Chris Hill wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, David Gerard wrote:

>> I have a 5.4 and a 6.0 box here, both with Xorg installed from
>> ports. When running xscreensaver, half the time they come up
>> saying the GLX extension isn't loaded. And, of course, they
>> can't run glxgears for the same reason.
>> The thing is, I can't find which port installs this extension.
>> Is there one?

> In /etc/X11/xorg.conf, I have the following:
> Section "Module"
>         Load  "extmod"
>         Load  "glx"

Uh. Buh. Could I just take my Dumbarse Award?

Solution to my problem: If you want GLX to work ... it helps to
uncomment the Load "glx" line! That was it - that was the whole

Now both machines are cranking away the ol' glxgears very happily.
I fully expect xscreensaver to show me many new and wonderful things
as well.

(Three years I had that error ...)

- d.  *thud* *thud* *thud*
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