[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #1689] Reduce the width allocated to the help checkbox in the Research tab

2010-06-11 Thread Jon Severinsson

Additional Item Attachment, patch #1689 (project freeciv):

File name: freeciv-2.2.1-reduce-science-help-checkbox-width-v2.patch Size:2


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  Meddelandet skickades via/av Gna!

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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #1701] Reduce the minimum width of the city report dialogue

2010-06-11 Thread Jon Severinsson


 Summary: Reduce the minimum width of the city report
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: jon_severinsson
Submitted on: fredag 2010-06-11 den 14:58
Category: client-gtk-2.0
Priority: 3 - Low
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 



This is an additional patch in my series intended to improve the gtk gui on
netbook sized displays.

The city report dialogue is fine when first opened, but once a city producing
anything is selected, a Total Buy Cost: %d label will make it way to wide,
and thus force scrolling. This patch will case this label to be ellipsized
(eg ...Cost: %d) if it won't fit without forcing scrolling.

Fixing this required the use of gtk_label_set_ellipsize(), which was
introduced in Gtk+ 2.6. As such this patch will also increase the minimum
Gtk+ version from 2.4 to 2.6, but as 2.6 was released over six (6) years ago,
I don't think this is a problem.


File Attachments:

Date: fredag 2010-06-11 den 14:58  Name:
freeciv-2.2.1-reduce-city-report-minimum-width.patch  Size: 3 kB   By:



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  Meddelandet skickades via/av Gna!

Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #16142] Freeciv 2.2.1 does n’t compile on Mac OS X 10.6.3

2010-06-11 Thread Christian Carey

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #16142 (project freeciv):


is utility/ftwl/be_common_pixels.h in your copy of the 2.2.1 release tarball?
It was absent in mine; it was also absent in my copy of the 2.2.0 release
tarball. I resorted to getting a copy of the missing file via svn.

Try “tar -ztvf freeciv-2.2.1.tar.gz | grep be_common_pixels” on your
copy; does it list freeciv-2.2.1/utility/ftwl/be_common_pixels.h on your
machine? It doesn’t on mine.

My configure command-line for 2.2.1 was:

 CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include -I/usr/X11/include'\
 LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/X11/lib'\
 ./configure --disable-gtktest --enable-client=sdl,ftwl\
 --enable-ftwl=sdl --enable-debug=yes --with-readline

I needed libsdl, libsdl_mixer, libsdl_image, libsdl_ttf, libsdl_gfx, and
cairo (and their associated dependencies) from MacPorts 1.8.2.

Is this combination considered to be an exotic client?


only patch numbers 1, 2, 7, and 8 from patch #1700 were exclusively related
to the ftwl client. When using the configure line above, all of the patch
numbers excepting 7 and 10 from patch #1700 were needed (as well as the
separate download of utility/ftwl/be_common_pixels.h) to compile cleanly.
Patch number 10 from #1700 was needed for the server to start up correctly (I
think that the problem was related to a “*include file” macro being the
last line in one of the files), and patch number 7 from #1700 should allow
future release tarballs to include utility/ftwl/be_common_pixels.h.

Kind regards,



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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #16142] Freeciv 2.2.1 does n’t compile on Mac OS X 10.6.3

2010-06-11 Thread David Lowe

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #16142 (project freeciv):

You say: Patch number 10 from #1700 was needed for the server to start up
correctly.  What exactly was the problem you experienced, as i haven't
noticed any errors on my machines?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #16142] Freeciv 2.2.1 does n’t compile on Mac OS X 10.6.3

2010-06-11 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #16142 (project freeciv):

With only the other nine patches applied, running the ser script results in
the following behavior:

$ ser
Encodings: Data=UTF-8, Local=UTF-8, Internal=UTF-8
This is the server for Freeciv version 2.2.1
You can learn a lot about Freeciv at http://www.freeciv.org/
2: Loading rulesets
1: Did not find closing doublequote for '*include' line
1:   file data/default/nations.ruleset, line 241, pos 10, EOF
1:   looking at: 'nation/zulu.ruleset'
1:   original line: '*include nation/zulu.ruleset'
2: AI*1 has been added as Easy level AI-controlled player.
2: AI*2 has been added as Easy level AI-controlled player.
2: AI*3 has been added as Easy level AI-controlled player.
2: AI*4 has been added as Easy level AI-controlled player.
2: AI*5 has been added as Easy level AI-controlled player.
2: Now accepting new client connections.

For introductory help, type 'help'.

Contrary to the error message, there _is_ a closing doublequote for the
“*include nation/zulu.ruleset” line at the end of
data/default/nations.ruleset; the problem was in parsing the ruleset file,
and the utility/inputfile.c patch fixes the problem.

Kind regards,



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