Firstly - we also have a misunderstanding in terminology. You are not 
interrested in API but in graphic library. 

If you want to use the pascal programming language you have to decide 
whether you want to use Turbopascal/Borland pascal or more modern 
Freepascal. (there are also other compilers but these are the most usable).

If you decide for 16-bit TP/BP compiler you can use some library (unit) in 
some mirror of Garbo archive in "turbopas" subdirectory.

If you want to use 32-bit Freepascal your range will be quite limited. With 
this compiler are two possible DOS graphic libraries supplied. It is 
traditional unit Graph which mimics the TP/BP unit graph and unit (pascal)
PTC which goes with own way and for new projects should be preffered.

You can also use some 3rd libraries. Some of them are extremaly powerfull 
(like GraphiX or LX5suite) but they were written for verz old FPC versions 
(pre 1.0 releases) and it is difficult to use them even with 1.0.10 version 
and extremely difficult with current 3.0.0 version.

Some of these libraries are uploaded into FPC site under "contributed units"

In this situation I can offer you my graphical unit/library VenomGFX which I
use in all my projects. It is still under active development and can be used
with all FPC versions up to 3.0.0.

It has a lots of very poweful (and often really unique) graphic functions 
but also one disadvantage.

It works only for 16-bit (HiColor) videomodes.

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