URL: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/521
Author: redhatrises
 Title: #521: Add nsaccountlock to user attributes when a new user is created
Action: edited

 Changed field: body
Original value:
This adds a the `nsaccountlock` attribute to a user upon account creation. This 
addresses newly created accounts; however, it does not address the issue of 
existing accounts. If `nsaccountlock` does not exist for a user, `ipa user-find 
--disabled=False` should return `Accounts disabled: False`. 

So, the question is how to deal with `nsaccountlock` missing in existing user 
accounts? I am not sure how to extend the framework to return `Accounts 
disabled: False` if `nsaccountlock` is NoneType. 

For more info, see @MartinBasti's post merge comments in #444 

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