Hi! Before I forget my bookmarks, here are some announcements from BTTR for which I am not sure whether they have been mentioned on FreeDOS channels yet :-)


DOSBox-X 0.83.24 released! posted by Wengier 2022-04-01

DOSBox-X 0.83.24 has now been released! Designing to be a
cross-platform DOS emulator, it is the goal of DOSBox-X to cover
different types of DOS software, and also intends to implement
accurate emulation, accurate enough to help make new DOS developments
possible with confidence the program will run properly on actual DOS

DOSBox-X provides official DOS versions in addition to other
platforms. You can now download the latest packages for both HX-DOS
and LOADLIN builds for DOSBox-X 0.83.24 from the DOSBox-X project


As usual there are many improvements in this latest version, such as
support for resizable OpenGL Voodoo window and VMware mouse protocol
for Windows 3.x, and you can find the release notes for this version
(containing the change history) here:

* https://dosbox-x.com/release-0.83.24.html

The DOS packages are self-contained so that you can simply unzip the
file and type DOSBOX-X to run in DOS. It is confirmed to work in DOS,
and read the included README.TXT file for more information.


about to fix the "final" doslfn bug posted by jadoxa 2022-04-14

On investigating further, when ever I have doslfnMS enabled and I do
doslfnMS u, get the message

Another TSR grabbed Int 21 and/or Int 2F ...
HOWEVER, when I now doslfn (latest -c variant) (note all these steps in
sequence are in 1.bat which is for 1st level sub-directory on USB D:\ Fat
32), the output is...

DOSLFN 0.41f (....):enabled
Last error:94 - inDOS bayra ...kullanimini SIFIRLA

Released DOSLFN 0.41f,
> http://doslfn.adoxa.vze.com/
which includes a basic version check (doslfn will install, not try and
control doslfnms; I should probably have made it say another version
was installed, but I didn't).


DEBUG v1.29 posted by Japheth 2022-05-08


recently the DEBUG utility got an upgrade:


The main reason for the new version is that in v1.28 the "driver"
variant was broken. But there are also a few nice bug fixes :-)

There exist now also a version that can flip video screens between
debugger and debuggee, thus giving a much better look as to what the
debugged program is really doing. Verne Brooks has implemented this
feature in his debug version as well, but I decided not to follow the
- simple - approach that he chose ( using the BIOS page switching
mechanisms ). It's because I had to learn that there exist quite a
few machines where this BIOS switching has quirks. What's done
instead is to save/restore video contents to an XMS memory block.
That also has its disadvantages ( won't work on 8086 machines :-D,
needs an XMS host, may run out of handles, copying several kB of data
to/from slow video memory, ... ), but it works, and it works quite
satisfying. :-P

You probably have seen the recent announcements from FreeDOS, though :-)




Cheers, Eric

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