On Mon, 30 Dec 2019 09:55:59 +0100
"Sebastian Zhorel" <win...@genial.ms> wrote:
> 40°C is like hottest summer temperature in Germany. I'd feel like dieing,
> because nowhere except some office buildings anyone got air condition.
> I guess, it gets even worse down under. ;)

Yeah, the 45C day a couple of weeks back was pretty harsh.  Hope you get
some snow.

> Sorry, I'm late. :o Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

And indeed to you too.  I was cutting our Christmas tree on the afternoon
of the 23rd so I will not be criticizing anyone for lateness.

> > OK, so www.freecol.org/docs/Freecol.{html,pdf} were broken, and should
> > be fixed now.  Are there more?
> I just tried, and there is 0.11.3 version on server.

Yes, I only fixed the git master, I have not done the upload.

> $ cd www.freecol.org
> $ jekyll build

1132 Malbec] cd www.freecol.org/
1133 Malbec] jekyll build
Configuration file: none
            Source: /home/mpope/src/fc/FreeCol/www.freecol.org
       Destination: /home/mpope/src/fc/FreeCol/www.freecol.org/_site
 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
                    done in 0.645 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
1134 Malbec] ruby -v
ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-linux]
1135 Malbec] jekyll -v
jekyll 3.8.6

Not quite what you wanted.  However I looked at the contents of _site
and could not see any obvious failure.  So it looks like it worked for me.

As usual I am wary of more dependencies, but a static generator is
probably the best tradeoff for us now, and I think markdown is a good
compromise.  So I think this is looking promising. 

Mike Pope

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