Give me a few days to get stuff together here and I'll see what I can
do in -head.

Thanks for all your offers of support.


2009/8/26 Michael David Crawford <>:
> Luke S Crawford wrote:
>> I could also scrape up some cash.  (unfortunately, my own budget isn't as
>> flush as it was a few months ago,
>> when I tried to set one of my friends on the project.)
> That friend would be me (no relation).
> I'm afraid I didn't get very far at the time, in part because I had a lot of
> trouble coming to grips with Xen, and because I had never done any FreeBSD
> kernel programming before.
> I would be happy to continue with the work as a volunteer.  I'd like to
> actually contribute some real code so as to finally earn all the money Luke
> paid me.
> I've been reading McKusick's book on The Design and Implementation of the
> FreeBSD Operating System.  It is very good; I expect I will be able to do
> some meaningful kernel hacking once I finish reading it.
> I gave up on Xen entirely for a while, as I had intended to use it for a
> project of my own but just couldn't get it to do what I need.  But the Xen
> kernel and Linux Dom0 continue to be actively developed, so I'm intending to
> give it another try.
> I do have experience with kernel and driver programming on Mac OS X and with
> embedded systems.  I am also a wizard at debugging - I was once on a team at
> Apple that specialized in fixing the most difficult bugs in the Classic Mac
> OS.  I have also done a lot of storage and FireWire work.
> I have a Core 2 Quad Xeon box that runs Fedora 11, as well as a Core 2 Duo
> box that Luke lent me, that runs FreeBSD CURRENT.  My intention for that box
> has been to learn FreeBSD kernel hacking by fixing some of the existing bugs
> on real hardware.  That's just a step in the process of learning how to hack
> FreeBSD's DomU support.
> Ever Faithful,
> Mike
> --
> Michael David Crawford
> - We Don't Assume You Are Stupid.
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