Well, it's been a few months since I mentioned this project last here,
so here's an update over my last announcement (see

Things have improved a *lot* since the last time I mentioned it:

* Support for inbound calls (somehow last time that wasn't even
* Support for outbound calls
* Support for ringing agents on a softphone or ringing agents on a POTS
* A web interface for managing the system (managing agents, skills,
  queues, etc)
* A web interface for agents to manage their state (go released, go
  idle, indicate when they're done with wrapup, etc)

Along with a boatload of minor features and even more bugfixes.

This release is actually something you can play with without knowing
Erlang, we've even included a boot script to setup and run everything
for you. So, if you're interested in a distributed, fault tolerant
callcenter platform built on top of FreeSWITCH I invite you to check out
http://wiki.opencsm.org/wiki/index.php/Spice_Telephony , the rest of the
opencsm.org site and especially the other telephony pages on the wiki
and, if you're interested, please give it a try and let us know what you
think. Just remember that it's still very much a work in progress
(although I hope to be able to give a cool demo at ClueCon in August :) ).

Andrew Thompson - opencsm.org

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