Re: invalid argument in select() when peer socket is in FD_SET

2011-08-01 Thread Christoph P.U. Kukulies

Am 31.07.2011 11:50, schrieb Christoph P.U. Kukulies:
I have written a  small to test TCP/IP roundtrip times of the packets 
in a proprietary protocol and while
compiling and running this server on different platforms (Windows 
7/cygwin, UbuntuLinux, FreeBSD 8.0 Release), I found
that the server produces an error when the listening socket (on which 
the accpet() is performed) is member of the select()


On the other platforms the program works without error, just under 
FreeBSD I'm getting this "invalid argument" error.

Comments appreciated (despite comments about the error checking logic :)

Here is the code:
// testsrv.c
//  gcc -o testsrv testsrv.c



#define USEDBUFSIZ 60
#define MAX_HOSTNAME 256
#define MAXFDS 256
#define CLRBUF  memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf))
#define max(a,b)(((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
static unsigned char buf[256];
int array_of_fds[MAXFDS];
static fd_set   clientfds;
#define SOCKET int
void   *memset(void *, int, size_t);
int enter  (int);
int remov  (int);
int invalidip  (char *);
voidexit  (int);
int getv   (int, unsigned char *, int);
int getfds ();

main(int argc, char **argv)
int nfds;
static fd_set   readfds;
SOCKET  ListenSocket, newsockfd;
struct sockaddr_in cli_addr;
struct sockaddr_in service;
struct hostent *thisHost;
int bOptVal = 0;
int bOptLen = sizeof(int);
char   *host_addr;
struct in_addr  addr = {0};
char   *ip;
u_short port;
int iResult = 0;
int i , n, m, clilen, dummy, connect = 0;
struct timeval  tv;
//Create a listening socket
ListenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (ListenSocket == -1) {
perror("socket creation");
return 1;
} else
printf("ListenSocket=%d\n", ListenSocket);
//Bind the socket to the local IP address
// and port 3210
port = 3210;
if (gethostname(hostname, 256))
perror("gethostname failed\n"), exit(3);
printf("%s\n", hostname), fflush(stdout);
thisHost = gethostbyname(hostname);
ip = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)(*thisHost->h_addr_list));

if (argc == 2) {
host_addr = argv[1];
service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host_addr);
thisHost = gethostbyaddr((const char *)&service.sin_addr.s_addr,

if (thisHost == 0)
printf("host unknown\n"), exit(3);
if (invalidip(host_addr))
printf("invalid IP\n"), exit(4);
} else {
service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
service.sin_port = htons(port);
service.sin_family = AF_INET;

iResult = bind(ListenSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&service, 

if (iResult == -1) {
shutdown(ListenSocket, SHUT_RDWR);
return 1;
listen(ListenSocket, SOMAXCONN);
/* all sockets are put into an own array_of_fs */
/* in the while() loop below the FD_SET id used by looping through 
the */

/* array_of_fds to fill the readfds array in the select() */


 * Wait for connect
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 500;   /* 5 seconds */

A friendly soul on FreeBSD-hackers told me that my
tv_usec value is wrong in the timeval struct above. FreeBSD checks if it 
is in the range of

0How I came to think that the socket could be the invaid parameter, I 
don't know.

Maybe I did two changes to the code at once and was blaming the wrong one.

Thanks anyway for listening.

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invalid argument in select() when peer socket is in FD_SET

2011-07-31 Thread Christoph P.U. Kukulies
I have written a  small to test TCP/IP roundtrip times of the packets in 
a proprietary protocol and while
compiling and running this server on different platforms (Windows 
7/cygwin, UbuntuLinux, FreeBSD 8.0 Release), I found
that the server produces an error when the listening socket (on which 
the accpet() is performed) is member of the select()


On the other platforms the program works without error, just under 
FreeBSD I'm getting this "invalid argument" error.

Comments appreciated (despite comments about the error checking logic :)

Here is the code:
// testsrv.c
//  gcc -o testsrv testsrv.c



#define USEDBUFSIZ 60
#define MAX_HOSTNAME 256
#define MAXFDS 256
#define CLRBUF  memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf))
#define max(a,b)(((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
static unsigned char buf[256];
int array_of_fds[MAXFDS];
static fd_set   clientfds;
#define SOCKET int
void   *memset(void *, int, size_t);
int enter  (int);
int remov  (int);
int invalidip  (char *);
voidexit  (int);
int getv   (int, unsigned char *, int);
int getfds ();

main(int argc, char **argv)
int nfds;
static fd_set   readfds;
SOCKET  ListenSocket, newsockfd;
struct sockaddr_in cli_addr;
struct sockaddr_in service;
struct hostent *thisHost;
int bOptVal = 0;
int bOptLen = sizeof(int);
char   *host_addr;
struct in_addr  addr = {0};
char   *ip;
u_short port;
int iResult = 0;
int i , n, m, clilen, dummy, connect = 0;
struct timeval  tv;
//Create a listening socket
ListenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (ListenSocket == -1) {
perror("socket creation");
return 1;
} else
printf("ListenSocket=%d\n", ListenSocket);
//Bind the socket to the local IP address
// and port 3210
port = 3210;
if (gethostname(hostname, 256))
perror("gethostname failed\n"), exit(3);
printf("%s\n", hostname), fflush(stdout);
thisHost = gethostbyname(hostname);
ip = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)(*thisHost->h_addr_list));

if (argc == 2) {
host_addr = argv[1];
service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host_addr);
thisHost = gethostbyaddr((const char *)&service.sin_addr.s_addr,
 sizeof(service.sin_addr.s_addr), AF_INET);
if (thisHost == 0)
printf("host unknown\n"), exit(3);
if (invalidip(host_addr))
printf("invalid IP\n"), exit(4);
} else {
service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
service.sin_port = htons(port);
service.sin_family = AF_INET;

iResult = bind(ListenSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&service, 

if (iResult == -1) {
shutdown(ListenSocket, SHUT_RDWR);
return 1;
listen(ListenSocket, SOMAXCONN);
/* all sockets are put into an own array_of_fs */
/* in the while() loop below the FD_SET id used by looping through 
the */

/* array_of_fds to fill the readfds array in the select() */


 * Wait for connect
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 500;   /* 5 seconds */

printf("Server %s listening on port %d\n", thisHost->h_name, port);
memset((void *)array_of_fds, 0, (size_t) MAXFDS * 

nfds = ListenSocket + 1;
while (1) {
FD_SET(ListenSocket, &readfds);
for (i = 0; i < MAXFDS; i++) {
if (array_of_fds[i]) {
nfds = max(nfds, array_of_fds[i]) + 1;
FD_SET(array_of_fds[i], &readfds);
n = select(nfds, &readfds,
   (fd_set *) NULL, /* not interested in write */
   (fd_set *) NULL, /* ...or exceptions */
&tv);/* timeout */

switch (n) {

case 1:
clilen = sizeof(cli_addr);
/* first test if a new client has connected */
if (FD_ISSET(ListenSocket, &readfds)) {
newsockfd = accept(ListenSocket,
(struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr, &clilen);
if (enter(newsockfd)) /* socket of new connection is 

printf("\n%d.connect! ", ++connect), fflush(stdout);
printf("too many connections"), exit(1);
sprintf(buf, "ENTERED %d of %d", 1, 10);
send(newsockfd, buf, USEDBUFSIZ, 0); /* send to t