FreeBSD-6.0 BETA5

My USB does not work, as far as I can tell. When I was installing my USB
mouse (Logitech MX300) did not work, I figured no big deal, so I used a
USB->PS/2 adapter. Later I tried using my iPod, which worked okay in
5.4REL, but I later gave that up. After two other devices, a camera and
a printer that had both worked in 5.4REL, did not work in this release,
I am now assuming USB is not working at all, and yes, all USB devices
are enabled in my kernel.

Here is part of my /var/log/messages showing some of my difficulties:

======= iPod Attempt =======
Oct  2 19:35:54 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: Apple iPod, rev 2.00/0.01,
addr 2
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB reset failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall
failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall
failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB reset failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall
failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall
failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB reset failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall
failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall
failed, STALLED
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: at uhub2 port 2 (addr 2)
Oct  2 19:38:50 Jared-Bwongar kernel: umass0: detached

======= Printer Attempt =======
Oct  2 19:39:26 Jared-Bwongar kernel: uhub1: port 1, set config at addr
2 failed
Oct  2 19:39:26 Jared-Bwongar kernel: uhub1: device problem (TIMEOUT),
disabling port 1

======= Camera Attempt =======
Oct  2 20:05:54 Jared-Bwongar kernel: uhub1: device problem
(SET_ADDR_FAILED), disabling port 1

======= End of Messages =======

Here is the result of 'usbdevs' with the camera plugged in:

addr 1: UHCI root hub, VIA
addr 1: UHCI root hub, VIA
 addr 0 should never happen!
addr 1: UHCI root hub, VIA

With each device 'camcontrol devlist' yields zero results.

Motherboard information here:

Thanks in advance to all that may be able to help!!

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