Re: TeX qurestions, for anybody who cares to reply... .

2010-06-09 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Gary Kline  wrote:
> hi y'all!


Just my 0.02:

I use LaTeX directly strictly for typesetting but not for structure
and content. In other words, for structure and content I prefer to
work in a higher level structure such as DocBook or any other
meta-model of a document, _and then_ transform to LaTeX for print
(physical) typesetting. This has _many_ advantages since you can keep
"the source" of your document in a high-level structure (SGML, XML.,
Wiki Markup, txt2tags, etc.) and more easily transform that to any
media, including print.

My personal preference is SGML and the DocBook structure, because it
more easily adapts to our need. I prefer SGML DocBook because XSLT is
still (and probably will always be) limited for the kinds of
transformation needed to things like LaTex so DSSSL is much more
powerful IMHO for that. Besides, the popular Norman Walsh stylesheets
are so well though-out for books, that he usually get's it right, and
they need very few tweaks to adapt them to your needs.

Anyway, the message is that LaTex is an awesome technology for what it
is: a typesetting system, not an authoring tool. If you keep you
source data in a structured authoring format, you can later use the
data per se, for example structured text searches, re-use of the data,
etc. etc. etc.

Alejandro Imass
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Re: TeX qurestions, for anybody who cares to reply... .

2010-06-09 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 8 Jun 2010 20:51:53 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> in my ascii type i cannot type
> the e-aigu and i cannot find it in any of the docs. 

Isnt e-aigu part of the ASCII table? Depending on your editor,
can you manually enter it using the "two accents key" (on the
german keyboard directly left to the backspace key) to enter
the sequence accent-letter, generating é, É, è and È?

Finally, LaTeX allows you to add the diacritical mark using
the proper macro: \'{e} - while in this case the apostrophe
key is used to create the ' (as a stand-alone character, or
"single quote").

> the  most important part is that i want the demo blurb
> [[modified from usenet when i drafted this]] in "typewriter"
> typeface. the docs i googled said that {\tt text blah blah }
> would put the text between the braces in typewriter-font.

Use the safe LaTeX form: \texttt{text blah blah}, allthough
the for you used - switching to \tt face using scope, is

> i would like to make the text smaller that the surrounding text.

If you want to quote text (which indents it), use \begin{quote} ...

> so my last question is: how do i tell tex/latex to make the
> denoted text in tt font and with 9pt size? 

LaTeX doesn't give you direct control over pt sizes - and that's
GOOD. Just imagine your text is 10pt in general, and you want
several passages to be 6pt. Fine. Now you decide that your text
is better in 12pt in general - and you now need to set all
occurances of 6pt manually to a different value.

LaTeX uses relative font size modifiers.
\tiny - \scriptsize - \footnotesize - \small - \normalsize - 
\large - \Large - \LARGE - \huge - \Huge.

The base size it refers to is declared in your preable, e. g.


which sets 12pt as reference value for \normalsize.

You can use them either by "switch state" or by scopus, e. g.

Now big text will follow. \Huge Zorch, uch huge text!!!
\normalsize Ah, being back to normal.

which is equivalent to

Now big text will follow. {\Huge Zorch, uch huge text!!!}
Ah, being back to normal.

Personally, I prefer the second form.

> the "\\" should give
> the ragged edge as it appeared on the tube.  this works in
> {verse} anyway.   i'm not sure what to do at the bottom of the
> post; i figure trial/error will anser that.

The \\ macro creates a forced line-break within a paragraph and
should hardly be used. It's microformatting, and that's what
LaTeX should not be abused for. :-)

> here is the bit of the novel that i need help with.  any/all help
> is much appreciated.
> +
> ``Can you show me?'' she said.

Erm, why don't you use doublequotes instead of doubled singlequotes?
Yes, it sounds stupid, but it's like implementing quotes using commas
and apostrophes ,,like in this example'' for example. :-)

Use "` (doublequote backtick) for opening quotes and "' (doublequote
apostrophe) for closing quotes. When I say "doublequote", I refer to
the inch character (as in 21" CRT) in your alphanumerical keyboard

You can also use macros for quoting, but I found them a bit too
much typing, I just wanto to mention them: there are \glqq and \grqq
(german left quote quote, german right quote quote) and \glq and \grq,
representing ,,text'' and ,text'. There are also \flqq (french left
quote quote) and the forms \frqq, \flq and \frq, to use <>
and ; for russian quotes, >>text<< and >text<, use them in
the opposite order.

> ``Okay, this is one of the groups where you'll find endless arguments.
> This is the newsgroup called `talk.abortion.'  Now the first article here
> is this one--'' Erik typed another key and a brief paragraph displayed:
> {\tt chris\ Christopher L. Z. Smith

I would use

{\tt chris\ Christopher L. Z. Smith

next paragraph here

and maybe another one

in this example. Works perfectly for multilines and paragraphs.
Don't only focus on how things look like; make it clear to you
what certain passages and elements of your text ARE. For example,
the above short passage can be seen as a quote.

If you see that you need the "quote from newsgroup discussion"
text element more often, define an own environment for it, so
IF you want to change its look, change it ONCE, in a central
position, and stay away from microformatting.

For example, put this before \begin{document} (in fact, put
it anywhere before use):


You can now use it that way:

chris\ Christopher L. Z. Smith

next paragraph here

and maybe another one

If you wish to also reduce text size, do it in the environment
declaration to make all occurances benefit from it.

Oh, and whenever you encounter special characters that do have a
meaning in LaTeX, and you don't know the 

Re: TeX qurestions, for anybody who cares to reply... .

2010-06-09 Thread Chip Camden
On Jun 08 2010 20:51, Gary Kline wrote:

> He added, ``There are some news groups on the Net that have little to do
> with computers, per se.  There are groups that argue about politics,
> religion, science, art, you name it.  I don't waste my time with those.''

Nice ploy to generate interest in your novel.  I'd change "There are some
groups on the Net that have little" to "Some groups on the Net have
little".  Likewise, "There are groups that argue" to "Some groups argue",
or perhaps "You can find groups that argue".  I try to avoid the passive
"There are" whenever possible.

Sterling (Chip) Camden | | |
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Re: TeX qurestions, for anybody who cares to reply... .

2010-06-08 Thread Olivier Nicole

> i see that i've used "per se".  in my ascii type i cannot type
> the e-aigu and i cannot find it in any of the docs.  12-15 years
> ago when i was first messing with tex i remember there =was= a
> way of telling tex to type the diacritical mark over the "e"

First remark, "per se" being latin takes no accute accent.

But you should be able to use back-slash, single quote, letter e, to
get a e-accute

> i would like to make the text smaller that the surrounding text.
> so my last question is: how do i tell tex/latex to make the

back-slash small?

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TeX qurestions, for anybody who cares to reply... .

2010-06-08 Thread Gary Kline
hi y'all!

for a cchange i have decided not to bother/continue bothering
roland.  offlist.  he has set me up with enough of a starter that
>> 90% of my book is typeset.  i have a few other tex/latex
questions for anybody in the extreme east of Zulu time.  or
even points west to the dateline. 

below is where my main protagonist, erik-the-geek, is showing a
friend his unix CRT and a USENET newsgroup.  ---this is circa

i see that i've used "per se".  in my ascii type i cannot type
the e-aigu and i cannot find it in any of the docs.  12-15 years
ago when i was first messing with tex i remember there =was= a
way of telling tex to type the diacritical mark over the "e"

the  most important part is that i want the demo blurb
[[modified from usenet when i drafted this]] in "typewriter"
typeface. the docs i googled said that {\tt text blah blah }
would put the text between the braces in typewriter-font.

i would like to make the text smaller that the surrounding text.
so my last question is: how do i tell tex/latex to make the
denoted text in tt font and with 9pt size?  the "\\" should give
the ragged edge as it appeared on the tube.  this works in
{verse} anyway.   i'm not sure what to do at the bottom of the
post; i figure trial/error will anser that.

here is the bit of the novel that i need help with.  any/all help
is much appreciated.


He added, ``There are some news groups on the Net that have little to do
with computers, per se.  There are groups that argue about politics,
religion, science, art, you name it.  I don't waste my time with those.''

``Can you show me?'' she said.

``Sure,'' Erik said, and drove back to the table where his hardware sat.
He typed a few keystrokes on the keyboard and watched the terminal.

``I'm bringing up the news groups,'' he said.  A moment later when the
screen displayed a list, Erik typed several more keys.

``Now what am I looking at?''  Bonnie asked some seconds later.

``Okay, this is one of the groups where you'll find endless arguments.
This is the newsgroup called `talk.abortion.'  Now the first article here
is this one--'' Erik typed another key and a brief paragraph displayed:

{\tt chris\ Christopher L. Z. Smith

Masturbation is wrong

I think that not only is abortion the taking of an innocent living life,\\
but that for men especially, masturbation is WRONG.  When we males masturbate,\\
we are murdering countless millions of sperm which are, in my view,\\
imbued with that spark of infinity which we call GOD.  Yes, I realize that\\
sperm are genetically haploid but I still think and masturbation is Wrong!\\
Masturbation is a SIN!\\

Yours in Holy Opposition,


Chris Smith, Electronically spreading the Holy Truth.}

Bonnie finished the note and looked at Erik. [[[ story continues]]]


that's about it.  if anybody can clue me in here, the answers
will help me with the the few other places that could,
optionally, use different fonts than the default.  


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 7.83a release of Jottings:  99 44/100% Guaranteed Novel

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