I am running 4.9 on a Pavilion N5210. 650 Celeron. 192 megs of ram. Savage S3 video card, Direct X in windows reports it as 4 megs of dedicated video memory. Whenever X windows loads instead of a mouse cursor, I get a .75 inch square of distortion. The rest of the display comes up great. This happens in all the desktop managers I've tried: the default vanilla x, KDE, and XFce. It even happens in Red Hat 9! However I do not get the problem in any version of windows. The kernal is installed as default. The mouse is configured using the moused daemon. x is using sysmouse. my monitor is set to specs from hewlett-packard: resolution, refresh, and color depth. I'm worried that this is a video memory limitation which would be unfortunate I don't want windows on this laptop!
Thanks everyone in advance,
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