them. Sometimes
this helps clarify where a problem might be. For example, your
svnserve command might not be in the $PATH to be executed. Or, maybe
an environment variable isn't being defined correctly.

An alternative, try the sudo command if it is available on your machine:

$ sudo -u svn $path_to_svnserve_dir/svnserve -r $SVN_ROOT -d

Depending how your sudo command is setup (see /etc/sudo about
configuration), it might ask you for a password, or maybe setup not to
allow you to run the command. The default is to allow the root user to
run all commands without a password.

I've found sudo to work a bit better than su in many situations.

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 6:22 AM, KES wrote:
 Здравствуйте, David.

 I have
 home# uname -a
 FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Tue Aug 12 02:11:24 
 EEST 2008  i386
 on this machine sveserve startsup normally

My confusion comes from the output of PW
 home# pw user show svn
 svn:*:1003:1002::0:0:SVN user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
 pw is utility to edit /etc/master.passwd
 home# cat /etc/master.passwd | grep svn
 svn:*:1003:1002::0:0:SVN user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin

showing me that user svn is a valid user
 'svn' user is valid user

Have you tried changing the svn user shell to /bin/bash
 telling this:
 I point that anyone can not use this user to login to system. But
 because of 'svn' is valid system user process can low his right to
 'svn' user

 On this HOME machine when I try run svnserve it is runned despite on 'su svn'
 can not login me:
 home# su svn
 This account is currently not available.
 home# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/svnserve start
 Starting svnserve.
 home# ps ax|grep svn
 34209  ??  Ss 0:00,00 /usr/local/bin/svnserve -d --listen-port=3690 -r 
 34211  p0  S+ 0:00,00 grep svn

 But on other machine with same user I can not start svnserver
 kes# pw user show svn
 svn:*:1005:1005::0:0:SVN user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
 kes# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/svnserve start
 Starting svnserve.
 su: Sorry

 kes# pw user mod svn -s /bin/bash
 kes# pw user show svn
 svn:*:1005:1005::0:0:SVN user:/nonexistent:/bin/bash
 kes# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/svnserve start
 Starting svnserve.
 su: Sorry

 DW Have you tried changing the svn user shell to /bin/bash and see if
 DW your startup script is working.
 the differences between this machines only are next:
 home# svnserve --version
 svnserve, version 1.5.1 (r32289)
   compiled Aug  3 2008, 00:10:41
 home# uname -a
 FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Tue Aug 12 02:11:24 
 EEST 2008  i386

 kes# svnserve --version
 svnserve, version 1.5.2 (r32768)
   compiled Oct  8 2008, 21:55:55

 kes# uname -a
 FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE #: Sun Nov 23 
 17:19:12 EET 2008  

 DW It would be helpful if you explained your system, setup, what you were
 DW doing, and the results instead of simply showing us the output of a
 DW couple of commands. It is hard to figure out exactly what you are
 DW trying to do and what you have done.
 I try to run 'svnserve'. I just install svnserver and add user svn to
 run svnserve under. I do same things on 'kes' as on 'home' machine.

 Вы писали 14 декабря 2008 г., 7:22:39:

 DW I'm a bit confused by what you're asking. I believe PW is a command
 DW for editing groups and users on BSD, but I've never really used it.

 DW My confusion comes from the output of PW. A typical user line has
 DW seven fields, your output shows 11 fields. I am assuming that you're
 DW showing me that user svn is a valid user. However, the shell is
 DW setup to be /usr/sbin/nologin (which I assume is similar to setting
 DW the shell to /etc/false).

 DW Doing a su svn won't log you in becuase of the shell. I don't have
 DW the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/svnserve script in front of me, so I can't
 DW tell you what it is doing, but I suspect that since the su svn