Re: [Freesurfer] MNI305 to MNI152 coordinates

2013-11-14 Thread Anita van Loenhoud
It worked, thanks. I tried to invert it but the coordinates didn't fully
correspond; I must have made an error. Thanks for helping me out!
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Re: [Freesurfer] Error when using --mask flag in mri_glmfit

2013-11-14 Thread Suzanne Oosterwijk
Hi Doug,

Thanks for the code, this works. Nevertheless, I am a bit unsure about
whether the masks that are used as input into this command are correct. I
like to check all the stages of the process and when I open the mask.mgh
file within the appropriate glm folder, the segmentation is totally off
(the putamen is somewhere in the OFC). Furthermore, even though the file
that holds the output cluster from the Monte Carlo simulation
(mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.cluster.mgh) seems correct, the segmentation file that
I use as input into the mri_segstats command is also totally off
(mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh) when I load it in tkmedit. Am I loading it
incorrectly as a segmentation? Does this have anything to do with the fact
that you advised me to use the 2mm version fsaverage/mri.2mm/aseg.mgz?
Should I adapt for that in my tkmedit command?

Finally, I also run into a problem with the nucleus accumbens specifically.
For some reason I get an error when I run the glmfit and mc simulation
within this specific mask. First I make the mask:

mri_binarize --match 26 --i

Then I run glmfit:

set labels = (accumb)
foreach label ($labels)
mri_glmfit --y ces.nii.gz --osgm --glmdir glm.${label} --mask
mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir glm.${label} --sim mc-z 1 2.3 mc-z.pos.23.lh
--sim-sign pos

But I get an error saying:

FWHM = -nan
ERROR: input FWHM is NaN (not a number).
  Check the mask in the glm directory.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thanks again!


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 12:04 AM, Douglas N Greve

 Hi Suzanne, there is probably an easier way to do this. If you create
 contrasts of each condition vs baseline then run isxconcat-sess on each,
 you can then run something like

 mri_segstats --seg mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh --i condition1.nii.gz
 --avgwf condition1.table.dat --excludeid 0

 where condition1.nii.gz is the output of isxconcat-sess for condition 1.
 The output fo mri_segstats will be condition1.table.dat which will have a
 row for each subject and a column for each of the clusters


 On 11/01/2013 09:51 AM, Suzanne Oosterwijk wrote:

 Hello again,

 I am stuck again in my analysis and I am not sure that my code is right.
 I want to do the following. With a Monte Carlo simulation I search for
 significant clusters within a particular ROI in my all conditions vs
 baseline contrast. Then I want to translate this functional cluster to each
 individuals native space (as a label) and extract percent signal change for
 each condition separately from that label. This is no problem in my surface
 analysis, but I am not sure how to do this in the volume. I ran the Monte
 Carlo simulation within the mask, which provides a segmentation called
 mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh. I assume that this would be the label that
 would go into mri_vol2vol to translate the cluster to native space. I found
 on the website, however, that you need to use tkregister first. So I used
 the following code, but I am doubtful about whether I am doing this right.

 tkregister2 --mov /home/sooster1/Desktop/FALSE_FEEDBACK_imaging/DATA/
 /omnibus/glm.amygdala/osgm/mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh --s ff_01_030512
 --regheader --reg ff_01_030512/register.dat --surf

 The results of this command do not look good at all(see attached
 image). The cluster in the -mov file does not overlap with the amygdala.
 For the next step, I assumed to use mri_vol2vol to save the cluster as a
 native space label, although I'd like to make sure the first step is
 correct before continuing with this step.

 mri_vol2vol --mov /home/sooster1/Desktop/FALSE_FEEDBACK_imaging/DATA/

 /omnibus/glm.amygdala/osgm/mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh --reg
 ff_01_030512/register.dat --fstarg --interp nearest --o
 ff_01_030512/label/lh.amygdala.imact.mgz --s ff_01_030512

 What am I missing? Is the translation off because I did something wrong,
 or does that point to a deeper issue?

 Any help is much appreciated!


 On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:

 Hi suzanne, you'll need to use the 2mm version

 On 10/29/2013 11:46 AM, Suzanne Oosterwijk wrote:
  Hello all,
  I want to run a Monte Carlo simulation within a volume ROI and I am
  running into a problem when I use the --mask flag while running
  glmfit. My question is very similar to the question asked in
  [Freesurfer] Volume-based Monte Carlo Restricted to a within mask
  area but I could not find 

[Freesurfer] Is transformation matrix in .nii (nifti) header applied by FS?

2013-11-14 Thread cabe

I have a question regarding nifti (.nii) input files. I have .nii image
files, which are aligned to AC-PC with SPM. The actual (original) data in
this file is not changed, but the transformation matrix is saved in the
.nii file.

When displaying the freesurfer reconstructed results with tkmedit, the
images are tilted (AC-PC aligned). So it seems that freesurfer reads and
applies the transformation saved in the nii file.

Is that true? and if yes at which step?

When using the recon-all -i command to create the starting folders and mgz
files before starting the actual freesurfer processing, is the
transformation matrix used to realign the images during this first
process, and the following processing is done on the reoriented image? or
is it just used for display? Or is the fact that the image appears tilted
a result of the Talairach transform and the nii header was not read at

I am asking because, I have subjects which were SPM aligned, and subject
which were not. I am wondering if it makes any difference, since due to an
initial reorientation data will be interpolated and maybe a bit smoothed,
compared to data which was not aligned before.

Does anybody have any experience with that and a feeling if an
reorientation beforehand would have an effect on the outcome for cortical
thickness maesures?

Thaks for any comments,

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Re: [Freesurfer] Linux recon-all error

2013-11-14 Thread Alan Francis
Hi Krista:

You may want to update tcsh. You can do this by using SUDO and 'yum update'.



On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:42 AM, krista kelly krista.kell...@gmail.comwrote:


 I'm running freesurfer's recon-all using Linux and the past few subjects
 I've run, recon-all has exited with errors. I've ran a few subjects so far
 with no problems, and now all of a sudden there's an issue and I can't
 figure out why. I have been able to run these problem'  subjects using
 Linux on other computers with no issues, so it can't be a raw data issue. I
 have pasted the terminal window text below. If anyone has any idea why this
 is occurring, I'd love to know!


 Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
 FREESURFER_HOME   /usr/local/freesurfer
 FSFAST_HOME   /usr/local/freesurfer/fsfast
 SUBJECTS_DIR  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
 MNI_DIR   /usr/local/freesurfer/mni

 Freesurfer Virtual Machine
 sudo password: freesurfer

 fsuser@xubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ recon-all -all -qcache -notal-check -cw256
 -subjid BV33 -i ~/Desktop/nii.gzs/BV33.nii.gz

 WARNING: tcsh v6.17.06 has an exit code bug! Please update tcsh!

 Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-pub-v5.3.0
 Current Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-pub-v5.3.0
 INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
 Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
 Linux xubuntu-VirtualBox 3.2.0-55-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 2
 13:43:27 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
 -cw256 option is now persistent (remove with -clean-cw256)

  mri_convert /home/fsuser/Desktop/nii.gzs/BV33.nii.gz

 mri_convert /home/fsuser/Desktop/nii.gzs/BV33.nii.gz
 $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
 reading from /home/fsuser/Desktop/nii.gzs/BV33.nii.gz...
 TR=1900.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
 i_ras = (0.999683, 0.0209404, 0.0139622)
 j_ras = (-0.0209424, 0.999781, 0)
 k_ras = (-0.0139591, -0.000292399, 0.03)
 writing to /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig/001.mgz...
 #@# MotionCor Thu Nov 14 10:28:28 EST 2013
 Found 1 runs
 Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
 WARNING: only one run found. This is OK, but motion
 correction cannot be performed on one run, so I'll
 copy the run to rawavg and continue.

  cp /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig/001.mgz


  mri_convert /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/rawavg.mgz
 /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig.mgz --conform --cw256

 mri_convert /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/rawavg.mgz
 /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig.mgz --conform --cw256
 $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
 reading from /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/rawavg.mgz...
 TR=1900.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
 i_ras = (0.999683, 0.0209404, 0.0139622)
 j_ras = (-0.0209424, 0.999781, 0)
 k_ras = (-0.0139591, -0.000292399, 0.03)
 Original Data has (1, 1, 1) mm size and (176, 230, 175) voxels.
 Data is conformed to 1 mm size and 256 voxels for all directions
 changing data type from float to uchar (noscale = 0)...
 MRIchangeType: Building histogram
 Reslicing using trilinear interpolation
 writing to /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig.mgz...

  mri_add_xform_to_header -c

 INFO: extension is mgz
 #@# Talairach Thu Nov 14 10:28:40 EST 2013

  mri_nu_correct.mni --n 1 --proto-iters 1000 --distance 50 --no-rescale
 --i orig.mgz --o orig_nu.mgz

 Linux xubuntu-VirtualBox 3.2.0-55-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 2
 13:43:27 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

 recon-all -s BV33 exited with ERRORS at Thu Nov 14 10:29:51 EST 2013

 For more details, see the log file
 To report a problem, see

 fsuser@xubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ open
 Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console

 Freesurfer mailing list

 The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it
 addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the

[Freesurfer] Linux recon-all error

2013-11-14 Thread krista kelly

I'm running freesurfer's recon-all using Linux and the past few subjects
I've run, recon-all has exited with errors. I've ran a few subjects so far
with no problems, and now all of a sudden there's an issue and I can't
figure out why. I have been able to run these problem'  subjects using
Linux on other computers with no issues, so it can't be a raw data issue. I
have pasted the terminal window text below. If anyone has any idea why this
is occurring, I'd love to know!


Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
FREESURFER_HOME   /usr/local/freesurfer
FSFAST_HOME   /usr/local/freesurfer/fsfast
SUBJECTS_DIR  /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
MNI_DIR   /usr/local/freesurfer/mni

Freesurfer Virtual Machine
sudo password: freesurfer

fsuser@xubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ recon-all -all -qcache -notal-check -cw256
-subjid BV33 -i ~/Desktop/nii.gzs/BV33.nii.gz

WARNING: tcsh v6.17.06 has an exit code bug! Please update tcsh!

Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-pub-v5.3.0
Current Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-pub-v5.3.0
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
Linux xubuntu-VirtualBox 3.2.0-55-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 2 13:43:27
UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
-cw256 option is now persistent (remove with -clean-cw256)

 mri_convert /home/fsuser/Desktop/nii.gzs/BV33.nii.gz

mri_convert /home/fsuser/Desktop/nii.gzs/BV33.nii.gz
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
reading from /home/fsuser/Desktop/nii.gzs/BV33.nii.gz...
TR=1900.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (0.999683, 0.0209404, 0.0139622)
j_ras = (-0.0209424, 0.999781, 0)
k_ras = (-0.0139591, -0.000292399, 0.03)
writing to /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig/001.mgz...
#@# MotionCor Thu Nov 14 10:28:28 EST 2013
Found 1 runs
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
WARNING: only one run found. This is OK, but motion
correction cannot be performed on one run, so I'll
copy the run to rawavg and continue.

 cp /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig/001.mgz


 mri_convert /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/rawavg.mgz
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig.mgz --conform --cw256

mri_convert /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/rawavg.mgz
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig.mgz --conform --cw256
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
reading from /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/rawavg.mgz...
TR=1900.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (0.999683, 0.0209404, 0.0139622)
j_ras = (-0.0209424, 0.999781, 0)
k_ras = (-0.0139591, -0.000292399, 0.03)
Original Data has (1, 1, 1) mm size and (176, 230, 175) voxels.
Data is conformed to 1 mm size and 256 voxels for all directions
changing data type from float to uchar (noscale = 0)...
MRIchangeType: Building histogram
Reslicing using trilinear interpolation
writing to /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/BV33/mri/orig.mgz...

 mri_add_xform_to_header -c

INFO: extension is mgz
#@# Talairach Thu Nov 14 10:28:40 EST 2013

 mri_nu_correct.mni --n 1 --proto-iters 1000 --distance 50 --no-rescale --i
orig.mgz --o orig_nu.mgz

Linux xubuntu-VirtualBox 3.2.0-55-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 2 13:43:27
UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

recon-all -s BV33 exited with ERRORS at Thu Nov 14 10:29:51 EST 2013

For more details, see the log file
To report a problem, see

fsuser@xubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ open
Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console
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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] Re global lgi values

2013-11-14 Thread Anna Jonsson
Thank you. Can I then use

aparcstats2table --subjects  --hemi lh --meas thickness --parc
lh.aparc.pial_lgi.stats --tablefile aparc_lgi_lh.txt to get all the
values in 1 tablefile or should I use other command?

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Douglas N Greve

 yes and yes

 On 11/13/2013 12:04 PM, Anna Jonsson wrote:

 Thank you very much. By second I assume you mean second row? And out of
 the values on the second row it must be the value 2.9472? Is it headed by
 Area_mm2 or Mean? And what are the units?

 Thanks again

 On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:

 that looks correct. It is the 2nd number you want. The first is
 for the
 medial wall (not interesting). You can have it report only for
 cortex by
 adding --id 1


 On 11/13/2013 11:45 AM, Anna Jonsson wrote:
  Dear list,
  I have a question about extracting global lgi values/hemisphere. I
  think I have managed to do it correctly using :
mri_segstats --slabel subj lh
 $SUBJECTS_DIR/subj/label/lh.cortex --i
 $SUBJECTS_DIR/subj/surf/lh.pial_lgi --sum lh.aparc.pial_lgi.stats
  (Please let me know if this is not correct)
  I then get this output ( for each individual)
ColHeaders  Index SegId NVertices Area_mm2 StructName Mean
 StdDev Min Max Range
 1   0  7953 5220.0  Seg 2.4055 0.4052
  1.5796 2.9763 1.3967
 2   1156737   101379.9  Seg0001 2.9472   0.9038
  1.7030 6.0007 4.2977
  I assume one of these values (if above command has worked
 correctly) contains the mean lgi value for the left hemisphere.
 Can somebody please tell me which of the above values is the
 correct lgi value? Additionally, what units are lgi measured in,
 and are values between 1-5 what is considered normal?
  Thank you very much
  Freesurfer mailing list

 Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
 MGH-NMR Center
 Phone Number: 617-724-2358 tel:617-724-2358
 Fax: 617-726-7422 tel:617-726-7422



 Freesurfer mailing list

 The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to
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 addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and
 the e-mail
 contains patient information, please contact the Partners
 Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to
 you in error
 but does not contain patient information, please contact the
 sender and properly
 dispose of the e-mail.

 Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
 MGH-NMR Center
 Phone Number: 617-724-2358
 Fax: 617-726-7422


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The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
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Re: [Freesurfer] T2pial/FLAIRpial processing issues

2013-11-14 Thread Matt Glasser
To fix the second problem, why not reorient the T2w image so the image axes
are oriented in the way that FreeSurfer expects?



From:  Martijn Steenwijk
Date:  Thursday, November 14, 2013 8:13 AM
To:  freesurfer
Cc:  Veronica Popescu, Hugo Vrenken
Subject:  [Freesurfer] T2pial/FLAIRpial processing issues

Dear all,

There seem to be some serious issues with the T2pial / FLAIRpial processing
options provided in the latest versions of FreeSurfer.

First of all, although not clearly documented, T2pial / FLAIRpial processing
does require the FSLDIR to be set (in order to use bbregister with
--init-fsl). If not set,  recon-all will finish just without using the T2 or
FLAIR information. Importantly, no clear warning about this is given
although the user expects that T2/FLAIR has been used for pial surface
refinement. I think this is a very easy source of errors, so it might be a
good idea to just throw an error when FSLDIR is missing and T2pial/FLAIRpial
processing is requested.

Second, if FSLDIR has been set. T2pial/FLAIRpial uses bbregister with FLIRT
initialisation to align the T2 or FLAIR image to orig.mgz. However, we have
some high-res 3DFLAIR data in which this registration (more specifially, the
FLIRT initialisation step of bbregister) seems to fail in more than half of
the cases. Apparently, the FSL initialisation is not capable to change the
orientation such that it fits to the coordinate system used for orig.mgz.
Again, no warning or error is thrown, but the processing just continues with
the wrong registration and without noticing the results will get worse
compared to not using T2 or FLAIR.
Although I know its essential to look at the output data; would it be
possible to put some effort in letting the user know that things got wrong?

As a sidenote; I tried to fix this registration issue, but it seems to be
very complicated using bbregister (other than just inserting my own
registration obtained by using FLIRT to register native FLAIR to native T1,
and subsequently transform the result to Freesurfer space in order to obtain

___ Freesurfer mailing list The information
in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If
you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail contains
patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in
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Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
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dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] T2pial/FLAIRpial processing issues

2013-11-14 Thread Bruce Fischl

Hi Martijn

we can print warning and errors if FSLDIR is not set, but the registration 
errros seem to be mostly a flirt issue, no? Have you posted on the FSL 


On Thu, 14 Nov 2013, 
Martijn Steenwijk wrote:

Dear all,
There seem to be some serious issues with the T2pial / FLAIRpial processing
options provided in the latest versions of FreeSurfer. 

First of all, although not clearly documented, T2pial / FLAIRpial processing
does require the FSLDIR to be set (in order to use bbregister with
--init-fsl). If not set,  recon-all will finish just without using the T2 or
FLAIR information. Importantly, no clear warning about this is given
although the user expects that T2/FLAIR has been used for pial surface
refinement. I think this is a very easy source of errors, so it might be a
good idea to just throw an error when FSLDIR is missing and T2pial/FLAIRpial
processing is requested.

Second, if FSLDIR has been set. T2pial/FLAIRpial uses bbregister with FLIRT
initialisation to align the T2 or FLAIR image to orig.mgz. However, we have
some high-res 3DFLAIR data in which this registration (more specifially, the
FLIRT initialisation step of bbregister) seems to fail in more than half of
the cases. Apparently, the FSL initialisation is not capable to change the
orientation such that it fits to the coordinate system used for orig.mgz.
Again, no warning or error is thrown, but the processing just continues with
the wrong registration and without noticing the results will get worse
compared to not using T2 or FLAIR. 
Although I know its essential to look at the output data; would it be
possible to put some effort in letting the user know that things got wrong?

As a sidenote; I tried to fix this registration issue, but it seems to be
very complicated using bbregister (other than just inserting my own
registration obtained by using FLIRT to register native FLAIR to native T1,
and subsequently transform the result to Freesurfer space in order to obtain


Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

Re: [Freesurfer] T2pial/FLAIRpial processing issues

2013-11-14 Thread Martijn Steenwijk
Hi Matt, Bruce,

The problems are indeed a flirt issue, but given that it's programmed with
--init-fsl there is not much flexibility.

However, from a FS point of view, it might be a better and more robust
approach to first register FLAIRraw.mgz to raw.mgz, and then concatenate
the resulting registration with the (header based) registration from
raw.mgz to orig.mgz - instead of trusting the robustness of either
registration algorithms.

... or, as Matt suggests, fix the image axes appropriately after converting
the FLAIR to mgz, and then run the registration. But I'm not sure how to do


On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Bruce Fischl fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.eduwrote:

 Hi Martijn

 we can print warning and errors if FSLDIR is not set, but the registration
 errros seem to be mostly a flirt issue, no? Have you posted on the FSL list?


 On Thu, 14 Nov 2013, Martijn Steenwijk wrote:

  Dear all,
 There seem to be some serious issues with the T2pial / FLAIRpial
 options provided in the latest versions of FreeSurfer.

 First of all, although not clearly documented, T2pial / FLAIRpial
 does require the FSLDIR to be set (in order to use bbregister with
 --init-fsl). If not set,  recon-all will finish just without using the T2
 FLAIR information. Importantly, no clear warning about this is given
 although the user expects that T2/FLAIR has been used for pial surface
 refinement. I think this is a very easy source of errors, so it might be a
 good idea to just throw an error when FSLDIR is missing and
 processing is requested.

 Second, if FSLDIR has been set. T2pial/FLAIRpial uses bbregister with
 initialisation to align the T2 or FLAIR image to orig.mgz. However, we
 some high-res 3DFLAIR data in which this registration (more specifially,
 FLIRT initialisation step of bbregister) seems to fail in more than half
 the cases. Apparently, the FSL initialisation is not capable to change the
 orientation such that it fits to the coordinate system used for orig.mgz.
 Again, no warning or error is thrown, but the processing just continues
 the wrong registration and without noticing the results will get worse
 compared to not using T2 or FLAIR.
 Although I know its essential to look at the output data; would it be
 possible to put some effort in letting the user know that things got

 As a sidenote; I tried to fix this registration issue, but it seems to be
 very complicated using bbregister (other than just inserting my own
 registration obtained by using FLIRT to register native FLAIR to native
 and subsequently transform the result to Freesurfer space in order to


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Re: [Freesurfer] T2pial/FLAIRpial processing issues

2013-11-14 Thread Matt Glasser
I think you can do it with mri_convert ­rl.  I don't think it makes sense to
expect FLIRT to get the registration right reliably if the axes are off (in
the HCP Pipelines we definitely don't expect this and make sure all images
are RPI before processing them).



From:  Martijn Steenwijk
Date:  Thursday, November 14, 2013 9:27 AM
To:  Bruce Fischl
Cc:  Veronica Popescu, Hugo Vrenken,
Subject:  Re: [Freesurfer] T2pial/FLAIRpial processing issues

Hi Matt, Bruce, 

The problems are indeed a flirt issue, but given that it's programmed with
--init-fsl there is not much flexibility.

However, from a FS point of view, it might be a better and more robust
approach to first register FLAIRraw.mgz to raw.mgz, and then concatenate the
resulting registration with the (header based) registration from raw.mgz to
orig.mgz - instead of trusting the robustness of either registration

... or, as Matt suggests, fix the image axes appropriately after converting
the FLAIR to mgz, and then run the registration. But I'm not sure how to do


On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Bruce Fischl
 Hi Martijn
 we can print warning and errors if FSLDIR is not set, but the registration
 errros seem to be mostly a flirt issue, no? Have you posted on the FSL list?
 On Thu, 14 Nov 2013, Martijn Steenwijk wrote:
 Dear all,
 There seem to be some serious issues with the T2pial / FLAIRpial processing
 options provided in the latest versions of FreeSurfer.
 First of all, although not clearly documented, T2pial / FLAIRpial processing
 does require the FSLDIR to be set (in order to use bbregister with
 --init-fsl). If not set,  recon-all will finish just without using the T2 or
 FLAIR information. Importantly, no clear warning about this is given
 although the user expects that T2/FLAIR has been used for pial surface
 refinement. I think this is a very easy source of errors, so it might be a
 good idea to just throw an error when FSLDIR is missing and T2pial/FLAIRpial
 processing is requested.
 Second, if FSLDIR has been set. T2pial/FLAIRpial uses bbregister with FLIRT
 initialisation to align the T2 or FLAIR image to orig.mgz. However, we have
 some high-res 3DFLAIR data in which this registration (more specifially, the
 FLIRT initialisation step of bbregister) seems to fail in more than half of
 the cases. Apparently, the FSL initialisation is not capable to change the
 orientation such that it fits to the coordinate system used for orig.mgz.
 Again, no warning or error is thrown, but the processing just continues with
 the wrong registration and without noticing the results will get worse
 compared to not using T2 or FLAIR.
 Although I know its essential to look at the output data; would it be
 possible to put some effort in letting the user know that things got wrong?
 As a sidenote; I tried to fix this registration issue, but it seems to be
 very complicated using bbregister (other than just inserting my own
 registration obtained by using FLIRT to register native FLAIR to native T1,
 and subsequently transform the result to Freesurfer space in order to obtain
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Re: [Freesurfer] T2pial/FLAIRpial processing issues

2013-11-14 Thread Bruce Fischl

Hi Matt

hopefully Doug will chime in, but I don't see why that is the case. We 
preserve all the RAS information when we conform, so the info should be 
there for flirt


On Thu, 14 Nov 2013, Matt Glasser wrote:

I think you can do it with mri_convert ?rl.  I don't think it makes sense to
expect FLIRT to get the registration right reliably if the axes are off (in
the HCP Pipelines we definitely don't expect this and make sure all images
are RPI before processing them).



From: Martijn Steenwijk
Date: Thursday, November 14, 2013 9:27 AM
To: Bruce Fischl
Cc: Veronica Popescu, Hugo Vrenken,
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] T2pial/FLAIRpial processing issues

Hi Matt, Bruce, 
The problems are indeed a flirt issue, but given that it's programmed with
--init-fsl there is not much flexibility. 

However, from a FS point of view, it might be a better and more robust
approach to first register FLAIRraw.mgz to raw.mgz, and then concatenate the
resulting registration with the (header based) registration from raw.mgz to
orig.mgz - instead of trusting the robustness of either registration

... or, as Matt suggests, fix the image axes appropriately after converting
the FLAIR to mgz, and then run the registration. But I'm not sure how to do


On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Bruce Fischl
  Hi Martijn

  we can print warning and errors if FSLDIR is not set, but the
  registration errros seem to be mostly a flirt issue, no? Have
  you posted on the FSL list?


  On Thu, 14 Nov 2013, Martijn Steenwijk wrote:

Dear all,
There seem to be some serious issues with the T2pial
/ FLAIRpial processing
options provided in the latest versions of

First of all, although not clearly documented,
T2pial / FLAIRpial processing
does require the FSLDIR to be set (in order to use
bbregister with
--init-fsl). If not set,  recon-all will
finish just without using the T2 or
FLAIR information. Importantly, no clear warning
about this is given
although the user expects that T2/FLAIR has been
used for pial surface
refinement. I think this is a very easy source of
errors, so it might be a
good idea to just throw an error when FSLDIR is
missing and T2pial/FLAIRpial
processing is requested.

Second, if FSLDIR has been set. T2pial/FLAIRpial
uses bbregister with FLIRT
initialisation to align the T2 or FLAIR image to
orig.mgz. However, we have
some high-res 3DFLAIR data in which this
registration (more specifially, the
FLIRT initialisation step of bbregister) seems to
fail in more than half of
the cases. Apparently, the FSL initialisation is not
capable to change the
orientation such that it fits to the coordinate
system used for orig.mgz.
Again, no warning or error is thrown, but the
processing just continues with
the wrong registration and without noticing the
results will get worse
compared to not using T2 or FLAIR. 
Although I know its essential to look at the output
data; would it be
possible to put some effort in letting the user know
that things got wrong?

As a sidenote; I tried to fix this registration
issue, but it seems to be
very complicated using bbregister (other than just
inserting my own
registration obtained by using FLIRT to register
native FLAIR to native T1,
and subsequently transform the result to Freesurfer
space in order to obtain


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Re: [Freesurfer] Re global lgi values

2013-11-14 Thread Douglas N Greve
I think it would be

--parc  aparc.pial_lgi


On 11/14/2013 11:27 AM, Anna Jonsson wrote:
 Thank you. Can I then use
 aparcstats2table --subjects  --hemi lh --meas thickness --parc  
 lh.aparc.pial_lgi.stats --tablefile aparc_lgi_lh.txt to get all the values in 
 1 tablefile or should I use other command?

 On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:

 yes and yes

 On 11/13/2013 12:04 PM, Anna Jonsson wrote:

 Thank you very much. By second I assume you mean second row?
 And out of the values on the second row it must be the value
 2.9472? Is it headed by Area_mm2 or Mean? And what are the units?

 Thanks again

 On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:

 that looks correct. It is the 2nd number you want. The
 first is
 for the
 medial wall (not interesting). You can have it report only for
 cortex by
 adding --id 1


 On 11/13/2013 11:45 AM, Anna Jonsson wrote:
  Dear list,
  I have a question about extracting global lgi
 values/hemisphere. I
  think I have managed to do it correctly using :
mri_segstats --slabel subj lh
 $SUBJECTS_DIR/subj/label/lh.cortex --i
 $SUBJECTS_DIR/subj/surf/lh.pial_lgi --sum
  (Please let me know if this is not correct)
  I then get this output ( for each individual)
ColHeaders  Index SegId NVertices Area_mm2 StructName Mean
 StdDev Min Max Range
 1   0  7953 5220.0  Seg 2.4055 0.4052
 tel:2.4055%20%20%200.40521.5796 2.9763 1.3967
 2   1156737   101379.9  Seg0001 2.9472   0.9038  
  1.7030 6.0007 4.2977
  I assume one of these values (if above command has worked
 correctly) contains the mean lgi value for the left
 Can somebody please tell me which of the above values is the
 correct lgi value? Additionally, what units are lgi
 measured in,
 and are values between 1-5 what is considered normal?
  Thank you very much
  Freesurfer mailing list

 Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
 MGH-NMR Center
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 Fax: 617-726-7422 tel:617-726-7422 tel:617-726-7422



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Re: [Freesurfer] qdec

2013-11-14 Thread Douglas N Greve
The non-gui verion is to run mri_glmfit from the command line:)

On 11/13/2013 05:23 PM, dgw wrote:

 I sent the message below yesterday. I can confirm that I am also having 
 problems visualizing with qdec using the standard nmr center install over nx. 
 Everytime I click generate stats table, I get the error below. Is there a 
 non-gui version, which I can use? Does anyone have a way to use this over nx 
 or vnc?

 Thank You,

 I am having trouble running qdec over an NX session. I downloaded a 
 FreeSurfer installation (5.3.0) to a network drive 
 (/cluster/neuromind/dwakeman/software/freesurfer/). The installation has no 
 trouble running recon-all; however, when I try to run qdec, I get vtk errors 
 (see below):

 /usr/pubsw/packages/KWWidgets/CVS-vtk560/KWWidgets/vtkKWTkUtilities.cxx, line 
 230 vtkKWQdecApp (0x27454520):
 vtkTemp2 GenerateStatsDataTables
   Returned Error on line 1:
 Uncaught exception: command failed: asegstats2table --common-segs --meas 
 volume --tablefile 
  --statsfile=aseg.stats --subjects ead_01 ead_02 ead_03 ead_04 ead_11 ead_12 
 ead_13 ead_14

 Stack trace:
 Uncaught exception: command failed: asegstats2table --common-segs --meas 
 volume --tablefile 
  --statsfile=aseg.stats --subjects ead_01 ead_02 ead_03 ead_04 ead_11 ead_12 
 ead_13 ead_14

   while executing
 vtkTemp2 GenerateStatsDataTables told me that I shouldn't need vglrun (as indicated 
 on the wiki). Is there something I need to do to fix the installation, or do 
 I need vglrun?

 Thank You,
 Dan Wakeman

 Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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Re: [Freesurfer] Error when using --mask flag in mri_glmfit

2013-11-14 Thread Douglas N Greve
What is your tkmedit command used to view the segmentation?

On 11/14/2013 07:10 AM, Suzanne Oosterwijk wrote:
 Hi Doug,

 Thanks for the code, this works. Nevertheless, I am a bit unsure about 
 whether the masks that are used as input into this command are 
 correct. I like to check all the stages of the process and when I open 
 the mask.mgh file within the appropriate glm folder, the segmentation 
 is totally off (the putamen is somewhere in the OFC). Furthermore, 
 even though the file that holds the output cluster from the Monte 
 Carlo simulation (mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.cluster.mgh) seems correct, the 
 segmentation file that I use as input into the mri_segstats command is 
 also totally off (mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh) when I load it in 
 tkmedit. Am I loading it incorrectly as a segmentation? Does this have 
 anything to do with the fact that you advised me to use the 2mm 
 version fsaverage/mri.2mm/aseg.mgz? Should I adapt for that in my 
 tkmedit command?

 Finally, I also run into a problem with the nucleus accumbens 
 specifically. For some reason I get an error when I run the glmfit and 
 mc simulation within this specific mask. First I make the mask:

 mri_binarize --match 26 --i 

 Then I run glmfit:

 set labels = (accumb)
 foreach label ($labels)
 mri_glmfit --y ces.nii.gz --osgm --glmdir glm.${label} --mask 
 mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir glm.${label} --sim mc-z 1 2.3 
 mc-z.pos.23.lh --sim-sign pos

 But I get an error saying:

 FWHM = -nan
 ERROR: input FWHM is NaN (not a number).
   Check the mask in the glm directory.

 Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

 Thanks again!


 On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 12:04 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:

 Hi Suzanne, there is probably an easier way to do this. If you
 create contrasts of each condition vs baseline then run
 isxconcat-sess on each, you can then run something like

 mri_segstats --seg mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh --i
 condition1.nii.gz --avgwf condition1.table.dat --excludeid 0

 where condition1.nii.gz is the output of isxconcat-sess for
 condition 1. The output fo mri_segstats will be
 condition1.table.dat which will have a row for each subject and a
 column for each of the clusters


 On 11/01/2013 09:51 AM, Suzanne Oosterwijk wrote:

 Hello again,

 I am stuck again in my analysis and I am not sure that my code
 is right. I want to do the following. With a Monte Carlo
 simulation I search for significant clusters within a
 particular ROI in my all conditions vs baseline contrast. Then
 I want to translate this functional cluster to each
 individuals native space (as a label) and extract percent
 signal change for each condition separately from that label.
 This is no problem in my surface analysis, but I am not sure
 how to do this in the volume. I ran the Monte Carlo simulation
 within the mask, which provides a segmentation called
 mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh. I assume that this would be the
 label that would go into mri_vol2vol to translate the cluster
 to native space. I found on the website, however, that you
 need to use tkregister first. So I used the following code,
 but I am doubtful about whether I am doing this right.

 tkregister2 --mov
 /omnibus/glm.amygdala/osgm/mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh --s
 ff_01_030512 --regheader --reg ff_01_030512/register.dat --surf

 The results of this command do not look good at all(see
 attached image). The cluster in the -mov file does not overlap
 with the amygdala. For the next step, I assumed to use
 mri_vol2vol to save the cluster as a native space label,
 although I'd like to make sure the first step is correct
 before continuing with this step.

 mri_vol2vol --mov

 /omnibus/glm.amygdala/osgm/mc-z.pos.23.lh.sig.ocn.mgh --reg
 ff_01_030512/register.dat --fstarg --interp nearest --o
 ff_01_030512/label/lh.amygdala.imact.mgz --s ff_01_030512

 What am I missing? Is the translation off because I did
 something wrong, or does that point to a deeper issue?

 Any help is much appreciated!


 On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Douglas N Greve

Re: [Freesurfer] Is transformation matrix in .nii (nifti) header applied by FS?

2013-11-14 Thread Douglas N Greve

There are two matrices in the nifti file (qform and sform). By default 
we use the qform. The qform is 6 dof and so is probably not appropriate 
for your talairach transform. Bottom line is that the sform is probably 
being ignored.


On 11/14/2013 07:18 AM, wrote:

 I have a question regarding nifti (.nii) input files. I have .nii image
 files, which are aligned to AC-PC with SPM. The actual (original) data in
 this file is not changed, but the transformation matrix is saved in the
 .nii file.

 When displaying the freesurfer reconstructed results with tkmedit, the
 images are tilted (AC-PC aligned). So it seems that freesurfer reads and
 applies the transformation saved in the nii file.

 Is that true? and if yes at which step?

 When using the recon-all -i command to create the starting folders and mgz
 files before starting the actual freesurfer processing, is the
 transformation matrix used to realign the images during this first
 process, and the following processing is done on the reoriented image? or
 is it just used for display? Or is the fact that the image appears tilted
 a result of the Talairach transform and the nii header was not read at

 I am asking because, I have subjects which were SPM aligned, and subject
 which were not. I am wondering if it makes any difference, since due to an
 initial reorientation data will be interpolated and maybe a bit smoothed,
 compared to data which was not aligned before.

 Does anybody have any experience with that and a feeling if an
 reorientation beforehand would have an effect on the outcome for cortical
 thickness maesures?

 Thaks for any comments,

 Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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Re: [Freesurfer] Is transformation matrix in .nii (nifti) header applied by FS?

2013-11-14 Thread Douglas N Greve
you will see some differences due to reslicing and interpolation. These 
differences should be somewhat random, so they might be difficult to 
detect in a group analysis. But in general, you should treat all your 
data the same.

On 11/14/2013 03:40 PM, wrote:
 thanks, that was already helpful.

 But does the fact that the transformation is carried out affect the results?
 I mean, the images has to be resliced and interpolated during this
 transformation. So intensities change slightly. If i would process the
 same subject, once with and once without an reorientation in the beginning
 as start input data, would you expect a difference?

 Or in other words, if you would compare groups, where one group was AC-PC
 aligned with SPM before freesurfer processing and the other was not, could
 any of the differences be attributed to the different input files
 (transformation matrix in the nii header).


 There are two matrices in the nifti file (qform and sform). By default
 we use the qform. The qform is 6 dof and so is probably not appropriate
 for your talairach transform. Bottom line is that the sform is probably
 being ignored.


 On 11/14/2013 07:18 AM, wrote:

 I have a question regarding nifti (.nii) input files. I have .nii image
 files, which are aligned to AC-PC with SPM. The actual (original) data
 this file is not changed, but the transformation matrix is saved in the
 .nii file.

 When displaying the freesurfer reconstructed results with tkmedit, the
 images are tilted (AC-PC aligned). So it seems that freesurfer reads and
 applies the transformation saved in the nii file.

 Is that true? and if yes at which step?

 When using the recon-all -i command to create the starting folders and
 files before starting the actual freesurfer processing, is the
 transformation matrix used to realign the images during this first
 process, and the following processing is done on the reoriented image?
 is it just used for display? Or is the fact that the image appears
 a result of the Talairach transform and the nii header was not read at

 I am asking because, I have subjects which were SPM aligned, and subject
 which were not. I am wondering if it makes any difference, since due to
 initial reorientation data will be interpolated and maybe a bit
 compared to data which was not aligned before.

 Does anybody have any experience with that and a feeling if an
 reorientation beforehand would have an effect on the outcome for
 thickness maesures?

 Thaks for any comments,

 Freesurfer mailing list

 Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
 MGH-NMR Center
 Phone Number: 617-724-2358
 Fax: 617-726-7422


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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] are there any previous studies on the robustness of freesurfer default parameters as used in cortical thickness computation?

2013-11-14 Thread Mark Alexiuk

My interest is in cortical thickness measurements for longitudinal Alzheimer 
data, namely the ADNI dataset.

My understanding is that recon-all can be used to generate cortical thicknesses.

I am trying to understand how the default parameter values used in recon-all 
were arrived at.

Are the default parameters optimized in some sense?
How robust are the default parameters with respect to the resulting cortical 
Will a small change in a parameter value result in a significant difference in 
some cortical thicknesses?

I was able to find the following and would appreciate references to good papers 
on this topic.

Excerpt from abstract:
Standard manual tracing and FreeSurfer-based analyses were performed in 77 
participants including 67 cognitively normal individuals and 10 individuals 
with early Alzheimer's disease
The manual and FreeSurfer approaches yielded nearly identical estimates of 
amyloid burden (intraclass correlation = 0.98) as assessed by the mean cortical 
binding potential.

Thanks for any forthcoming comments.
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[Freesurfer] Order of edits for longitudinal data

2013-11-14 Thread Rongxiang Tang
Dear All,

I was would like to double check the order of edits for longitudinal data. I 
did edits for my cross-sectional data, and for my base data, I did the 
1. skull strips edits (if necessary) 2. control points edits 3. white matter 
edits 4. pial edits 5.brain final surfs edits.
I was also wondering if correction for topological defects is needed for the 
base data.

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[Freesurfer] freesurfer5.3 version In CentOS5

2013-11-14 Thread Rujing Zha
Dear all,
In CentOS5,which freesurfer5.3 version(centos4 or centos6?) can be compatible?
All the best.


Rujing Zha___
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[Freesurfer] Export T1 volume and a set of points in the same space

2013-11-14 Thread Octavian Lie
Dear All,

I need to export a T1.mgz and  N points (Nx3 coordinates .mat file) of the
same volume in SPM12b. N are actually intracranial electrodes.
For this, I save T1.mgz as .nii prior to import into SPM.
Should I use volume index, volume RAS or surface RAS coordinates for N?
What other transforms I should apply to the .mat coordinate file so that
when read in SPM is in the same space as T1.nii?
Please advise,
Thank you,

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