I have two USB devices:

run0/wlan0 - a wireless nic
ue0 - a wired nic

In my rc.conf I have these set up to lagg - (note that this is done
from memory and may not be exact):

# ether address also set up here
ifconfig_lagg0="laggproto failover laggport ue0 laggport wlan0 DHCP"

This behaves as expected when both devices are plugged in.

However, when either the ue0 or wlan0 device is removed the link goes down.
In addition, if the device is reinserted I need to re-run "service
netif start" before the link returns.

It would be nice if removing the either nic failed over to the other
one without additional work. Is there a way I can set up these devices
to properly failover and return on device removal and insertion?

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Eitan Adler
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