Hi list,

a friend visited my place yesterday bringing his HP netserver LH3 with 
him, 3 9GB's scsi discs in it. Dual pentium II 450. 512 RAM. No hardware 
raid though.

Given the fact 7.0 is near including ZFS. Given the fact, as I understand,  
freebsd can boot of ZFS I wanna make raid1 on/with ZFS. Now my question: 
does the version 7 livedisc understands ZFS ootb ? So I can create pools 
etc, format, label, etc etc. All the things that now are possible with 
UFS2. And even better: is the installer able to deal with ZFS ?

I plan to make this box doing sql and it would be great if, in case of 
disaster, I can perform a bare metal recovery.

Any insights are welcome.

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