I've isolated this pretty well... hope someone has some insight:

After a fresh* install of FreeBSD 4.8, I can build Apache with mod_ssl, and
(separately) Apache with mod_perl (static).  However, I'm getting link
errors when trying to install both together.

Here are my steps:

        tar -xzf apache_1.3.28.tar.gz
        tar -xzf mod_ssl-2.8.15-1.3.28.tar.gz
        tar -xzf mod_perl-1.29.tar.gz

        cd mod_ssl-2.8.15-1.3.28
        ./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.28

        cd ../mod_perl-1.29
        perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.28/src \
        make install

        cd ../apache_1.3.28
        setenv SSL_BASE SYSTEM
        ./configure --with-layout=FreeBSD \
                --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \

It's during the make that things go south.  The make successfully finishes
both the ssl and perl sections (i.e., I see "<=== src/modules/ssl" and "<===
src/modules/perl").  Immediately after, I get two successful 'gcc' lines,
then the following:

gcc  -funsigned-char -DMOD_SSL=208115 -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI
-DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED `./apaci` -L/usr/lib    -o
httpd buildmark.o modules.o  modules/standard/libstandard.a
modules/ssl/libssl.a  modules/perl/libperl.a  main/libmain.a
./os/unix/libos.a  ap/libap.a  lib/expat-lite/libexpat.a  -lcrypt   -lssl
-lcrypto   -Wl,-E
-L/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i386-freebsd/CORE -lperl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc

modules/perl/libperl.a(mod_perl.o): In function `perl_restart_handler':
mod_perl.o(.text+0x23b): undefined reference to `Perl_get_sv'
modules/perl/libperl.a(mod_perl.o): In function `perl_restart':
mod_perl.o(.text+0x2c7): undefined reference to `Perl_get_sv'
mod_perl.o(.text+0x2fe): undefined reference to `Perl_eval_pv'
mod_perl.o(.text+0x31a): undefined reference to `Perl_sv_setsv_flags'
modules/perl/libperl.a(mod_perl.o): In function `mod_perl_set_cwd':
mod_perl.o(.text+0x3c0): undefined reference to `Perl_eval_pv'
mod_perl.o(.text+0x3d0): undefined reference to `Perl_sv_setsv_flags'

[pages and pages more of similar errors...]


*no packages, upgraded to Perl 5.8.1, installed Bundle::LWP via CPAN utility

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