On Wed, 27 Apr 2022 21:11:20 +0000
Stian Grenborgen <stian...@student.matnat.uio.no> wrote:
> * We are now using https for freecol.org
> * The master branch on SF.net is automatically mirrored to GitHub on every 
> push (using a server hook).
> * GitHub Actions is used for building on every push, and making the packages 
> available on the workflow in a single ZIP file (see [1]).

This is very nice.

> I can automate the release, but there would be a lot of releases if we do it 
> automatically for every push. Some suggestions:
> 1. We can have the files (separately) available on the workflow. The testers 
> would then always get the latest build. The drawback being all files are 
> wrapped in a zip-file anyway -- so, for example, the jar file would be inside 
> a zip file.
> 2. We can trigger the release process manually
>   a. ...by making changes to a file (like "CHANGELOG.md" or 
> "TESTRELEASE.md"). The entire text in that file can be used as release notes.
>   b. ...by publishing a release from GitHub.com (the files would be 
> automatically included).
>   c. ...by manually starting the workflow from GitHub.com.
> What would you like as a solution? ...or should I just pick the easiest one 
> (no. 1)?

Easy, and it might as well be CHANGELOG.md as it already exists.  Please
add a mention of what you decide on to the developer doco, I keep
forgetting what the github is doing.

BTW, had an hour or so free this morning, so I did something really odd...
I played freecol:-).  Did not crash it and it was snappy.  We are looking
good for an official release.

Mike Pope

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