Failure on 10.0? Re: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-15:06.openssl [REVISED]

2015-03-20 Thread Paul Hoffman
# sudo freebsd-update fetch
Looking up mirrors... 5 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 10.0-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.

The following files will be added as part of updating to 10.0-RELEASE-p18:

Any security issues discovered after Sat Feb 28 19:00:00 EST 2015
will not have been corrected.

# sudo freebsd-update install
Installing updates...install: ///usr/src/contrib/tzdata/ No such 
file or directory
install: ///usr/src/crypto/openssl/crypto/constant_time_locl.h: No such file or 
install: ///usr/src/crypto/openssl/crypto/constant_time_test.c: No such file or 
install: ///usr/src/crypto/openssl/doc/apps/c_rehash.pod: No such file or 
install: ///usr/src/crypto/openssl/doc/crypto/CMS_add1_signer.pod: No such file 
or directory
///usr/src/crypto/openssl/doc/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb.pod: No such 
file or directory
install: ///usr/src/crypto/openssl/ssl/heartbeat_test.c: No such file or 
install: ///usr/src/crypto/openssl/ssl/ssl_utst.c: No such file or directory
install: ///usr/src/crypto/openssl/util/ No such file or directory
install: ///usr/src/secure/lib/libcrypto/man/CMS_add1_signer.3: No such file or 
install: ///usr/src/secure/lib/libssl/man/SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb.3: 
No such file or directory
install: ///usr/src/secure/usr.bin/openssl/man/c_rehash.1: No such file or 

It doesn't look like OpenSSL got updated, and it looks like a bunch of the 
attempted updates failed. Was this advisory tested on 10.0?

--Paul Hoffman

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Re: Security SSH

2015-01-13 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Jan 13, 2015, at 9:31 AM, Zoran Kolic wrote:
 Can you point to that for the rest of us? I'd rather not wade in 
 The link original poster presented is the correct one.
 Openbsd tend to set some default values, which one might
 like or not. I would disable root login at first.
 Misc seems rough at moment. I found it very helpfull if
 I need help, just have to follow rules. Be patient, give
 as much info as possible, don't push... Do your homework...
 If I really have to say what I think: ssh is great tool.

In the FreeeBSD space, enabling root login for SSH by default is problematic on 
both sides of the sword.

- If it enabled by default, and the root password is purposely easy to remember 
(because it is a single-user system), it's easy to get owned.

- If it is disabled by default, you either have to be able to log in once from 
the console (which you might not have access to if it is a VM), or the one user 
who was added has to be part of the right group *and* you need to remember the 
right incantation for su.

On balance, I'm happy with the FreeBSD default of PermitRootLogin no even 
though it has made creating new FreeBSD VMs troublesome for me sometimes.

...and I'm glad we're not discussing the uninformed crypto FUD that started 
this thread...

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: Security SSH

2015-01-12 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Jan 12, 2015, at 8:40 AM, Zoran Kolic wrote:
 In fact, you got answer on openbsd misc list.

Can you point to that for the rest of us? I'd rather not wade in 

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: Potential security issues with new top level domains?

2014-11-16 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Nov 16, 2014, at 6:38 PM, Jamie Landeg-Jones wrote:
 Yes, the 'A' returned is invalid in this case, but what's to say this
 will be the case with all future new TLDs?

It will be the case for the first 90 days for all new TLDs that have three or 
more letters in their names; it will probably not be true for new TLDs with two 
letters in their name.

 I realise the spec is being followed correctly,


 but it still seems wrong
 to me that any 'host' related resource types resolve for an address at the
 top level, and I was wondering what others thought about it?

The spec is being followed correctly, and there are many other TLDs that do 
this: see

 Should the FreeBSD resolver ignore / not make such requests?
 Should instead the functionality be built into unbound/named etc.?
 Should instead TLD owners be banned from adding such records? (this still
 could be abused though)

No, no, and no. As you say above, the spec is being followed. You can mitigate 
your misuse of the DNS:

--Paul Hoffman
(a long-time FreeBSDer who co-wrote the above RFC, and also wrote the ICANN 
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pkg repositories out of alignment (was: Re: bash velnerability)

2014-09-26 Thread Paul Hoffman
Just a note that the pkg repo for 10 seems to be far advanced over that for 
9.3. That is, the bash fix appeared in the 10 repo yesterday (or earlier), but 
it still not in the 9.3 repo. Here's what I'm seeing on a 9.3 box right now:

# sudo pkg update
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
# sudo pkg audit
bash-4.3.24 is vulnerable:
bash -- remote code execution vulnerability
CVE: CVE-2014-7169
CVE: CVE-2014-6271

1 problem(s) in the installed packages found.
# sudo pkg upgrade bash
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Your packages are up to date.

I appreciate the speed that folks update the packages; I'm a bit distressed 
that 9.3 seems to be a second-class citizen for security fixes. (And I totally 
admit that I could be misreading the situation.)

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: deprecating old ciphers from OpenCrypto...

2014-09-07 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Sep 5, 2014, at 3:25 PM, John-Mark Gurney wrote:

 Skipjack: already removed by OpenBSD and recommend not for use by NIST
   after 2010, key size is 80 bits

Yes, nuke.

 CAST: key size is 40 to 128 bits

CAST 128 is not weak. Having said that, it is also not used much, and has minor 
(if any) value over AES-128. I can't tell from your message if you are leaving 
CAST 128 in; if so, you should leave CAST 128 in as well. If CAST 128 is the 
max in the module, you can either remove all of CAST or leave CAST 128 in, it 
doesn't matter.

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: Speed and security of /dev/urandom

2014-07-18 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Jul 18, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Leif Pedersen wrote:

 The extra readers interrupt the position of the stream, so that it is harder 
 to predict the next value. This only works if one instance of the PRNG is 
 shared by multiple readers, rather than each reader operating in isolation.

If there was a non-zero chance that an attacker could predict the next value, 
your PRNG was already broken. Two of the fundamental properties of a working 
PRNG is that if an attacker sees any number of outputs from the PRNG, the 
attacker cannot compute any previous values and the attacker cannot predict any 
future values. 

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: RFC: Proposal: Install a /etc/ssl/cert.pem by default?

2014-07-03 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Jul 2, 2014, at 4:45 PM, Xin Li wrote:

 Currently, FreeBSD does not install a default /etc/ssl/cert.pem
 because we do not maintain one ourselves.  We do, however, provide a
 port, security/ca_root_nss, which have an option to install a symbolic
 link as /etc/ssl/cert.pem - /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt,
 which is not the default option.
 This become a problem when applications, e.g. fetch(8), have grown the
 support of doing certificate validation.  I think now it makes sense
 to have a default cert.pem installed with the base system.
 So my proposal would be:
 1. Import a set of trusted root certificates, and install if
 MK_OPENSSL is yes, to /usr/share/misc/ca-root-freebsd.pem;
 2. In src/etc/Makefile, automatically create a symbolic link if it's
 not already present in ${DESTDIR}/etc/ssl;
 3. Teach mergemaster(8) and other similar applications to create the
 symbolic link on demand;
 4. Change the install/deinstall behavior of security/ca_root_nss:
ETCSYMLINK checked: If /etc/ssl/cert.pem exists, back it up on
 install then overwrite with new symlink, and restore on deinstall.
ETCSYMLINK unchecked: If /etc/ssl/cert.pem do not pre-exist,
 install new a symlink; on deinstall, if
 /usr/share/misc/ca-root-freebsd.pem exists, replace the symlink with a
 symlink to there, or remove if the file does not exist.

It seems like a good plan. As long as people who have a different trust list 
than Mozilla can easily implement their own trust plan, it's fine, and this 
brings a lot of ease-of-use to the ports, particularly to common ones like wget.

--Paul Hoffman

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: ports requiring OpenSSL not honouring OpenSSL from ports

2014-05-01 Thread Paul Hoffman
On May 1, 2014, at 3:03 AM, Uwe Doering wrote:

 I indeed wondered why this variable hadn't been mentioned so far. Guys,
 you do have WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes in your /etc/make.conf, haven't you?
 Because otherwise the whole thread might be considered a false alert.
 The ports system does not link with the ports' OpenSSL of its own
 accord. Or at least not in a reliable/predictable manner. You have to
 explicitly tell it what you want.

Please consider whether it is appropriate to chide people for not knowing about 
an *undocumented* feature of make.conf.

I'll turn in a pr for it.

--Paul HOffman
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Re: ports requiring OpenSSL not honouring OpenSSL from ports

2014-05-01 Thread Paul Hoffman
On May 1, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Uwe Doering wrote:

 On 01.05.14 16:33, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 I'll turn in a pr for it.


 Good idea. I would think that this should be mentioned at least in
 pkg-descr of the openssl port, where it gets displayed by
 portmaster and perhaps other port management tools after each install.


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Re: ports requiring OpenSSL not honouring OpenSSL from ports

2014-04-27 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Apr 27, 2014, at 8:08 AM, Jamie Landeg-Jones wrote:

 Basically what I'm asking: Shouldn't a port that uses OpenSSL *always*
 build against the port if it's installed?

Yes, that is a reasonable expectation. I certainly had it in my head when I 
rebuilt Sendmail+TLS after heartbleed, but I didn't think of checking it.

 I realise this isn't always possible to test, especially if the port Makefile
 doesn't have any openSSL configuration options, but I'd like to hear
 others opinions on the matter.

It would be good to add such options to as many ports as possible if it can be 
done cleanly.

Also, note that this is not bashing on OpenSSL: given their new significant 
funding, I would certainly expect the OpenSSL project to be finding-and-fixing 
Heartbleed-level bugs repeatedly in the coming years. It is basically 
impossible to fix such a bug without bad actors being able to determine and 
exploit some of the fixes in unpatched systems.

--Paul Hoffman
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A different proposal

2014-04-10 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Apr 9, 2014, at 3:46 PM, Pawel Biernacki wrote:

 Since such situations had happened in the past and are still
 happening, something should be done about them.

Quite right. It is reasonable to assume that, given what we now know about the 
memory allocation scheme in OpenSSL, that other bugs exist and will only be 
found by exploits. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that there will be future 
emergencies like Heartbleed related to bugs in OpenSSL.

If your reliance on OpenSSL bugs being fixed requires a fix at a rate faster 
than what the FreeBSD community provides, then you should not rely on the 
FreeBSD community. Install OpenSSL on your mission-critical systems from 
OpenSSL source, not from FreeBSD ports or packages. The OpenSSL source will 
always be updated before the FreeBSD community fixes are released.

--Paul Hoffman (who will continue to rely on the FreeBSD community for OpenSSL, 
and is in fact terribly grateful for the volunteers who did this work as 
quickly as they did)
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Re: A different proposal

2014-04-10 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Apr 10, 2014, at 12:34 PM, Nathan Dorfman wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 If your reliance on OpenSSL bugs being fixed requires a fix at a rate faster 
 than what the FreeBSD community provides, then you should not rely on the 
 FreeBSD community. Install OpenSSL on your mission-critical systems from 
 OpenSSL source, not from FreeBSD ports or packages.
 I really don't think one needs to go this far. The workaround provided
 in the original OpenSSL advisory, recompiling with
 -DOPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS, was directly applicable to FreeBSD. For
 anyone unsure exactly where to effect that option, it was discussed on
 this very list. Also posted on this list was a working patch
 containing the actual fix, on Monday afternoon.

That fixed *this* bug; earlier ones took actual patches.

 So yes, if you want a fully tested, reviewed and supported fix, you
 had to wait, but anyone in desperate need of an immediate fix had
 options that didn't involve ditching FreeBSD's OpenSSL.

I was not proposing ditching FreeBSD's OpenSSL when the next bug was found: I 
was proposing that you switch at your own speed before the next emergency. And 
I'm not proposing that's the best thing to do: I'm certainly not going to, I'm 
quite happy with the FreeBSD response.

This is a different proposal than someone should get paid to reduce my 
security timing issues. It is I should take responsibility for my security 
timing issues.

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: A different proposal

2014-04-10 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Apr 10, 2014, at 12:36 PM, ari edelkind wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 Quite right. It is reasonable to assume that, given what we now know about
 the memory allocation scheme in OpenSSL, that other bugs exist and will
 only be found by exploits. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that there will
 be future emergencies like Heartbleed related to bugs in OpenSSL.
 I'm guessing you read a popular post by Theo de Raadt that's been going
 around.  Sorry, but OpenBSD's bastardized memory allocation scheme would
 not have solved this; OpenSSL's malloc implementation was not to blame

I have heard from others, less interested in self-aggrandizement than Theo, 
that OpenSSL's malloc was significantly to blame. I'm not saying OpenBSD's is 
better, just that I have heard from multiple sources that OpenSSL 
malloc-wrapping both hides some bugs and makes them hard to find with automated 

 Amateurish failure to check the sanity of user-supplied input was to


 Idiotic, error-prone protocol specifications, written by
 non-programmers, were to blame.  

Not in this case.

 OpenSSL's allocator, in this instance,
 worked fine -- even if it isn't the optimal choice for all operating

Maybe; I'm certainly not in a position to say either way.

 If your reliance on OpenSSL bugs being fixed requires a fix at a rate
 faster than what the FreeBSD community provides, then you should not rely
 on the FreeBSD community.
 Or just make sure that all of your running services link to the OpenSSL
 library built from ports.  While i'm not exactly thrilled with the prospect
 of waiting a significant amount of time for a vulnerability in the base
 distribution to be officially patched, relying on the base system for
 something like that is a bit like taking a tank to the racetrack.

Updates to ports are inherently slower than patches from the OpenSSL team. My 
point is not that either ports or distribution are too slow for everyone: it 
is that if you are sure you need something faster than them, there is another 

 Install OpenSSL on your mission-critical systems from OpenSSL source, not
 from FreeBSD ports or packages.
 This is a poor idea from a maintenance standpoint.  Firstly, the ports
 system was updated fairly quickly,

...but not necessarily quick enough for the people complaining about the 
response speed of the FreeBSD team...

 but aside from that, updating an
 existing port yourself to download and install the next version is usually
 a trivial task.  And you get package management for free.

Again: the whole point of this thread are people who apparently need more 
speed, demanding that someone be paid to make things faster for them.

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: [PATCH RFC] Disable save-entropy in jails

2013-12-24 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Dec 24, 2013, at 12:44 PM, Xin Li wrote:

 I think we shouldn't save entropy inside jails, as the data is not going
 to be used by rc script (pjd@126744).  If there is no objections, I will
 commit this changeset on January 1, 2014.

Even if it is not used by an rc script, it might be used by some userland 
program (running as root, of course) that knows about the directory and wants 
some fresh entropy for its own use.

Is there a problem with saving the directory in jails? It certainly isn't 
taking up much space.

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: [PATCH RFC] Disable save-entropy in jails

2013-12-24 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Dec 24, 2013, at 2:53 PM, Xin Li wrote:

 Hash: SHA512
 On 12/24/13 14:36, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 On Dec 24, 2013, at 12:44 PM, Xin Li wrote:
 I think we shouldn't save entropy inside jails, as the data is
 not going to be used by rc script (pjd@126744).  If there is no 
 objections, I will commit this changeset on January 1, 2014.
 Even if it is not used by an rc script, it might be used by some 
 userland program (running as root, of course) that knows about the 
 directory and wants some fresh entropy for its own use.
 Why a userland application would want to use these?  Would you mind
 elaborating what kind of use that would be?

I don't have a specific application in mind, and certainly not one for a jail. 
However, I'm not sure what the value in removing a feature for a jail if we 
don't know if anyone is using that feature. Thus, my question.

 My understanding is that the saved entropy is used for bootstraping
 the system only: any applications that wants good random numbers
 should just use /dev/random because relying on something saved on disk
 is the worst way for someone who wants more entropy.

Quite true. Note, however, that we don't delete the saved entropy after booting 
and add it just before shutdown: we leave it there for some reason. I'm not 
sure why a jail is so different of an environment that it should be treated 
differently than a normal (non-jail) environment. Maybe there is a reason, but 
I'm not seeing it.

 Is there a problem with saving the directory in jails? It
 certainly isn't taking up much space.
 No, it's not about space.  What I am concerned is that it may have
 wasted entropy: each time (every */11 minute) the system would get
 2048 bytes out from /dev/random per jail.  This deterministic behavior
 may trigger reseeds earlier than wanted.

I did not understand this. What changes in the system does removing 
/var/db/entropy cause? (If this is answered in a longer article, a pointer to 
it would be useful to me (and maybe others).)

--Paul Hoffman
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Question about FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-13:14.openssh

2013-11-19 Thread Paul Hoffman
Greetings again. Why does this announcement only apply to: 

 Affects:FreeBSD 10.0-BETA

That might be the only version where aes128-gcm and aes256-gcm are in the 
defaults, but other versions of FreeBSD allow you to specify cipher lists in 
/etc/ssh/sshd_config. I would think that you would need to update all systems 
running OpenSSH 6.2 and 6.3, according to the CVE. FWIW, when I did a 
freebsd-update on my 9.2-RELEASE system, sshd (6.2) was not updated.

--Paul Hoffman
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Re: Question about FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-13:14.openssh

2013-11-19 Thread Paul Hoffman
On Nov 19, 2013, at 7:54 AM, Darren Pilgrim 

 On 11/19/2013 7:44 AM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 Greetings again. Why does this announcement only apply to:
 Affects:FreeBSD 10.0-BETA
 That might be the only version where aes128-gcm and aes256-gcm are in
 the defaults, but other versions of FreeBSD allow you to specify
 cipher lists in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. I would think that you would
 need to update all systems running OpenSSH 6.2 and 6.3, according to
 the CVE. FWIW, when I did a freebsd-update on my 9.2-RELEASE system,
 sshd (6.2) was not updated.
 The other requirement for being vulnerable is OpenSSH must be compiled with 
 TLS 1.2 support (i.e., linked to OpenSSL v1.0.1 or later).  FreeBSD 9.2 only 
 has OpenSSL 0.9.8.y.

Very clear explanation, thanks! (I note that this wasn't even hinted at in the 

--Paul Hoffman
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