[Freeipa-users] Re: pki-tomcat won't start + expired certificates

2024-04-19 Thread Basile Pinsard via FreeIPA-users

Here is the output of ipa-cert-fix on the original instance:


The following certificates will be renewed:

Dogtag sslserver certificate:
  Serial:  3
  Expires: 2024-03-19 20:36:25

Dogtag subsystem certificate:
  Subject: CN=CA Subsystem,O=DOMAIN.COM
  Serial:  4
  Expires: 2024-03-19 20:36:27

Dogtag ca_ocsp_signing certificate:
  Subject: CN=OCSP Subsystem,O=DOMAIN.COM
  Serial:  2
  Expires: 2024-03-19 20:36:24

Dogtag ca_audit_signing certificate:
  Subject: CN=CA Audit,O=DOMAIN.COM
  Serial:  5
  Expires: 2024-03-19 20:36:30

IPA IPA RA certificate:
  Serial:  7
  Expires: 2024-03-19 20:38:19

IPA KDC certificate:
  Serial:  10
  Expires: 2024-03-30 20:40:27

Enter "yes" to proceed: yes
CalledProcessError(Command ['pki-server', 'cert-fix', '--ldapi-socket', 
'/run/slapd-DOMAIN-COM.socket', '--agent-uid', 'ipara', '--cert', 'sslserver'
, '--cert', 'subsystem', '--cert', 'ca_ocsp_signing', '--cert', 
'ca_audit_signing', '--extra-cert', '7', '--extra-cert', '10'] returned 
non-zero exit stat
us 1: "INFO: Loading instance: pki-tomcat\nINFO: Loading global Tomcat config: 
/etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf\nINFO: Loading PKI Tomcat config: /usr/share/pki/et
c/tomcat.conf\nINFO: Loading instance Tomcat config: 
/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/tomcat.conf\nINFO: Loading password config: 
FO: Loading subsystem config: /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/CS.cfg\nINFO: 
Loading subsystem registry: /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/registry.cfg\nINFO
: Loading instance registry: 
/etc/sysconfig/pki/tomcat/pki-tomcat/pki-tomcat\nINFO: Fixing the following 
system certs: ['sslserver', 'subsystem', 'ca_ocsp
_signing', 'ca_audit_signing']\nINFO: Renewing the following additional certs: 
['7', '10']\nINFO: Stopping the instance to proceed with system cert renewa
l\nINFO: Configuring LDAP connection for CA\nINFO: Setting pkidbuser password 
via ldappasswd\nSASL/EXTERNAL authentication started\nSASL username: gidNumb
er=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth\nSASL SSF: 0\nINFO: Storing 
subsystem config: /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/CS.cfg\nINFO: Storing regis
try config: /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/registry.cfg\nINFO: Storing 
subsystem config: /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/CS.cfg\nINFO: Storing 
registry c
onfig: /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/registry.cfg\nINFO: Selftests disabled 
for subsystems: ca\nSASL/EXTERNAL authentication started\nSASL username: gid
Number=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth\nSASL SSF: 0\nINFO: 
Resetting password for uid=ipara,ou=people,o=ipaca\nSASL/EXTERNAL authentication
started\nSASL username: 
gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth\nSASL SSF: 0\nINFO: 
Creating a temporary sslserver cert\nINFO: Getting ssl
server cert info from CS.cfg\nINFO: Getting sslserver cert info from NSS 
database\nINFO: Trying to create a new temp cert for sslserver.\nINFO: Generate 
emp SSL certificate\nINFO: Getting sslserver cert info from CS.cfg\nINFO: 
Getting sslserver cert info from NSS database\nINFO: CSR for sslserver has been
written to /tmp/tmpydx011j8/sslserver.csr\nINFO: Getting signing cert info from 
CS.cfg\nINFO: Getting signing cert info from NSS database\nINFO: CA cert w
ritten to /tmp/tmpydx011j8/ca_certificate.crt\nINFO: AKI: 
0x7A0D23C6A1283EB899A0E5A4EFA3F92042F7F6D0\nINFO: Storing subsystem config: 
cat/ca/conf/CS.cfg\nINFO: Storing registry config: 
/var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/registry.cfg\nINFO: Selftests enabled for 
subsystems: ca\nINFO: Restori
ng LDAP connection for CA\nINFO: Storing subsystem config: 
/var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/conf/CS.cfg\nINFO: Storing registry config: 
ca/conf/registry.cfg\nERROR: Failed to generate CA-signed temp SSL certificate. 
RC: 255\n")
The ipa-cert-fix command failed.


> If you have a backup of the previous http/ldap certs you can put them back
> in place.

Unfortunately, I don't have these anymore.

However, I tried the approach I described above on a copy of the data in 
another container, managed to install temporary certs/CA for the ldap/httpd 
servers, pki-tomcat seems to be able to establish the connection to the LDAP 
but crashes at the following error. 

`Certificate not found: caSigningCert cert-pki-ca`

Not sure what else needs to be fixed.

On this copy, with the hacked temporary certs, if I run `ipa-cert-fix` I get 
the same error as on the original instance. If I run the `pki-server cert-fix` 
command that crashes, but removing `--cert sslserver`, it goes a bit further 
but is still blocked by `pki-tomcat` not being able to start.

Thanks for all the help. 
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[Freeipa-users] Re: pki-tomcat won't start + expired certificates

2024-04-15 Thread Basile Pinsard via FreeIPA-users
Bonjour Florence,
Thanks for your help.

I am using the docker image `freeipa/freeipa-server:fedora-34-4.9.6`, I guess 
the dependencies are correct as this is all bundled in the container, (though 
there might exists config mismatched if ipa upgrades failed containers updates).
Se-linux is disabled on host and in the container.

I made progress by fixing the missing instanceRoot parameter in the config 

Now I think I am stuck in a deadlock, because of letsencrypt certificates used 
for httpd/ldap (installed with ipa-cacert-manage) .

The certificated managed by freeipa is expired, but the letsencrypt one have 
renewed and there is no overlap of their period of validity.

- If I set back the date to when the freeipa certs are valid, pki connection to 
the ldap fails, as the letsencrypt one is not yet valid.
error is `SEVERE: Unable to create socket: 
org.mozilla.jss.ssl.SSLSocketException: org.mozilla.jss.ssl.SSLSocketException: 
SSL_ForceHandshake failed: (-8181) Peer's Certificate has expired.`  I think 
the message says expired for not-yet-valid certs too.  

- If I use the current time, it is not possible to start the pki-server as the 
certs are expired. ( at least that's my guess, error is 
:`netscape.ldap.LDAPException: Authentication failed (48)` not much more 

I was thinking about trying to:
- set the date to when the freeipa managed certs were still valid.
- manually generate a certificate/key from the CA (not sure how exactly, though)
- copy these certificate and key in the httpd and ldap config folder at the 
right place.
- try to spin-up the pki-tomcat, hoping that it works.
- then hope that it auto-renews certs or manually trigger the renewal.
- move the date back to today, maybe by increments that cover the certs 
validity, and trigger certs renewal at each increment.

Would that make sense?
Do you see any more sensible/simpler way?

Many thanks!

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[Freeipa-users] pki-tomcat won't start + expired certificates

2024-04-12 Thread Basile Pinsard via FreeIPA-users
Hi freeipa experts.

I have been using freeipa for the past 5 years running in a docker container, 
no replicas.
currently  on VERSION: 4.9.6, API_VERSION: 2.245

I have the following issue, not sure what caused this: pki-tomcat service is 
not starting, and it is no longer possible to login through the web-ui.
Auth through ldap (some websites) and through sssd on linux servers is still 
working, kerberos tickets are generated when logging with password or when 
running kinit, so critical operations are still possible.

The messages in `systemctl status pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service` are
Apr 12 13:50:33 ipa.domain.com ipa-pki-wait-running[17869]: 
ipa-pki-wait-running: Request failed unexpectedly, 404 Client Error:  for url: 
Apr 12 13:50:34 ipa.domain.com systemd[1]: pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service: 
start-post operation timed out. Terminating.
Apr 12 13:50:34 ipa.domain.com systemd[1]: pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service: 
Control process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
Apr 12 13:50:34 ipa.domain.com systemd[1]: pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service: 
Failed with result 'timeout'.
Apr 12 13:50:34 ipa.domain.com systemd[1]: Failed to start PKI Tomcat Server 

journalctl give other errors (filtered what seems relevant).
Apr 12 13:49:05 ipa.domain.com server[17868]: WARNING: Problem with JAR file 
[/usr/share/pki/server/common/lib/commons-collections.jar], exists: [false], 
canRead: [false]
Apr 12 13:49:07 ipa.domain.com java[17868]: usr/lib/api/apiutil.c Could not 
open /run/lock/opencryptoki/LCK..APIlock
Apr 12 13:49:18 ipa.domain.com server[17868]: SEVERE: Context [/acme] startup 
failed due to previous errors


contains the following errors 
2024-04-12 15:01:12 [main] SEVERE: Exception initializing random number 
generator using provider [Mozilla-JSS]
java.security.NoSuchProviderException: no such provider: Mozilla-JSS


contains the following type of errors

2024-04-12 00:17:37 [main] SEVERE: Unable to start CA engine: Property 
instanceRoot missing value
Property instanceRoot missing value
at com.netscape.cmscore.apps.CMSEngine.loadConfig(CMSEngine.java:233)
at com.netscape.cmscore.apps.CMSEngine.start(CMSEngine.java:1025)

2024-04-12 17:49:21 [main] SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event 
to listener instance of class [org.dogtagpki.server.ca.CAEngine]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start CA engine: Property instanceRoot 
missing value

`getcert list` reports all entries except the caCACert as expired.

I tried pretty much everything I could find on the internet (though most of the 
threads I found were never resolved).
Tried ipa-cert-fix.
Tried ipa-restoring a backup in a new container, same problem occurs.

My guess is that an upgrade years back did break the certificate auto-renewal 
and went undetected, and now everything is expired it's failing.
If you have any ideas of what to check/try I would be very grateful as I am 
losing my sanity here.
Also, I am a bit scared of breaking what is currently working (ldap+sssd) and 
critical to our operations, so if anything can be tested on a copy of the data 
in a container that would be great. 

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