<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=19778 >

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Sam. AoĆ». 19 14:36:55 2006]:
> 1: In file dziwka.sav.gz, there is no entry in the registry for
> c4.wl_is_unit0 (or the entries are out of order. This means a
> less efficient non-tabular format will be used. To
> avoid this make sure all rows of a table are filled
> out with an entry for every column.  This is surely
> a bug so if you're reading this message, report it
> 1: In file dziwka.sav.gz, there is no entry in the registry for
> c4.wl_is_unit0 (or the entries are out of order. This means a
> less efficient non-tabular format will be used. To
> avoid this make sure all rows of a table are filled
> out with an entry for every column.  This is surely
> a bug so if you're reading this message, report it
> 1: In file dziwka.sav.gz, there is no entry in the registry for
> c12.ai.urgency (or the entries are out of order. This means a
> less efficient non-tabular format will be used. To
> avoid this make sure all rows of a table are filled
> out with an entry for every column.  This is surely
> a bug so if you're reading this message, report it

Do you still get this warnings on newer Freeciv versions? If yes, could
you send a savegame?

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