On Sep 6, 2013, at 12:23, Jim Ballantine <j.ballant...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The backup in /var/backups was a copy of the current DB, so it was not
> usable, however there was/is and older backup that was not corrupt.  So I 
> restored
> it into /var/db and then update that one.

Which is nice reminder to everyone about the importance that fact that a 
"proper" backup is a coherent copy of data on independent media. Ideally one 
would coherent copies going back in time over various periods in case earlier 
ones are corrupted.

It's good that this worked out for the OP, but this raises a question in my 
mind (as someone who works in IT): what things on FreeBSD are considered 
"system files" that need to be regularly backed up?

The simplest thing is to just backup all the files on every system, but are 
there more critical files. Most people would include /etc and user/personal 
data (e.g., /home) as important, but as we've learned in this thread, there are 
other files that are important for a properly working system. Is backing up all 
/var on the "critical" list? Only /var/db or /var/backups?

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