[Freesurfer] tkregister2 woes

2006-02-27 Thread Sebastian Moeller

Aloha fellow Surfers,

while testing the dev20060224 centos4_x86_64 release I stumbled upon 
some issues with tkregister2. That is tkregister2 produces X errors 
leading to a black screen once the image window is clicked into.
	Since I try to cheat monkey data into the freesurfer chain I use 
tkregister2 to register my structurals with some atlas based 
assumptions (basically rotating the volume slightly around three axis). 
Then I use mri_vol2vol to reslice a new rotated volume. And this is 
where tkregister2 chokes:

Received X error !
Error code   : 10
 Request code : 89
 Minor code   : 0

Error test : ´BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)´

There are plenty of these errors, and once the image window is clicked 
into the screen turns black, only the mouse survives. Remotly login in 
and killing the tkregister2 process gives back control over the 
machine. Any hints besides don't do that then ;)?


Sebastian Moeller

Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
Fax.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 90 04
GSM:  01 62 - 3 25 45 59

AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
Abteilung Theoretische Neurobiologie
Universitaet Bremen
Hochschulring 16a
Postfach 33 04 40
28359 Bremen

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tkregister2 woes

2006-02-27 Thread Doug Greve
Hmmm, I have not seen anything like this around here. Does it only 
happen with your monkey data? What are the sizes of the volumes you are 
trying to run? Can you send all your command lines?


Sebastian Moeller wrote:

Aloha fellow Surfers,

while testing the dev20060224 centos4_x86_64 release I stumbled upon 
some issues with tkregister2. That is tkregister2 produces X errors 
leading to a black screen once the image window is clicked into.
Since I try to cheat monkey data into the freesurfer chain I use 
tkregister2 to register my structurals with some atlas based 
assumptions (basically rotating the volume slightly around three 
axis). Then I use mri_vol2vol to reslice a new rotated volume. And 
this is where tkregister2 chokes:

Received X error !
Error code   : 10
 Request code : 89
 Minor code   : 0

Error test : ´BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)´

There are plenty of these errors, and once the image window is clicked 
into the screen turns black, only the mouse survives. Remotly login in 
and killing the tkregister2 process gives back control over the 
machine. Any hints besides don't do that then ;)?


Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tkregister2 woes

2006-02-27 Thread Nick Schmansky

Which platform are you running the centos4_x86_64 release upon?  

Also, can you send me the output of this command:

  ldd `which tkregister2`

Also, if not running on a 64bit Centos4 platform, then you could attempt
the following: 

  mv tcltktixblt backup-tcltktixblt

  open a new terminal and source freesurfer and retry tkregister2

The freesurfer distribution contains Tcl/Tk/Tix/BLT libs which are
tested to work with the freesurfer gui apps, but maybe you are
experiencing some compatibility issue.  By moving this libs dir,
freesurfer will use whatever is installed already on your system (which
may or may not work with tkregister2).


On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 12:05 -0500, Doug Greve wrote:
 Hmmm, I have not seen anything like this around here. Does it only 
 happen with your monkey data? What are the sizes of the volumes you are 
 trying to run? Can you send all your command lines?
 Sebastian Moeller wrote:
  Aloha fellow Surfers,
  while testing the dev20060224 centos4_x86_64 release I stumbled upon 
  some issues with tkregister2. That is tkregister2 produces X errors 
  leading to a black screen once the image window is clicked into.
  Since I try to cheat monkey data into the freesurfer chain I use 
  tkregister2 to register my structurals with some atlas based 
  assumptions (basically rotating the volume slightly around three 
  axis). Then I use mri_vol2vol to reslice a new rotated volume. And 
  this is where tkregister2 chokes:
  Received X error !
  Error code   : 10
   Request code : 89
   Minor code   : 0
  Error test : ´BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)´
  There are plenty of these errors, and once the image window is clicked 
  into the screen turns black, only the mouse survives. Remotly login in 
  and killing the tkregister2 process gives back control over the 
  machine. Any hints besides don't do that then ;)?

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tcl script - rotate and save graphics

2006-02-27 Thread Darren Weber

Hi Daniel et al.,

thanks for the rotate and save_tiff script.  I've installed the dev 
version (redhat 9 download onto Debian sarge) and the script works 
well.  I would like to set the resolution of the .tif output files (eg, 
600 dpi), can we do that?

I have a problem when using a label in the tcl script (see example.tcl 
below).  I can startup tksurfer from the csh prompt, create a label, 
save it, exit, start again, load the label, and it displays correctly.  
So I assume all the label tools are working.  When I restart with -tcl 
example.tcl, tksurfer draws an entirely blue surface after loading the 
label (any label).  Have you seen this before?  Am I doing something 
wrong?  Should I source the tksurfer.tcl script, at the beginning of 
this script, to get all the lighting etc. correct?  I tried to startup 
tksurfer normally, with no explicit -tcl option, and then source 
example.tcl at the tcl prompt, but the entire surface turns blue after 
the script loads a label.  Can you replicate this or advise me how to 
avoid it?

Is it possible to create a shell script or a tcl script that can startup 
tksurfer and run a specific tcl script across a group of subjects?

Thanks, Darren


set SUBJECTS_DIR /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects

set subjID ucsf_cj
set subjPath [ file join ${SUBJECTS_DIR} ${subjID} ]

set subjSurfPath  [ file join ${subjPath} surf  ]
set subjLabelPath [ file join ${subjPath} label ]
set subjTiffPath  [ file join ${subjPath} rgb   ]

foreach h {lh} {
   # ---

   # load the inflated surface, with curvature
   set insurf [file join ${subjSurfPath} ${h}.inflated]


   set curv [file join ${subjSurfPath} ${h}.curv]

   # ---

   # load and display relevant .label files

   set labels [ glob -directory ${subjLabelPath} ${h}_test.label ]
   foreach l $labels {
   puts loading label: $l
   labl_load $l

   # now rotate and save the views ...

Best, Darren

Daniel Goldenholz wrote:

Hi Darren and other Freesurfers

I wrote a tcl script to do just what was described. The one I made 
gives the flexibility to name the tiff files based on a prefix that 
you specify before
running the script. This way you run the same exact script for as many 
pictures as you like, simply changing the prefix before running the 

Here is what you do. In tksurfer, after you have set up whatever 
overlays and/or labels and/or surfaces etc that you like, you enter at 
the command prompt

set pre whatever-you-want

(where the stuff inside theis any file prefix... for instance, 
set pre bold_contrast1 )

then you run the following tcl script via the menu for running a 

puts Taking Snapshots...
rotate_brain_y 90
set tiff ${pre}_bck.tif
save_tiff $tiff
set tiff ${pre}_lat.tif
save_tiff $tiff
rotate_brain_y 180
set tiff ${pre}_med.tif
save_tiff $tiff
rotate_brain_x 90
set tiff ${pre}_inf.tif
save_tiff $tiff
rotate_brain_x 180
set tiff ${pre}_sup.tif
save_tiff $tiff
rotate_brain_y 270
set tiff ${pre}_front.tif
save_tiff $tiff

Darren Weber wrote:

Hi Bruce etal,

I would like a short tcl script to rotate each hemisphere through all 
the main views (lateral, medial, dorsal, ventral, anterior, 
posterior) and output a graphics file with the name of the subject 
and the view in the file name.  I've found rotate_brain_[xyz] and 
save_rgb, but the latter does not permit a file name for the output 
graphics.  I would like high-resolution graphics for publications, 
but the save_rgb outputs about 85-90 dpi images.  Is there an option 
for vector graphics or high resolution tiff or png images?

Best, Darren
Freesurfer mailing list


Darren L. Weber, Ph.D.
Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar

Dynamic Neuroimaging Laboratory, Department of Radiology,
University of California, San Francisco,
185 Berry Street, Suite 350, Box 0946,
San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

Tel: +1 415 353-9444
Fax: +1 415 353-9421
www: http://dnl.ucsf.edu/users/dweber

To explicate the uses of the brain seems as difficult
a task as to paint the soul, of which it is commonly
said, that it understands all things but itself.
--Thomas Willis (The Anatomy of the Brain and Nerves, 1664)

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tcl script - rotate and save graphics

2006-02-27 Thread Kevin Teich

Sorry, there's no way to change the resolution of the TIFF
images. However, we don't supersample when taking screen shots, so
just make the window as big as you can, take the TIFF, and then you
can use an image conversion program to change the DPI.

I don't think you want to use read_binary_surf. If you're just trying
to load a single vertex set in addition to the ones you've already
loaded, use this function:

 read_surface_vertex_set field fileName

  Reads a set of vertices from the fle in fileName. field should
  be one of the following:

0   Main vertices
1   Inflated vertices
2   White vertices
3   Pial vertices
4   Orig vertices

I was having your problem until I replaced read_binary_surf with
read_surface_vertex_set, then labl_load works as expected.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 07:19:22PM -0800, Darren Weber wrote:
 Hi Daniel et al.,
 thanks for the rotate and save_tiff script.  I've installed the dev 
 version (redhat 9 download onto Debian sarge) and the script works 
 well.  I would like to set the resolution of the .tif output files (eg, 
 600 dpi), can we do that?
 I have a problem when using a label in the tcl script (see example.tcl 
 below).  I can startup tksurfer from the csh prompt, create a label, 
 save it, exit, start again, load the label, and it displays correctly.  
 So I assume all the label tools are working.  When I restart with -tcl 
 example.tcl, tksurfer draws an entirely blue surface after loading the 
 label (any label).  Have you seen this before?  Am I doing something 
 wrong?  Should I source the tksurfer.tcl script, at the beginning of 
 this script, to get all the lighting etc. correct?  I tried to startup 
 tksurfer normally, with no explicit -tcl option, and then source 
 example.tcl at the tcl prompt, but the entire surface turns blue after 
 the script loads a label.  Can you replicate this or advise me how to 
 avoid it?
 Is it possible to create a shell script or a tcl script that can startup 
 tksurfer and run a specific tcl script across a group of subjects?
 Thanks, Darren
 set SUBJECTS_DIR /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
 set subjID ucsf_cj
 set subjPath [ file join ${SUBJECTS_DIR} ${subjID} ]
 set subjSurfPath  [ file join ${subjPath} surf  ]
 set subjLabelPath [ file join ${subjPath} label ]
 set subjTiffPath  [ file join ${subjPath} rgb   ]
 foreach h {lh} {
# ---
# load the inflated surface, with curvature
set insurf [file join ${subjSurfPath} ${h}.inflated]
set curv [file join ${subjSurfPath} ${h}.curv]
# ---
# load and display relevant .label files
set labels [ glob -directory ${subjLabelPath} ${h}_test.label ]
foreach l $labels {
puts loading label: $l
labl_load $l
# now rotate and save the views ...
 Best, Darren
 Daniel Goldenholz wrote:
 Hi Darren and other Freesurfers
 I wrote a tcl script to do just what was described. The one I made 
 gives the flexibility to name the tiff files based on a prefix that 
 you specify before
 running the script. This way you run the same exact script for as many 
 pictures as you like, simply changing the prefix before running the 
 Here is what you do. In tksurfer, after you have set up whatever 
 overlays and/or labels and/or surfaces etc that you like, you enter at 
 the command prompt
 set pre whatever-you-want
 (where the stuff inside theis any file prefix... for instance, 
 set pre bold_contrast1 )
 then you run the following tcl script via the menu for running a 
 puts Taking Snapshots...
 rotate_brain_y 90
 set tiff ${pre}_bck.tif
 save_tiff $tiff
 set tiff ${pre}_lat.tif
 save_tiff $tiff
 rotate_brain_y 180
 set tiff ${pre}_med.tif
 save_tiff $tiff
 rotate_brain_x 90
 set tiff ${pre}_inf.tif
 save_tiff $tiff
 rotate_brain_x 180
 set tiff ${pre}_sup.tif
 save_tiff $tiff
 rotate_brain_y 270
 set tiff ${pre}_front.tif
 save_tiff $tiff
 Darren Weber wrote:
 Hi Bruce etal,
 I would like a short tcl script to rotate each hemisphere through all 
 the main views (lateral, medial, dorsal, ventral, anterior, 
 posterior) and output a graphics file with the name of the subject 
 and the view in the file name.  I've found rotate_brain_[xyz] and 
 save_rgb, but the latter does not permit a file name for the output 
 graphics.  I would like high-resolution graphics for publications, 
 but the save_rgb 

[Freesurfer] autoreg-sess and spmregister-sess problem

2006-02-27 Thread Reza Rajimehr

In the FS-FAST analysis stream (dev environment), I used autoreg-sess
command as follows:

autoreg-sess -s mvp022106 -df df.txt

It successfully generated a register.dat file in the bold directory. Then
I used tkregister-sess as follows:

tkregister-sess -s mvp022106 -df df.txt -rsd t1epi

When tkregsiter window comes, the structural volume (anatomical T1) is OK
but t1epi volume is completely corrupted. However, running tkregister-sess
with '-rsd t1epi' generates another register.dat file in the directory
above the bold directory. When I use this register.dat file in the
tkregister-sess command, t1epi volume looks fine and almost in the
appropriate location as T1 volume.

I also tried spmregister-sess instead of autoreg-sess:

spmregister-sess -s mvp022106 -df df.txt -fsd bold

A register.dat file is generated by this command in the bold directory.
Then I used tkregister-sess as follows:

tkregsiter-sess -s mvp022106 -df df.txt -fsd bold

In the tkregsiter window, the functional volume looks fine but it is
largely displaced. I could finally register it manually.

I might do something wrong with autoreg-sess and spmregister-sess or is
there a bug for these commands?


Reza Rajimehr, MD

NMR Athinoula A. Martinos Center
Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
Building 149, 13th St.
Charlestown, MA 02129


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Freesurfer tutorial

2006-02-27 Thread Gabe Castillo

 I am new to using freesurfer. I have installed it successfully and am 
attempting to go through the tutorial.  The tutorial seems to be out of 
date. I am at the Data Conversion step of the tutorial with the 
tutorial_subjs directory from the gzipped buckner_data tarball. If I try 
to run recon-all -i 014-anon/001.dcm -i 015-anon/001.dcm -s anon it 
complains about the -i flag. It also complained about the 
-autorecon-all and -autrecon1 flags. Looking through the usage 
output, I'm guessing that these have been replaced by -all and 
-stage1 respectively. What has the -i flag been changed too.   
Forgive my ignorance, if anybody has a changelog or can point me to one, 
I'd be happy to dig around for this info.

 Gabe Castillo 

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer tutorial

2006-02-27 Thread Jenni Pacheco

Hi Gabe,

What version of freesurfer are you using?  The -autorecon-all, 
-autorecon1, and -i flags should work with a current version - but are 
relatively new.  If you are using an older version these flags will not 

Could you also send the specific command line and error message you are 
receiving.  When reporting bugs it's really helpful if you included some 
pertinent information so we can better help you:



On Mon, 27 Feb 2006, Gabe Castillo wrote:

I am new to using freesurfer. I have installed it successfully and am 
attempting to go through the tutorial.  The tutorial seems to be out of 
date. I am at the Data Conversion step of the tutorial with the 
tutorial_subjs directory from the gzipped buckner_data tarball. If I try 
to run recon-all -i 014-anon/001.dcm -i 015-anon/001.dcm -s anon it 
complains about the -i flag. It also complained about the 
-autorecon-all and -autrecon1 flags. Looking through the usage output, 
I'm guessing that these have been replaced by -all and -stage1 
respectively. What has the -i flag been changed too.   Forgive my 
ignorance, if anybody has a changelog or can point me to one, I'd be happy 
to dig around for this info.

Gabe Castillo ___
Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] nearest Talairach point

2006-02-27 Thread Darren Weber

Dear Bruce etal,

Let's say we have a list of Talairach coordinates from a database of 
fMRI results, in a text file.  Can we create a tcl script to read those 
values and then find the nearest surface point for any subject to each 
xyz Talairach value?  The tcl script should just return a list of vertex 
indices for each Talairach coordinate.  Even better would be a small 
patch for each Talairach coordinate, based on growing from the nearest 
vertex found.  Matlab has a function called dsearchn and Alex Wade sent 
me some useful c code for the same process, do you have something like 
that in the tcl commands?  This tcl command below looks related, but 
it's not clear what it will do when the x y z values do not fall 
precisely on a vertex.

/select_talairach_point/ /*x y z*/

 Takes the given talairach coordinate, writes it to the /edit.dat/
 file, and then sets the cursor to that point. *x* *y* and *z* are
 floating point talairach values. 

Best, Darren


Darren L. Weber, Ph.D.
Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar

Dynamic Neuroimaging Laboratory, Department of Radiology,
University of California, San Francisco,
185 Berry Street, Suite 350, Box 0946,
San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

Tel: +1 415 353-9444
Fax: +1 415 353-9421
www: http://dnl.ucsf.edu/users/dweber

To explicate the uses of the brain seems as difficult
a task as to paint the soul, of which it is commonly
said, that it understands all things but itself.
--Thomas Willis (The Anatomy of the Brain and Nerves, 1664)

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tcl script - rotate and save graphics

2006-02-27 Thread Darren Weber

Hi Kevin,

I tried this alterate command, however, the main window continues to 
display the orig surface, given

tksurfer -subjid rh orig

It doesn't automatically update the view for the new data in $field.  
Using the 'UpdateAndRedraw' command and the 'redraw' commands do not 
change the surface view.

Take care, Darren

Kevin Teich wrote:

Sorry, there's no way to change the resolution of the TIFF
images. However, we don't supersample when taking screen shots, so
just make the window as big as you can, take the TIFF, and then you
can use an image conversion program to change the DPI.

I don't think you want to use read_binary_surf. If you're just trying
to load a single vertex set in addition to the ones you've already
loaded, use this function:

read_surface_vertex_set field fileName

 Reads a set of vertices from the fle in fileName. field should
 be one of the following:

0   Main vertices
1   Inflated vertices
2   White vertices
3   Pial vertices
4   Orig vertices

I was having your problem until I replaced read_binary_surf with
read_surface_vertex_set, then labl_load works as expected.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 07:19:22PM -0800, Darren Weber wrote:

Hi Daniel et al.,

thanks for the rotate and save_tiff script.  I've installed the dev 
version (redhat 9 download onto Debian sarge) and the script works 
well.  I would like to set the resolution of the .tif output files (eg, 
600 dpi), can we do that?

I have a problem when using a label in the tcl script (see example.tcl 
below).  I can startup tksurfer from the csh prompt, create a label, 
save it, exit, start again, load the label, and it displays correctly.  
So I assume all the label tools are working.  When I restart with -tcl 
example.tcl, tksurfer draws an entirely blue surface after loading the 
label (any label).  Have you seen this before?  Am I doing something 
wrong?  Should I source the tksurfer.tcl script, at the beginning of 
this script, to get all the lighting etc. correct?  I tried to startup 
tksurfer normally, with no explicit -tcl option, and then source 
example.tcl at the tcl prompt, but the entire surface turns blue after 
the script loads a label.  Can you replicate this or advise me how to 
avoid it?

Is it possible to create a shell script or a tcl script that can startup 
tksurfer and run a specific tcl script across a group of subjects?

Thanks, Darren


set SUBJECTS_DIR /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects

set subjID ucsf_cj
set subjPath [ file join ${SUBJECTS_DIR} ${subjID} ]

set subjSurfPath  [ file join ${subjPath} surf  ]
set subjLabelPath [ file join ${subjPath} label ]
set subjTiffPath  [ file join ${subjPath} rgb   ]

foreach h {lh} {
  # ---

  # load the inflated surface, with curvature
  set insurf [file join ${subjSurfPath} ${h}.inflated]


  set curv [file join ${subjSurfPath} ${h}.curv]

  # ---

  # load and display relevant .label files

  set labels [ glob -directory ${subjLabelPath} ${h}_test.label ]
  foreach l $labels {
  puts loading label: $l
  labl_load $l

  # now rotate and save the views ...

Best, Darren

Daniel Goldenholz wrote:


Hi Darren and other Freesurfers

I wrote a tcl script to do just what was described. The one I made 
gives the flexibility to name the tiff files based on a prefix that 
you specify before
running the script. This way you run the same exact script for as many 
pictures as you like, simply changing the prefix before running the 

Here is what you do. In tksurfer, after you have set up whatever 
overlays and/or labels and/or surfaces etc that you like, you enter at 
the command prompt

set pre whatever-you-want

(where the stuff inside theis any file prefix... for instance, 
set pre bold_contrast1 )

then you run the following tcl script via the menu for running a 

puts Taking Snapshots...
rotate_brain_y 90
set tiff ${pre}_bck.tif
save_tiff $tiff
set tiff ${pre}_lat.tif
save_tiff $tiff
rotate_brain_y 180
set tiff ${pre}_med.tif
save_tiff $tiff
rotate_brain_x 90
set tiff ${pre}_inf.tif
save_tiff $tiff
rotate_brain_x 180
set tiff ${pre}_sup.tif
save_tiff $tiff
rotate_brain_y 270
set tiff ${pre}_front.tif
save_tiff $tiff

Darren Weber wrote:


Hi Bruce etal,

I would like a short tcl script to rotate each hemisphere through all 
the main views (lateral, medial, dorsal, ventral, anterior, 
posterior) and output a graphics file with the name of the subject 
and the 

Re: [Freesurfer] autoreg-sess and spmregister-sess problem

2006-02-27 Thread Doug Greve

Hi Reza,

I need more information that you have supplied. Please look over the instructions in surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting 



Reza Rajimehr wrote:


In the FS-FAST analysis stream (dev environment), I used autoreg-sess
command as follows:

autoreg-sess -s mvp022106 -df df.txt

It successfully generated a register.dat file in the bold directory. Then
I used tkregister-sess as follows:

tkregister-sess -s mvp022106 -df df.txt -rsd t1epi

When tkregsiter window comes, the structural volume (anatomical T1) is OK
but t1epi volume is completely corrupted. However, running tkregister-sess
with '-rsd t1epi' generates another register.dat file in the directory
above the bold directory. When I use this register.dat file in the
tkregister-sess command, t1epi volume looks fine and almost in the
appropriate location as T1 volume.

I also tried spmregister-sess instead of autoreg-sess:

spmregister-sess -s mvp022106 -df df.txt -fsd bold

A register.dat file is generated by this command in the bold directory.
Then I used tkregister-sess as follows:

tkregsiter-sess -s mvp022106 -df df.txt -fsd bold

In the tkregsiter window, the functional volume looks fine but it is
largely displaced. I could finally register it manually.

I might do something wrong with autoreg-sess and spmregister-sess or is
there a bug for these commands?


Reza Rajimehr, MD

NMR Athinoula A. Martinos Center
Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
Building 149, 13th St.
Charlestown, MA 02129


Freesurfer mailing list


Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:

Freesurfer mailing list