
During my GSoC project, I branched HEAD in order to use it for the development of the client side part of my project. After some changes, I tried to sync my branch with HEAD but I have faced an error. Now, I am trying once again to sync my branch with HEAD, but I get the exact same error.

The error is the following:
svn: E175002: PROPFIND of '/socsvn/!svn/bc/236241/mirror/FreeBSD/head/sys/dev/usb/controller': 207 Multi-Status (https://socsvn.freebsd.org)
svn: E175002: Error reading spooled REPORT request response

The error appears after 2 hours of syncing my branch with HEAD, with U (updated) as the svn status code for most of the files, and 4-6 of them that I resolved the conflicts by selecting tf (theirs-full).

This is what I do to sync my branch with trunk (as described in the SVN Book [1]): # the root of my working copy, it contains the .svn, client-side, and server-side directories
cd /home/tzabal/akcrs
svn status
if [ no local modifications reported ]; then
svn merge https://socsvn.freebsd.org/socsvn/mirror/FreeBSD/head client-side/akcrs-head

Can you propose any solutions in order to sync my branch with HEAD?


[1] Keeping a Branch in Sync, http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html

P.S. The project's code is located at http://svnweb.freebsd.org/socsvn/soc2012/tzabal/

Tzanetos Balitsaris

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