Re: [Freedos-user] Writing date and time into log file

2022-12-23 Thread Ray Lopez

Back in the day I used a Norton Utilities tool to do this.

You might want to go over to and look through their huge 
DOS archives to see if there is a date utility there you could use.  
Another option would be to whip up a little utility with something like 
QBASIC or FreeBasic.  RL

On 12/23/22 09:03, Bret Johnson wrote:

I just can't figure this one out: From a .bat file, I want to write
entries to a log file. Each entry should have a date and time in the
form MMDD:HHMMSS I have searched the internet for solutions on
how to do this, but none of the solutions work (I think they are for
cmd.exe in modern Windows which is more advanced than

You're correct.  Most of the time these days if you search for some kind of "DOS Batch" 
solution to a problem on the web they assume "DOS" and Windows command prompt (NTVDM) are 
the same thing.  They aren't.

You're not going to be able to do this straight from DOS prompt itself.  You'll 
need some help from some external utilities.

My first problem is, that I just cannot figure out how to write just
the date without all the preceeding text (Current date is Thu

You really can't manipulate the way the date and time are formatted with the 
DATE and TIME command, at least not very much.  The output of the DATE and TIME 
command should comply with the current COUNTRY (locale) settings you have DOS 
set up for.  E.g., some COUNTRY settings will output the date as 12-23-2022 
while others will output 2022-23-12.  You probably don't want to mess with your 
COUNTRY settings, though, since that will change how a lot of other things 
appear in DOS also.

I tried some a substring routine like this, which I found on a web

set MMDD=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%
echo %MMDD%

I changed the numbers to reflect my date output

That's an NTVDM (CMD) thing.  It won't work in "real" DOS.

I ran the .bat file, but all it says i "ECHO is on", so first problem
is: How do I write a date to a file from a .bat file?

What you need to do is redirect the output of the DATE command to a file:

   DATE > Date.Txt

This will create a file called Date.Txt and it will contain what the DATE 
command normally send to the screen.  You could then follow it up by appending 
the time to the same file:

   TIME >> Date.Txt

Note that this one needs two arrows ">>" to append to the end of the file.  If 
you just do one arrow it will overwrite the file instead of appending to it.  You could then 
manipulate the Date.Txt file with a macro in a text editor or something like that.  I would 
probably use a DOS port of the Unix utility called SED.  SED is a good way to manipulate text 
files automatically, but it can be a little tricky to use.

Second problem is, that I want to alway have the date formatted as
MMDD no matter which locale it is run on. Is there any call that
can be made in FreeDOS to automatically format the date in a specifc
way no matter which locale is used?

That's another level of complication.  Even the above solution of redirecting 
the DATE and TIME outputs will be Locale-dependent, so manipulating things with 
SED will get really complicated.

If this were me what I would do is create a custom utility.  I actually have a 
utility I call DATES, but I've never officially released it.  The output of 
DATES looks like this:

   DATES 1.00, (C) 2022, Bret Johnson.

 mm-dd-  hh:mm:ss.dd
   BIOS: 12-23-2022  07:53:54.21a
   CMOS: 12-23-2022  07:53:55.00a

The main reason I wrote DATES was to be able to see the difference between the 
BIOS clock (which is what DOS uses) and the CMOS clock (which is the one that 
the computer uses to initialize the time when you first boot up).  The format 
of the date and time outputs are locale-specific, though, so the output will 
not always be mm-dd-yy for the date.

What I would suggest is that you take the source code for DATES (it is written 
for NASM which you can get for free) and manipulate it so it gives you the 
output you desire.  I'll send you the source code for DATES if you want it.

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[Freedos-user] FreeDOS screen refresh in a VM

2018-11-01 Thread Ray Lopez
I've got an unusual issue that I've been trying to solve for several 
days but have had no luck.

Running FreeDOS in a QEMU-based VM, on a Xen hypervisor (it's actually 
the Qubes OS)

I managed to get it all installed and it runs well except for one 
problem:  Screen refresh is too slow, even with simple graphical 
interfaces like Tandy Deskmate.

After much research I am guessing that the VM is emulating some type of 
hardware that FreeDOS is not optimized for.  And the system I am running 
the VM on does NOT allow me to change the hardware emulation easily.

The frustrating thing is that I faced this exact same problem when I 
tried running Tandy Deskmate in a Linux VM under DOSBox. And then when I 
was poking around, the problem cleared up and screen refreshes were 
super fast!  But for the life of me I have not been able to replicate 
this success on FreeDOS.

I'd be open to any suggestions as I think I've tried every possible 
setting.  Thank you!


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