[Freedos-kernel] patch: floppy.asm

2004-06-07 Thread Arkady V.Belousov

- prototypes fixed and syncronized with dsk.c.
- more and better comments.
- bugfix: when fl_lba_ReadWrite() converted to ASMPASCAL (and `ret' replaced
  by `ret 8'), "ret_AH" was remained as label for this tail (whereas other
  functions use plain `ret'); now ret_AH moved into another function.

--- Begin Message ---
diff -ruNp old/drivers/floppy.asm new/drivers/floppy.asm
--- old/drivers/floppy.asm  2004-04-09 06:11:44.0 +
+++ new/drivers/floppy.asm  2004-06-07 20:31:24.0 +
@@ -28,15 +28,14 @@
 ; $Id: floppy.asm,v 1.18 2004/04/09 13:11:22 bartoldeman Exp $
- %include "../kernel/segs.inc"
- segment HMA_TEXT
-; Reset both the diskette and hard disk system
+%include "../kernel/segs.inc"
+segment HMA_TEXT
-; BOOL fl_reset(WORD drive)
+; int ASMPASCAL fl_reset(WORD drive);
-;   returns TRUE if successful
+; Reset both the diskette and hard disk system.
+; returns TRUE if successful.
global  FL_RESET
@@ -44,199 +43,174 @@ FL_RESET:
pop ax  ; return address
pop dx  ; drive
pushax  ; restore address
-mov ah,0; BIOS reset diskette & fixed disk
+   mov ah,0; reset disk
 int 13h
+   sbb ax,ax   ; CF=1: error
+   inc ax  ; return TRUE (1) on success,
+   ret ;  FALSE (0) on error
-sbbax,ax   ; cy==1 is error
-   inc ax  ; TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
-; Read disk change line status
+; int ASMPASCAL fl_diskchanged(WORD drive);
-; COUNT fl_diskchanged(WORD drive)
-;   returns 1 if disk has changed, 0 if not, 0x if error
+; Read disk change line status.
+; returns 1 if disk has changed, 0 if not, 0xFF if error.
pop ax  ; return address
-   pop dx  ; get the drive number
+   pop dx  ; drive
pushax  ; restore stack
-   pushsi  ; restore stack
-mov ah,16h  ;  read change status type
+   pushsi
+   mov ah,16h  ; read change status type
xor si,si   ; RBIL: avoid crash on AT&T 6300
 int 13h
-   mov al,1
-jncfl_dc_ret1  ; cy==1 is error or disk has changed
-   cmp ah,6; ah=6: disk has changed
-   je  fl_dc_ret
-   dec ax  ; 0xFF on error
-fl_dc_ret1:dec ax
-fl_dc_ret: cbw
+   sbb al,al
+jncfl_dc_ret   ; CF=0: disk has not changed
+   cmp ah,6
+   jne fl_dc_ret   ; 0xFF on error
+   mov al,1; ah=6: disk has changed
+   jmp short ret_AH_0
+; int ASMPASCAL fl_read  (WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, 
void FAR *buffer);
+; int ASMPASCAL fl_write (WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, 
void FAR *buffer);
+; int ASMPASCAL fl_verify(WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, 
void FAR *buffer);
+; int ASMPASCAL fl_format(WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, 
void FAR *buffer);
-; Format Sectors
-; COUNT fl_format(WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, BYTE 
FAR *buffer);
-; Formats one or more tracks, sector should be 0.
-; Returns 0 if successful, error code otherwise.
+; Format tracks (sector should be 0).
global  FL_FORMAT
-mov ah, 5
-jmp short fl_common
-; Read Sectors
-; COUNT fl_read(WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, BYTE FAR 
-; Reads one or more sectors.
-; Returns 0 if successful, error code otherwise.
-; Write Sectors
-; COUNT fl_write(WORD drive, WORD head, WORD track, WORD sector, WORD count, BYTE FAR 
-; Writes one or more sectors.
-; Returns 0 if successful, error code otherwise.
-   global  FL_READ
-mov ah,2; cmd READ
-jmp short fl_common
+   mov ah,5; format track
+   jmp short fl_common
global  FL_VERIFY
-mov ah,4; cmd verify
-jmp short fl_common
+   mov ah,4; verify sector(s)
+   jmp short fl_common

[Freedos-kernel] bug?

2004-06-07 Thread Arkady V.Belousov

 In main.c:init_device() driver counted as system console if its
attribute word contains only ATTR_CONIN bit. Isn't there should be both
ATTR_CONIN and ATTR_CONOUT bits set? Also, what prevents for one device be
both system console and clock driver? Also, ATTR_CONIN bit checked without
ATTR_CHAR - isn't it should be checked? So, I suggest, instead:

  if (!(dhp->dh_attr & ATTR_CHAR) && (rq.r_nunits != 0))
dhp->dh_name[0] = rq.r_nunits;

  if (dhp->dh_attr & ATTR_CONIN)
LoL->syscon = dhp;
  else if (dhp->dh_attr & ATTR_CLOCK)
LoL->clock = dhp;
  O/~\ /~\O

should be:

  if (dhp->dh_attr & ATTR_CHAR)
if (dhp->dh_attr & (ATTR_CONIN | ATTR_CONOUT))
  LoL->syscon = dhp;
if (dhp->dh_attr & ATTR_CLOCK)
  LoL->clock = dhp;
  else if (rq.r_nunits)
dhp->dh_name[0] = rq.r_nunits;
  O/~\ /~\O

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: GNOME Foundation
Hackers Unite!  GUADEC: The world's #1 Open Source Desktop Event.
GNOME Users and Developers European Conference, 28-30th June in Norway
Freedos-kernel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-kernel] bug: floppy.asm

2004-06-07 Thread Arkady V.Belousov

7-Июн-2004 19:32 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom ehlert) wrote to "Arkady V.Belousov"

>>  I found another bug:
>> - when fl_lba_ReadWrite() converted to ASMPASCAL (and `ret' replaced by `ret
>>   8'), "ret_AH" remains as label for this tail (whereas other functions use
>>   plain `ret').
te> then remove the label, compile, and see what happens :((

 Of course, it (NASM) should complain (because this is used label).
Solution is easy: duplicate epilog code, but with plain `ret'. I already
made this fix, now wait when Keneth will be ready to start update the CVS.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: GNOME Foundation
Hackers Unite!  GUADEC: The world's #1 Open Source Desktop Event.
GNOME Users and Developers European Conference, 28-30th June in Norway
Freedos-kernel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-kernel] bug: floppy.asm

2004-06-07 Thread tom ehlert
Hello Arkady,

>  I found another bug:

> - when fl_lba_ReadWrite() converted to ASMPASCAL (and `ret' replaced by `ret
>   8'), "ret_AH" remains as label for this tail (whereas other functions use
>   plain `ret').

then remove the label, compile, and see what happens :((


This SF.Net email is sponsored by: GNOME Foundation
Hackers Unite!  GUADEC: The world's #1 Open Source Desktop Event.
GNOME Users and Developers European Conference, 28-30th June in Norway
Freedos-kernel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-kernel] Re: LBACache test results

2004-06-07 Thread The Somertons
I only used Interlink on FAT16 drives for the tests. True, InterLink does
not support FAT32 because FAT32 didn't exist when InterLink was made.
However, on normal MS-DOS, if you run InterLink/InterServer on a FAT32
drive, it won't crash or suffer data loss, it simply reports the drive as
268 MB (doesn't matter what size it really is), and the drive will be
inaccessible on the other computer.

> If I recall correctly, Interlnk never had FAT32 support, so I hope C:
isn't FAT32.
> as alternative to FD(X)XMS, we now use HIMEM.EXE , included in the EMM386
> ftp://ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads/himem64.zip [22-04-2004]
> is probably most recent.
> Bernd
> ---
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by: GNOME Foundation
Hackers Unite!  GUADEC: The world's #1 Open Source Desktop Event.
GNOME Users and Developers European Conference, 28-30th June in Norway
Freedos-kernel mailing list

[Freedos-kernel] bug: floppy.asm

2004-06-07 Thread Arkady V.Belousov

 I found another bug:

- when fl_lba_ReadWrite() converted to ASMPASCAL (and `ret' replaced by `ret
  8'), "ret_AH" remains as label for this tail (whereas other functions use
  plain `ret').

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
>From Windows to Linux, servers to mobile, InstallShield X is the one
installation-authoring solution that does it all. Learn more and
evaluate today! http://www.installshield.com/Dev2Dev/0504
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[Freedos-kernel] A pagina Negra do Cristianismo

2004-06-07 Thread polconcur


	Enrico Riboni
		"Acreditar num deus cruel, faz um homem
		Thomas Paine
	cerca de 2000 anos, nascia na Galiléia um fundador de seita, 
	que acabaria crucificado uns trinta anos mais tarde. Algumas 
	de suas últimas palavras na cruz foram "Dêem-me de beber". E 
	só. A seita que ele tinha fundado tornar-se-ia, com o passar 
	dos anos, a maior de todos os tempos. Ela tomará o poder 
	político dentro do Império Romano, abolirá a liberdade de 
	religião, depois ajuntará montanhas de cadáveres: os seus 
	membros massacrarão milhões de "infiéis",
	"feiticeiras" e outros, depois se matarão entre eles 
	próprios, levando a Europa às guerras mais ferozes que ela 
	conheceu. Um passado destes poderia incitar à modéstia, mas 
	os cristãos reivindicam, pelo contrário, o monopólio da 
	ética. Proclamam que adoram o Deus único, que deus é "amor", 
	e se consideram melhores que o resto da humanidade. 
	ideologia capaz de dividir com o comunismo e o nazismo o 
	pódio dedicado às ideologias mais mortíferas da história 
	humana, o cristianismo mantém-se uma ideologia dominante em 
	muitos países ocidentais, como o "gendarme do mundo", os 
	EUA. Chegou a hora de abrir o "Livro Negro do Cristianismo: 
	2000 anos de terror, perseguições e repressão", que resume 
	algumas das piores atrocidades cometidas em nome dessa 
	ideologia que pretende promover o amor ao próximo. 
	"Os deuses 
	não estavam mais, e Deus não estava ainda."
	O Império Romano garantia a liberdade de culto. O ateísmo e 
	a razão dominavam. É nessa época que nasce um sujeito que, 
	segundo dizem certos judeus, perdeu o juízo porque leu o 
	Tora demasiadamente jovem. Ele funda uma seita que visa 
	proibir o culto dos outros deuses, exceto o seu. O sujeito é 
	finalmente morto, mas a seita se expande com o êxito que se 
	culto da personalidade do fundador da seita atinge, nos 
	cristãos, um nível que mesmo o estalinismo não conseguirá 
	igualar: o fundador é proclamado "verdadeiro homem e 
	verdadeiro Deus", ("Deus-Homem", em linguagem comum).
Os que 
	duvidam disso são proclamados imediatamente hereges, e 
	sofrerão mais tarde os raios da Inquisição. A partir do 
	século IV da nossa era, começará o assassinato dos 
	não-crentes pelos cristãos.

	Leia o restante 
	deste artigo em.

	Item 37


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Freedos-kernel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-kernel] Re: LBACache test results

2004-06-07 Thread Bernd Blaauw
The Somertons schreef:
If I recall correctly, Interlnk never had FAT32 support, so I hope C: isn't FAT32.
as alternative to FD(X)XMS, we now use HIMEM.EXE , included in the EMM386 package.
ftp://ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads/himem64.zip [22-04-2004]
is probably most recent.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
From Windows to Linux, servers to mobile, InstallShield X is the one
installation-authoring solution that does it all. Learn more and
evaluate today! http://www.installshield.com/Dev2Dev/0504
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