Old Synopsis: [panic] Problem with SONY DSC-S80 camera on umount
New Synopsis: [usb67] [panic] Problem with SONY DSC-S80 camera on umount

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: gavin
State-Changed-When: Mon Aug 31 11:14:47 UTC 2009
To submitter:  Firstly, I'm sorry that this PR has sat for so
long without being followed up on.  Do you know if this problem
still exists in newer versions of FreeBSD?  It would be good if
you could test both 7.x and 8.0 to see if the problem has been

If the problem still occurs, could you please provide more information
about the panic?  Please copy the entire text from the panic.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-usb->gavin
Responsible-Changed-By: gavin
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Aug 31 11:14:47 UTC 2009

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