On Sun, 22 Jan 2017 22:57:46 -0800
Walter Parker <walt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For decades there has always been a warning not to do parallel builds of
> the kernel or the world (Linux kernel builds also suggest not to do this).
> Every once in a while, I see people post about 5 minutes. This only way I
> can see this happening is by doing a parallel build (-j 16 on a Xeon
> Monster box).
> Are parallel builds safe? If not, what are actual risk factors and can they
> be mitigated?
Not only do I use -j, I also use ccache.

Another option is to use WITH_META_MODE=YES, that's where most of the 5-minute
reports come from, I imagine. I haven't used it myself.

My kernel takes 10 minutes with world taking about two hours. I generally just
leave them building overnight.

The risks of parallel builds are mostly in the past, concurrency was still just
coming out and there were chances that something would get compiled before it's
dependency, breaking your compile and wasting all of those hours.

Sergei Akhmatdinov

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