Hi everyone,

I have an IBM PC Server 325 running FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE. I set this system up last year, and since the kernel didn't support the Ethernet card, I had to rebuild the kernel and include the lnc driver. Since then, everything seemed to be fine.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I had to backup some files from another server and I transferred a 1.4 GB .tar archive onto my FreeBSD machine via FTP. But when I needed to retrieve the backup, I received this message on the console:

lnc0: Start of packet found before end of previous in transmit ring -- Resetting

and the system hung.

I, unfortunately, had to restart the system manually and tried the transfer again to no avail. I receive the same message one or two times, and the system hangs.

I did a lot of searching on Google about the subject but I couldn't find a specific answer, except one message recommending changing the ethernet cable and/or the port, which I also tried.

I believe this is some sort of driver problem and I really hope someone has at least an idea about what is wrong and what I can do to fix it.

Can Berk Guder

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