Follow-up Comment #3, bug #16769 (project freeciv):

i report the same problem.

on MacOsX 10.6.4, Freeciv version 2.2.3, both the SDL and the GTK2 version.

the game run just fine, saves automatically and manually, but at the time of
loading, an error appears:

Did not find closing doublequote for '*include' line
  file "/opt/com.bitaxis/share/freeciv/default/nations.ruleset", line 241,
pos 10, EOF
  looking at: 'nation/zulu.ruleset'
  original line: '*include "nation/zulu.ruleset'

at the sime time, the local user is removed from the game, and another AI is
added in his place. Pressing the "Play" button in any of the two clients
starts the saved game, with the local human user controlling the right

I had a look at nations.ruleset, and it looked fine to me, no missing
doublequotes. The error on the Zulu ruleset is probably due to the fact that
is the last one in alphabetic order.


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